Who is the most famous person from your country? Dead or alive.
Who is the most famous person from your country? Dead or alive
Vladimir Pooteen
Abe Schizo
Since Hitler probably does not count I would go with pic related.
jeremy lin
easy, give a harder challenge
This guy. Or Anne Frank.
>Since Hitler probably does not count
who is this guy?
I honestly have no idea. Only a foreigner could adequately answer this question. Shakespeare, maybe? Newton?
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Easy. The old bag in the castle.
Ringo Star
Shakespeare definitely
Would still stay Stalin.
Well, he was Austrian.
Freddie Mercury
Or Mr Bean
He is austrian
Messi or Pope Francis
What about Enzo Ferrari?
Not sure if many people know about the guy himself, but I am pretty sure more people know the name Ferrari than Mussolini.
Anne Frank was German
Justin Bieber kek
Ummm sweety, he was roman
How dare you
That's like saying someone born in ex-USSR territory that is now a country that isn't Russia was Russian.
So fiction characters also count?
Leonardo Da Vinci
Queen Elizabeth
If I could say the Beatles collectively, then them.
Really? Ringo? That's the one you went with? I'd at least have expected a Japanese person to pick John, considering his connection to one of your countrywomen.
Stalin was Georgian m8
Mexico mad, because no one famous people come from his shithole
Her Majesty is the most famous Canadian
Einstein was swiss. He had a swiss passport, lived and studied here and he developed his Theory of Relativity here. Einstein hated the Nazis and extended his hatred to all Germans for letting it happen.
*frees your world from communism*
Le corbusier
i have no idea
amundsen, nansen, heyerdahl or breivik maybe
Don't know, no one really stand out to me as particularly famous abroad. If you'd ask an average foreigner on the street to name a Norwegian I reckon 95% couldn't name one. Norwegians are usually mistaken for other Nordics, Germans, Brits or Americans.
Ibsen, Grieg, Munch, Nansen or Amundsen.
>Among millennials
Kygo, Alan Walker, Thormund from GoT or Armistice from Westworld
Magnus Carlsen, Ingebrigtsen brothers, Martin Ǿdegaard
>Jow Forums
Breivik or Varg
>he developed his Theory of Relativity here.
Based Karol "ironfist" Wojtyła spitting on heretic book after morning gym session with his bros.
Ole Gunnar Solskjær. At least here in England.
What about Henrik Ibsen? He made a feminist play and is pretty known.
He wrote peer gynt
Wait sorry I didn't see you mentioned him
It's Munch
Is it save to say that Hitler is the most famous person on Earth?
goran višnjić or luka modrić
Marco Polo
It's Trump. No doubt.
Nobody in India/Africa knows Trump.
He was born in Ulm, Germany
Ronaldinho Gaucho
he was a kike so you're both wrong and ill
Probably Alfred Nobel. Inventor of Dynamite and the Nobel Price.
he was italian you mong
Did he win a nobel ?
poor guy, didn't he die poor just like every other genius who goes to america?
Ibsen din homo
He created the Nobel price.
No he died extremely rich after moving to Italy for the final years of his life.
He owned several weapon factories and made a fortune from the dynamite patent.
He was the richest person from Sweden when he died.
Nah, it's either Maradona or Eva Perón.
God I hate you swedes
This hero probably, could be Conor McGregor tho
> 15 year old boomers
Andrés Iniesta
> normies
Pablo Picasso, Hernán Cortés or Antonio Banderas
> Jow Forums
King Charles II
Stop being a retarded edgelord. The question was who is the most most famous person FROM your country. He may have been a Jew, he may have not considered himself a German, but that doesn't change the fact that he was FROM Germany.