ITT only absolute shitholes are allowed
ITT only absolute shitholes are allowed
Other urls found in this thread:
First for worse than Bulgaria
Hello fellow brown person
helo frens
Nah you're not that bad had you reached Somalia tier I'd consider it you're averagely wealthy
Where's your flag?
hey brown frens, hows your economies doing?
Guatemala is a country in Central America. It borders Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras.
I think you can realize now why it's bad.
According to the new HDI Bulgaria is indeed better than us but we overtake them in literally everything else kek
Get out first worlder
You too
The app was lagging
Rich countries aren't allowed fren and our economy is shit can't even call it an economy
I live in Minnesota so I'm allowed to post in this thread. It amazes me how stupid your people are. I interact with them on a daily basis.
Is Minnesota a white state?
>calling South Africa Rich
Somalia pls
>Get out first wo-...
Can you trick them into doing things for you?
Not him, but yeah, one of the whitest.
I guess anywhere is rich if you live in Somalia
Can't be worse than Somalia I reached a level where I just don't care anymore your cunt was ranked mine wasn't lmao
Still your HDI is quite high sorry you don't make the cut
>my people
Those aren't my people those are yours
I have family in South Africa Cape Town to be exact it's not as shitty as people make it out to be
, second world desu
Care to a take a picture of outside your window?
Unfair ranking Somaliland wasn't included in that census and Somalia as a whole is leagues better than CAR for example
Fuck off Fir*toid
I can't imagine a more draconian shithole than Finland. Well, maybe UK, but we're up there.
hi there
life is hell here
How's life in Somalia?, I suppose that's better than in the CAR or Sudan, but still...
Hi, lads How is going your day?
We really need a "third world chan" or something like that. Those firsties bullying every day for living in a shithole won't ever stop, unless I posted somewhere where first world IP's were banned.
Somalia is huge bigger than Mogadishu there are other safer spots with rapid economic activities, but the HDI bias will
never give it a fair shot because Somalia's image as a failed state is imprinted in their mind
Pic related Mogadishu under construction
Hey there Brazil
I second that we really need our own chan I'm tired of firsties reminding me of our "diaspora"
Hello Jew-kun
I despise weeaboos tho so things my not work out very well
I accidentally hit the back of my head against the wall and now I've got a nosebleed and an headache.
how does your nose bleed if you hit the back of your head?
Would you rather me post warlords as reactionary pics
Taihin Kyoutsuke ne next time Shekelsbulgu kun
I suffer here
post anything, really
I don't know.
>Taihin Kyoutsuke ne
What are you trying to say? Taihen kiwotsuke ne?
C-cold and lonely
Yeah that my weeb language sucks I'm a new fag
Is there a weeb community in somalia?
Right. I assume you're a proxy and not a nigger, so learning the language shouldn't be hard for you if you are actually interested.
No I learned about anime through reddit
So you didn't know that anime existed?
What is Somali actually like?
Norway is a third world country.
I belong in this thread.
Do not tell me to go away.
Hey hey hey muffins
At least post some bad pics of Norway or something.
Ecuatorial Guinea reporting here
Villages with no sewer system and running water reporting in
How a Somali Weeaboo does looks like?
Subsaharian weeabos doesn't even exist
I'd say that Japan and Korea are the most shithole countries on earth, so hello.
But we Italians are weeaboos
sp*nish subhuman
What is Minnesota and how is it like?
How are you so good at english Somalianon
biggest shithole of europe reporting in.
have you more refugees for us?
Private schooling
No you took most of them thanks Merkel
Bump for real shithole flags
Larpers out
Why do only shithead Somalians immigrate here and not based people like you
Because the rich stayed in Africa I lived in Zambia for a while before moving to Somaliland in 2008
based people stay in their country
t. takahiro
So the future is looking bright for Somalia?
Also, latino shithole with lower HDI than Ukraine reporting in.
HDI means jack shit, you are better off than Ukraine 100%
Well hello there
fuck off white devil
>tfw blacklisted from this thread
Violence and poverty get worse every day but most people seem to have hope with the upcoming administration.
"Muh we will become a second Venezuela with AMLO!!!" memes aside there are some good things they're doing like reducing the ridiculously high salaries of top government officials and future inversion from China and Russia is in the talks.
Soon-to-be shithole reporting in
hello shithole here
Lol no its just that I wish we stop being last place and get second last or something luckily we weren't ranked for 6 years depressing kek
You'll get there desu there's hope
Hey Philippines
are you incas?
I used to live in Venezuela, am I allowed?
>Tfw no Somali bf
Am I considered as a shithole eh?
They call Guatemala "Mexico's Mexico" for a reason.
It's still kind of depressing being ranked lower, even though you know that at this point any metric that puts Venezuela above anything is a meme metric.
If I am not wrong you are a Somalilander, how is the rest of the country? From what I could see here Somaliland is not that bad, it seems that the administration is more competent than the recognized government.
Mexico having a Mexico kek
Puntland our neighbor to the east is doing fine don't know much about the rest of the former Somali republican
Lmao. How the fuck haven't you guys killed yourselves yet? I would kill myself if I had to live in a country shittier than Sweden.
You never responded to my question
How do you feel about British somaliland and Italian Somalia as a colony
>Live in any landlocked state
You rang?
British Somaliland hasn't really left an impression on modern day Somaliland it literally existed and that's to the extent of it, as for Italian Somaliland it was really based wished the Italians came to the North maybe then we'd have something to work with
>tfw the beach is 4 hours away
My Vietnamese comrades, assemble! We will fight against the dirty chingchongs until our blood spills!
shithole resident number 5431 reporting in
>Vietnamese dong
Doesn't get much better then that.
i think you meant
How's Georgia
You know you'd trade the Iari for the Dong anyday.
they're firstoids