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International #957
How common is smoking in your cunt?
/luso/ fio lusófono
ITT: what you hate most about your country
/lat/ - hilo latino
He is back
Parents named me Hamilcar
Why are Americans so obnoxious and confrontational on literally every single Jow Forums board?
Chile can kiss my arse. Then get nuked
I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this...
Your country
What makes them so bloodthirsty?
How do people in ur cunt stay healthy
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Only countries that defeated America in a war can post in this thread
Insult me in the language of your people
1.Your cock 2.What are your political beliefs?
What are your local superstitions regarding monsters or supernatural entities?
Average mexican
You have 10 seconds to act as Italian as possible
Would u?
How do MENAs view Asian Muslims?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Stop being Asian, African, Native American, Swedish, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German, and French
This is the oldest building in my city. It’s a ranch house built by a Mexican farmer in 1844
Spain is a better country than France
ITT: Post traditional clothing from your country
Sverigetråden - Gamla pendeln upplagan
What's the best European country?
China will grow larger
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Drinking general
American girls look like THIS? wow
What ur eating tonight Jow Forums?
No country rules forever. Who will take our place?
Why do Yuros not realize gun control is a jewish plot
Give a racist nickname to the country above
/deutsch/ jim knopf Ausgabe
So are they white?
Tfw remembering your cringy libertarian phase
1. You are vulva
Why are American soldiers so weak? Finland could easily invade America
Red: Good Cuisine. Grey: Bad Cuisine
What will you do when the Canadian MAN comes for you, b*Rgerbitch?
Why do all Polish boys look so weak and unmanly?
Hurr durr you're Moors
Please stop saying I'm soulless and lack empathy
Anglo girls are the best. Who can disagree?
/luso/ fio lusófono
Hilo latino /lat/
This is peak american cuisine
If it tastes nice, it's going in the fucking sandwich
Tfw drumpf actually did it
How do you tell Chinese and Japanese apart? Aside from names I cannot tell, many many Chinese look like Japanese
Those American Soldiers that raped and killed a little 14 year old girl and her entire family
/ita/ - il filo
Thinking of society where religion is banned or atleast heavily taxed
You can be fined for over 2500 dollars for smuggling Kinder Eggs into the U.S
I suffer in paradise
International STEM
Chatting to Swede
Seriously Jow Forums give me your 100% honest opinion on Finnish girls
What motivated you to learn a second/third language Jow Forums?
/cum/ & friends
How is this conflict viewed in your country?
Post parts of your country universally despised
Your cunt
Left: france
Without Spain, Northern Europe would be eating bread and onions in the winter
Why do they HAVE to have him on the SC? Can't they simply nominate a different conservative judge...
How come China keeps violating human rights week after week yet it never makes the headlines?
Based Peru and Bolivia
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Samiska upplagan
1. Your cunt
Your cunt
Times when your country went full retard
Do you think your flag generates any butthurt?
Best food from your country
East Asians
Halt! You're under arrest for violating South Korean law
/lang/ – Language Learning General
/deutsch/ Kiki-Ausgabe
/deutsch/ Alpen Ausgabe
Why do Muslim girls get these temporary tattoos?
Investing in ur cunt
Why France is a shithole
What are the best Jow Forums couples?
How did this function? Some of these duchies must have had fewer than 10000 people
Post ur cunt's tonks
/ita/ - il filo
Living and working in Oslo
This is japan
Anôn je peux te sucer comme des forces armées françaises
Chinks hate themselves
J'Adore le Québec
/fr/ - le francofil
Reminder that this is the country that cries about "Muh comfort womyn"
Redpill me on Scotland and Scots
Here are the playable countries for the 1985 Olympics video game
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Guess the ethnic
A woman goes to a brain store. The clerk tells her "chink brains are 50 cents per pound, wop brains are $1 per pound...
1. Your cunt
Post images that make you think
Pale skin, brown eyes and brown hair is the most beautiful combination
Why this BLACK BVLL is so angry?
Natalia Poklonskaja shows her village and introduces her grandma
/BRiD Gmbh/ immer noch /deutsch/es Reich
/dixie/ + /sakartvelo/ - Southern US & Friends
Are Russian tourists WANTED in your country?
A united quebec/new england will never happen, why live lads. Easily the comfiest place to live in north america
Sverigetråden - >dkn ingen fv upplagan
When Jesus looks like Muhammed more than Muhammed does
Your cunt
Are there a lot of girls like pic related in your country?
Wake up
You're not just bilingual right user? you know at least third language right?
Are we the only country that identifies with political parties like they are an ethnic group?
Are you gay, Jow Forums?
ITT: Post the most American images you got
Your country
Explain this, UK
You have 3 secs to tell any war that Brazil have ever lost in history
I've never been outside of my home state
I know a bosnian guy with a ukrainian gf
How to steal indian nuclear secrets:
Cars of Jow Forums
Why do we praise Japan when China is just superior?
What does Jow Forums think of Canada?
Ywn live in Elsass
You wake up in 19th century japan
Is your father bald???
