What ethnic? Trying to make children that look like this

What ethnic? Trying to make children that look like this

Attached: lee-van-cleef-5.jpg (900x750, 48K)

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Why are whites sometimes names lee, i thought it was a chink name
anyway Van usually, nearly always means Dutch


looks italian to me

I read both his parents were dutch but he clearly has some asiatic mystery meat

why would you want your kids to look like this

Indo confirmed.

>Ethnicity: Dutch, along with distant French, Swedish, Belgian Flemish, English, and German

on the other hand, I always thought Charles Bronson was native American, turns out he's Lithuanian

He's a stunner

Attached: lee-van-cleef-3.jpg (900x750, 78K)

definition of beady eyes, not even Anglos can compete

clearly a mix of hunic and tercio rape baby

Europe is so diverse
>and that's a good thing

Really, Why? He is dutch.

His big hooked nose and his brownish levantine arabid skin makes him look like a swarty italian mainlander or sicilian at me.

Attached: Italian Lo Verso.jpg (690x442, 31K)

sardagnoli have evil eyes

Turkish Tatar mix

He looks like he could be dutch here.

Attached: MV5BNmNmNTMzZGYtNDdhYi00MjIyLTkzNjUtOTkzOTE0ZjNkMDdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,17 (1777x999, 203K)

You only have to find a dutch south italian jew



beady eyed anglo scum

Attached: leevancleef.jpg (850x400, 71K)

GENEROSITY! That was my first mistake.

Attached: seven.jpg (500x375, 61K)

I always thought he was super cool.

Unlike Charles Bronson, he's not a tatar

Looks like Dutch from new Holland

Attached: australian poster.png (251x201, 12K)

Attached: oswald mosley.png (850x400, 176K)

Nothing asian about him, some people can just look really unique regardless of ancestry.

for me he was always mexican and dont ask why

Attached: 1489601927778.jpg (625x837, 68K)


Attached: e0035042_4e42a1d91a765.gif (320x240, 45K)

Maybe he has some indonesian ancestry?

Because he is the most stylish man the world has ever witnessed?