Why is Jow Forums so bad at picking coins?

why is Jow Forums so bad at picking coins?

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both of these aren't worth shit and will die within a year

>it goez up so i should buy it!

if you put 10k into tron ico you would have been a millionare in a couple months. whether it dies in a year is irrelevant

>im not in it for the money
>im in it because i support the technology

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i 15x'd on tron and got out
if you think that's going to happen again you're as dumb as fucking shaniqua hashtagging TRX on twitter everyday

Jow Forums neets try to predict the market instead of reacting to it. Bunch of retarded slow betas that won't succeed in life.

lets be honest, no you didnt

plenty of shitcoins mooned while the "cucks" held onto their $2 ETH. kys.

>implying Jow Forums held eth

hahahah losers on this site fudded that coin all day

Youre supposed to buy before it goes up, that's what he's saying

in at $0.015 early Dec
out at ~ $0.18 after mega pump

im not saying buy tron now. but if you werent in on the madness im afraid your iq is tiny

a linkie boomer like you could never seize an opportunity like that. nice larp kid

I was in on tron ico and i x50 my money. while nerds on Jow Forums collected chainlink bags through the crypto golden era

Hopefully this is what happens to QASH

Link was supposed to moon but Jow Forums killed it. No one wants to invest in something embraced by Jow Forums.

okay whatever. except i did lol
wasn't hard to see, hadn't mooned yet and had a normie-friendly name
i guess i got lucky that it went SO far but i knew something would happen nonetheless

but yeah - buzzword city, no real product, no real vision, overhyped beyond words.
you really think you're going to get another run anywhere fucking near that before it crashes and burns because it turns out it's just another 1 of 1500+ pieces of shit 1995 .coms? lol. good luck well.

>not knowing about always doing the opposite of what Jow Forums says
hello there newfriend

Stop Larping you fucking faggot

conversation i had with normie friend during the run
haha fucking biz, eh?

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this post exemplifies the Jow Forumslet mind state. they literally cant wrap their head around the thought that someone can invest in a coin without being in it for the long haul

i swear some of you dumb fucks were born to hold bags

because the vast bulk of of biz is far too stupid to realise they're stupid.
If you invest based on the sentiments of biz, you're a moron and deserve to lose money.

so what's your alternative? day trading alts in a bear market?

i think THAT exemplifies the Jow Forumslet state of mind

ive got a 5x and some 10x every fornight or so since the crash

and you're still accumulating link to this day

2k trx at 4 cents, see you at 12.

yeah i bet
i guess you didn't read my first reply where i said both of these are fucking pieces of shit
i'm not in anything that won't last a year from now, that includes biz's meme coin

where'd you go user?
>fucking faggot

i can spot a linky from a mile away, you arent fooling anyone linklet

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Shut up retard no one cares

let me give you a protip
you're apparently as bad at spotting those 12 year old idiots as you are understanding the market
i'd quit while you're still ahead

black guy spotted

>maybe if i depreciate linkys he wont think im a linky

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i was challenged and user ran off when btfo'd

you do, apparently..

don't even make me laugh

100% all in riding the chink wave OP
couldn't give a shit about oracles

>>ID: Pb3Q5Rrq
That authentic late adopter autism

better hide your stash user

Youre a fag. Im still in and its over 15X for me right now. Bought in at .005 while you homos were on iota and funs dick

tfw when bought in at 5 cents

Why are link threads still being posted? It's dead. It's a meme. You assholes killed it and you deserve nothing but negative gains.

this OP stop talking about TRX to these autists

>golden era
>adoption hasn’t even happened yet
Short sighted nimrod.

I sold my Link stack to buy TRX at 820 Satoshis knowing that Tron would pump before mainnet. I sold half of the TRX today because Link is so low comparatively, but I will probably regret this later.