Happy 9/11 everyone :)

Happy 9/11 everyone :)

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They deserved it.

It’s still not 9/11 here

Well hopefully you'll get a 10/9 in the meantime. Have you tried attending your local public school today user :)

Was there a school shooting on October 9th ever or something?

We can hope :)


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I love flips


Death! Death! Death!


this is the album I was listening to as the first plane hit. I was on my way home from school.

Happy 9/11 America. Many more happy returns of the day.


Happy 9/11
May your guns always be loaded and emptied into your children

Did the nurses who worked during 9/11 sexually harass anyone by making fun of their penis sizes?

We did it bros!!

badabim badabum

One 9/11 wasn't enough

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Merry 11 9 Day!
How do int celebrate it?

too bad all the kikes had a coincidental "day off" that day.

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zoomer here. never knew the twin towers were this much of a beautiful landmark
how did new york even recover and why not create something equally as beautiful to enhance its panorama again?

zoomer here

>zoomer here

thx 18 years ago we has the best day ever

we had*

it means I experience modern and past age ongoings really fast to have any memory of them

I still remember things happening when I was 8 months old

>there are people on this board that don't rememeber 9/11

>there are probably people born after 9/11 here right now

makes me sick

I doubt that

Happy 9/11 Straya.

Happy birthday mr. president

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My mum verified my memories.
>the time when she left me inside the car because she went shopping, I was sweating, it was around 11am. I played with the dust flying around that was visible
>I remembered my first stroller was red stripes and was first time I was put on when we visit the zoo botanical garden around 4pm
We don't have any video cam but this memory is as clear as the sky in my head.