behead those who insult krtek edition
/v4/ + pals
>no foreigners
>no anime
>no ottoni
>actual v4 themed editions
The recent threads are dangerously high quality, what's going on?
>>no anime
>>dangerously high quality
what did he mean by this?
Excessive anime posting causes mental illness.
Kill me.
isn't that the point?
turning everyone into a retard so there's nothing holding you here anymore, and so giving you a reason to leave?
I only really post here when I'm either extremely bored or when I'm super anxious and procrastinating.
At times I don't visit for weeks at a time.
Should I fap to hentai, lesbian of Shemale porn?
Whichever, you're clearly beyond help.
Why do you want to fix me?
I like Robin Schulz. Willst du is one of my favourite songs.
How old does this girl look?
way off, lass is 35
based, i loved that cartoon
this cant be real
benis :-DDDDD
This sums up how I see myself pretty nicely.
what's up fellow nuggetons
Starting a new job on October 1st, have to get some paperwork done and sign the contract.
Also visiting a shrink on Friday.
I'm absolutely mortified I'll end up being too retarded to do it.
What job? And why are you going to a shrink, pal?
Software development, I have 5 years experience, but feel really dumb.
Depression, think about suicide every week, can't see any meaning to my life, don't know how to set goals properly, anxious and tense all the time. That sort of thing. After 8 years or so I'm starting to realize I don't know how to help myself and since I'm nearly 30 the time is starting to run out.
I know how you feel
Shit post. It helps me
I also used to think about suicide all the time but at some point my brain did a 180 and now it's the last thing I'd ever do, idk how
That's a palliative, not a solution.
>scrolling facebook wall
>new pics from highschool classmate
>emigrated to UK
>went from looking like a nice girl to looking like a complete typical UK slag
god damn it why does that happen
why do you care?
I don't, just an observation
"god damn it" implies anger or frustration
it's just an expression geez
There are no solutions. Only death.
an expression that is caused by emotion
get off my dick autismo
>been using weed to help me sleep
>wake up more optimistic and happy every day
>weed runs out
>can't sleep properly
>feel like shit and depressed
I don't want to be hooked on the green jew forever
dobre rano
gutten morgen
Just hide it man. If you put up a mask, they won't see the real you. Just build a stone wall around your soul, so they can't hurt it.
this guy knows what's up
You're giving advice now?
I never needed your advice. I just like telling you guys, how much I hate myself, my life and everybody else.
what are you talking about?
Hide your depression.
why would I hide my depression?
in 1 hour of this farm u get 3 months of wow free
based + redpilled
Because the society doesn't approve your depressed as. The society needs you as a hard worker happy bee. Also if you don't hide it, people will see it and they will take advantage of you.
I don't know what reality you live in, but back when I was really depressed, people around me helped me get out of it
no one will take advantage of you, are you delusional?
>Modded UI
>Can't afford 13 Euros a month
Yes I am, according to you people. Nobody ever tried to help me, beside giving gay advices.
you forgot
>same spell on multiple hotkeys
>german client
>BALANCE druid
Concerningly high quality thread
Nah Balance is the only acceptable spec of Druid.
>Nobody ever tried to help me, beside giving gay advices.
man, maybe you really deserve all the suffering you are going through
>go to a psychiatrist
>nah dude fuck that I know he won't help even though I've never even tried going there
If you want to wallow in your own sadness for the rest of your sad, pathetic life, go ahead, we tried to help
>engineering salary in turkey 400€
>my friend from wow botting website offered me 65€ per character i hand level from 110-120
>120€ if i do it under 24 hours
based MMOs finally i will make more money than doctors and engineers
and my parents told me i have been wasting my life
i can literally level 3 characters from 110 to 120 every month and make more money than an engineer
>Dude your house is on fire
>Dude you should totally start to put out the fire or call the firefighters
>wow dude, that really helped me, Telling me what should I do. Without your based advice my house would have burned to the ground, but now thanks to you I can call the firefighters myself
>another episode of garbage analogies
Yeah you also know about Mohacs without being there, it's completely the same
>Leveling from 110 to 120
>Paying for that
It's like an afternoon to do that
just end yourself
your house is burning down right now, why aren't you calling the firefighters?
Nice. Did you also take notes about my philosophy?
well wh*Te people pay him 200€
i get 120€ out of that
1-120 hand leveling + professions he charges 500€ i will get 300 if i do that
he takes 40% cut for customers,running the website and system and employs ppl like me
What are you on about again?
I finally have visible abdominal muscles and am relatively nabušený.
Let's get this money baby
also this retard with my flag holding a pity party, fucking kill yourself
Because my house isn't worth saving. It had a shitty design from the beginning. People always hated it, because it did not belong to this part of the town. Maybe somebody will buy the site and build a normal house on it.
fuck off already, nobody cares genetikai selejt
houses can be renovated you know
Dude. Blizzard charges you 60 bucks. Like level a character to 60 and you get full proffs.
Why are you so angry, son?
Not mine. I am past redemption. All I can do is shitpost and make Lithuanian people angry.
>>waaa, no one helps me
>user tries to help
>>don't help me, it's pointless
you really are just an attention whore m8
I miss argie
post pic big guy
>I am past redemption
>My name is not important... What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on it's carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred... and I always wanted to die violently. This the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill... and it's time for me to die.
Psychiatrists don't do shit.
Neither do antidepressants.
Depression has a social stigma attached to it. You're a weirdo if you are depressed, and people treat you differently.
I much rather pretend that everything is fine. With time the pretending comes so naturally that you don't even notice that you're pretending. Since you're always in "a good mood" people actually enjoy spending time with you.
just find some women
there is no such thing as depression
I think that depends on what the root of your depression is
just don't be sad?
you cant be sad in european union country with butifel women
you cant experience real sadness ever
Never denied it.
man this fucking fight...
i gotta level up a bit and come back later
i am unable to do this shit
fuckin hate when the game gives enemies a powerstart
Which school shooter?
Because you used to instant gratification. Back in my day we had no rewards. Grinding itself was the reward.
Me too
>Back in my day
lol, I love the smell of butthurt on a Tuesday afternoon. It makes me feel alive.
Grinding is an instant turnoff. It's basically no different to slot machines.
I don't think you know what butthurt is
did she died?
Everybody hates grinding, but if you say you like you will be a gaming elite.
Oh I know what butthurt is I caused many and the Lithuanian guy has it.
I think local autists shitposted her to death.