Today is 9/11

Say something comforting.

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we curb-stomped some iraqis for it

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They all deserved it.

Good job, based Osama! We will never forget you!

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We needed a good reason to invade Iraq

*cough cough*

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Still better than any major American city.

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You fucks still didnt put Cheney and W in prison. Pussies.

who had nothing to do in 9/11. great inteligence you got there buddy

We’re baking 9/11 cookies and and going 9/11 caroling later tonight.

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Germans die, god laughs.
How does it feel to know that so many of your countrymen have been sent to hell early by mine?

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A lot of the people that died were jews

those buildings did not collapse though. thanks for proving his point.

good, most of them were nazi shits and deserved it.

How does it feel to die for Israel, mutt?

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We wish you a eleven nine 43x
And a happy ka boom.

>Be g*Rman
>Conscripted by your autistic dictator
>Deployed in France
>Your obergruppenfuhrer tells you to gear up and be ready to fight
>The Americans are coming
>Entire squad shits themselves
>Bullets cracking overhead
>It mows down the men you fought with for years
>Your best friend since childhood screams as a grenade blows his guts out
>Look over the horizon
>Its Americans
>Their long flowing hair, glowing white skin and giant cut cocks
>Their beauty is interrupted by a round in your chest
>Your last sights are your brothers dying in the snow, forgotten and disgraced in the snow
>You lost consciousness as the Americans begin a massive orgy in the village you were protecting, and your home is burned as your wife and daughter are dragged pussy first into the circle
>70 years later your bastard grandchild is posting on an anonymous forum
“Y-yeah, but you died for Israel”

Die for Israel, mutt. It's what you've been bred for.

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Not enough jets.

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams

Who was in the wrong?

>Who was in the wrong?

3000 Americans for not dying much sooner.

>comparing a campaign of bombing to a plane crash

At least 11 million Germans died sooner.

>tfw was was on top of the WTC in '97

Do zoomers even remember 9/11?

Sad. It was a majestic city. A lot of great art and beautiful cities were destroyed by the Eternal Anglo in that war.

They don't.
>tfw endless reports on 3k dead amerimutts

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'96 kid
Even though I was 5, and should remember, I don't.

5 is pretty young. I was 4 during the fall of the Berlin Wall and don't remember anything of it. The first political event I remember was the Balkans War. Mainly because we had refugees stay at my grandparents' place.

9/11 ?

I'll ask my mummy-wife if she knows anything about it.

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Do it again bomber Harris

It is sad that so many Americans had to die, but 9/11 was the direct consequence of American foreign policy

Based and redpilled

Was it though? The US was pretty hands-off with the Middle East in the 90s. Plus they actually supported Bin Laden in Afghanistan.

>we had refugees stay at my grandparents' place
Did they go back, or stay?
Did your grandma get BALKED?

They returned to Dubvrovnik. We visited them there a couple of years later.

Aaah. The good old Brits.

Overall happines in the world increased or something?

we all had a good laugh about it at school the next day, it was jokes
we had an american r.e teacher and we all went into his classroom doing plane mimes haha. quality banter

What did you have an American teacher for? To teach you proper English?


Today is my dads birthday!
