Who are the superior Slavs?


Attached: Slavic_europe.png (680x520, 130K)

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B*lkans are not Slavs they are turks

Czechs, Slovenes, Slovaks, Croats, and Poles. Catholic slavs are best slavs

There's no such thing as slavs, it's all just a meme Tbh
Cutest poster on this board

when you think of slavs you usually have east slavs in your mind

they're slavs with western culture, that's why nobody cares or knows about them. at least orthodox slavs have their own unique culture

certainly not the butthurt belters.

russians on Jow Forums are usually more polite and level headed than most nationalities.

You forgot Central Slavs

Western Slavs DO have their own culture, you dumb krautnigger.

>orthodox slavs have their own unique culture
There's no common culture among the "orthodox" Slavic countries.

>implying that mass genocide of civilians isn't the defining common trait of all orthodox slavs

Makes me think...

Attached: huh.png (842x279, 26K)

Seems like Finnic slavs are doing good fight with german slavs, turkish slavs got none supporters

Attached: chain.jpg (600x300, 41K)

whichever one pic related came from

Attached: 1518873057165.jpg (1000x581, 230K)

Eastern Slavs have turkic and greek culture, slavic culture died with introduction of chr*stianity.

Thank god we have witcher.

Poles make sure everyone cares about them desu

I've survived Maidan, War in East and 300% devaluation of currency. and now I'm here in Florida wrestling with gators. Ukrainians for sure are the most based badass

I mean this is hardly even a question. Eastern Slavs are the only ones that have ever achieved anything

no one asked nazi collaborators
Geralt from Treblinka

anything is not the highest of goals to have Trofim


i love russians so east slavs

That must have sounded much smarter in you head

>nazi collaborators

We don't really don't want to be notices, but everybody seems to be obsessed with us.

Not our fault were full of fame. Success breeds jealousy.


East Slavs

-Most achievements
-Highest most independent culture

also the shittiest, it tells something.

The Portuguese.

Your dumb ass opinion tells us nothing