ITT only absolute shitholes are allowed

The app was lagging
Rich countries aren't allowed fren and our economy is shit can't even call it an economy

Attached: tenor.gif (498x278, 322K)

I live in Minnesota so I'm allowed to post in this thread. It amazes me how stupid your people are. I interact with them on a daily basis.

Is Minnesota a white state?

>calling South Africa Rich
Somalia pls

Attached: 1536137050462.jpg (238x211, 12K)

>Get out first wo-...

Attached: ferentari.jpg (800x532, 80K)

Can you trick them into doing things for you?

Not him, but yeah, one of the whitest.

I guess anywhere is rich if you live in Somalia

Can't be worse than Somalia I reached a level where I just don't care anymore your cunt was ranked mine wasn't lmao
Still your HDI is quite high sorry you don't make the cut
>my people
Those aren't my people those are yours
I have family in South Africa Cape Town to be exact it's not as shitty as people make it out to be
, second world desu

Attached: le smug face.png (379x551, 180K)


Attached: GDP per capita.png (370x321, 13K)