Do non asians eat this fruit? This is avocado of asia

Do non asians eat this fruit? This is avocado of asia

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What the fuck is that

I’m Asian and what the fuck is that?

(no, I've heard something about this fruit)

What's that?

Cute Lil cucumbers, only birds eat the seeds.

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That looks like bitter melons. I eat that raw with sambal belacan. Yummy. Zoomers wont eat or don't know about that.

So is anyone gonna tell us what they are or...?

No. You will make the demand rise and the ridiculous price hike, so not gonna tell you.


bitter melon
tastes exactly like the name

It is usually called Bitter Melon in English
People eat it with roasted pork or dry and drink in tea
It has a bitter taste like its name, so the way to eat it is limited, but there are a lot of addicts like marijuana or cig and they eat it as coffee or pasta or candy.
It is summer season, there are a lot of people who only eat bitter melon all summer
It’s really got tier food

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Why did you tell THEM.
Sometimes I pickled them in salt, sugar or soy sauce. The bitterness is addicting.

The bitter melons eaten here are more smooth on the outside.

Nonetheless it's boomer tier food and I've never had it

>goya is the avocado of Asia

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Ah yeah I recognized it sliced up like that, never saw the fruit itself

It's Peria Katak, you flip

pickled + soya sauce is GOAT


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Cumimacen, ore ni nihongo wakarimacen. Ne~

I hate this so much, my parents forced me to eat this when i was a kid.

Here it’s called Karela. It’s got a bitter taste and my parents forced this down my throat as a kid. I don’t eat it anymore but my grandma and dad like it. It’s what boomers here eat as “muh healthy” food.

im also eat it

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we call it karela. i like em fried.

>avocado of asia.
Lol no. Its taste and texture are very different from avocado. Peria is crispy and bitter and avocado is soft and somewhat bland.

I eat it as Goya Champuru back in Okinawa. Shit was cash.

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it's good shit, though.

self-entitled millennials crib about it, though.

Both mother and sister like eating this stuff.
But for me it's way to bitter to enjoy it.
Also it's imported Adian food which makes it overprized.

It tastes like absolute dog shit. Westerners will never like it.

I've seen it in Filipino soups, but not as a normal vegetable in US stores.


Looks and sounds disgusting. Just eat an orange for fuck’s sake.

I LOVE these. just had them for lunch yesterday. growing my friends always told me how much they hated "karela" and I was like "yeah me too haha" until I realised they were referring to THESE! I fucking love karela

T. Never actually eaten exotic fruit

>american culinary prowess

>growing my friends
*growing up, my friends

it's bitter melon, you mongs. It's bitter-tasting

>all those people misinforming ampalaya's sweet taste

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so what you mean? use this: () symbols

I missed the word "up" in my original comment
it's supposed to be "growing up, my friends always told me how much they hated "karela""
get it?

oh shit rare flag alert!

what's life like in cambodia?

>This is avocado of asia
Except it tastes like shit