Why is Jow Forums so bad at picking coins?

Youre supposed to buy before it goes up, that's what he's saying

in at $0.015 early Dec
out at ~ $0.18 after mega pump

im not saying buy tron now. but if you werent in on the madness im afraid your iq is tiny

a linkie boomer like you could never seize an opportunity like that. nice larp kid

I was in on tron ico and i x50 my money. while nerds on Jow Forums collected chainlink bags through the crypto golden era

Hopefully this is what happens to QASH

Link was supposed to moon but Jow Forums killed it. No one wants to invest in something embraced by Jow Forums.

okay whatever. except i did lol
wasn't hard to see, hadn't mooned yet and had a normie-friendly name
i guess i got lucky that it went SO far but i knew something would happen nonetheless

but yeah - buzzword city, no real product, no real vision, overhyped beyond words.
you really think you're going to get another run anywhere fucking near that before it crashes and burns because it turns out it's just another 1 of 1500+ pieces of shit 1995 .coms? lol. good luck well.

>not knowing about always doing the opposite of what Jow Forums says
hello there newfriend

Stop Larping you fucking faggot

conversation i had with normie friend during the run
haha fucking biz, eh?

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