Yfw Americans can't do joined-up handwriting
/ita/ - il filo
Why did all the best doggos come from the British Isles?
I am the only one whose autism is hurt when names get translated?
Sverigetråden - Maj-Britts upplaga
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are you racist, Jow Forums?
1) Your country
Deutschland laws
The Presence Of Modern Slavery
Hmm we used to conquer the world you know
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Be asian male
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Every time I look for pics of their cities they look the same, what's up with that?
Why don't they have such wonderful architecture as Western Europe?
Why doesn't socialism work?
Please don't pay to use a pay toilet
At this very moment these are the only people standing between you and mandatory Russian lessons my fellow Central...
26 + 6 = 1
Animated hostory of Binlan
Based Italy
What's going on in Germany?
/ita/ - il filo
Culture Pals - /cp/
Why is Sweden so against European culture and religion? They are literally mocking us
If Asian people are so "uncreative" and incapable of thinking in abstract ways how come White just copy Asian film and...
Does your country use based and redpilled nuclear power?
Guess the country
Why are swedes so swarty?
You will never die in Afghanistan for your Soviet Motherland and Comrade General Secretary Gorbachev at your early 20's
What do you think about american culture?
I challenge you to find me a more insane language than Hungarian
Thank you based Russia for the S-400s
I just got paid 200$ for more than one month of work. This is the first time in my life I got paid any money
Women workers
Yellow fever is for loser-
You only live once
Thanks russia for your prostitues
/danmarktråden/ #3
I'm gonna break the 90kg barrier soon
Daily remider post best flag
Does bitches in your cunt do this?
Do I lose my youth if I never go to the university? Socially I mean
ITT: we appreciate muslims
If this K-Pop girlband is performing in Germany or Israel, will they be caught by Police?
What is your country #1 in?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga förmiddagsupplagan
Cute girls
Tell me about your cunts spies
In 1 hour and 4 minutes (5 PM ET, 11:00 Yurotime) the winner of Nobel's peace prize is announced
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2057
My goal in life is to have a Persian gf
National anthem in cinemas
Tell me interesting things about your ancestors
Teach Jow Forums something about your country
Why were Europeans so bad to Africans?
Honestly I was expecting fascists like him coming from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, not Brazil
Post the average male of your country
This 5'7 midget stabbed a white girl that met on the internet
Kurva anyátok
Do you love Brazil?
I feel ashamed whenever I see another Swiss being racist on Jow Forums
Why does this harmless substance terrify the asian to his core?
Hey look it's user! you've been in your room all day...
Go back
Truly powerful
Honestly, How many frineds do you have irl??
Hey user, post cute anime girl or get banned
Bow. Bow down for us. Your creator, the superior race. Bow nigga
WWI propaganda depicting the Entente as sexy women. Who's the Allies' sexiest country?
What’s it like being Nordic?
This scares the american
What is the most autistic group in your country?
Love Celts
Is he right are Hindu's becoming a minority in India
Hilo latino /lat/
In Mexico they mix the chocolate powder with water instead of milk
Why can’t major countries (USA, Russia, UK, France, Germany, etc...
Your cunt
Reminder to keep your thread clean
I hate Muslim """""people""""" with all of my heart
ITT: Post little odd bits of trivia about your cunt that may be interesting to others but which doesn't deserve its own...
ITT: Say something nice about Switzerland
/fr/ le fil francophone
Why weeaboo do this??
Why are Brazilians on here so racist when they're literally the most mutt country in the hemisphere?
Drink milk
Your cunt
The 10 largest tax havens
I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this
I left Jow Forums 6 months ago because the captcha is making me crazy...
Hindu statue of Jesus
What's their secret?
Yellowstone volcano erupts
Brazilian schools
Young. French. Successful
American cultural dominance made me fluent in English against my will. I never wanted that
Why does freedom of speech frighten and enrage so many non-Americans?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono atrasado
1 Cunt
/flag/ + /extraflags/
I'm dating a white girl but everytime i see a asian girl I get sad because my gf is not asian
My family listens to Irish music all the time and we’re not Irish at all
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Please stop being racist against Chinese people
Hey, Ivan. I hate that guy. Let’s kill his innocent children in a basement
/lat/ Hilo latino
Canada is a first world count-
Will Brazil finally be first world with Bolsonaro as president?
Mfw that filthy faggot fin got banned and no need to see his subhuman threads anymore
1. Country
Mfw liberals in the US actually believe russian hackers and trolls are controlling everything
Apparently the Japanese are so lonely that they pay to have someone drink with them...
Sverigetråden - Oanständiga nattupplagan
The absolute state
My country is depressing shithole
Why do non Americans do this?
Have you even fallen in love with someone from another country?
Do these people now learn how to drive with their engine brake...
This is the bread aisle of an American supermarket
Does your country celebrate Colombus day?
Do you like Japan?
Muslim neighbor told my father that he sees me bringing girls to my apartment
/cum/ Canada - USA - Mexico
America fuck yeah
This scares the Euro and makes him assmad
Why was France never able to take it?
Honestly, African villages have a pleasing aesthetic. They just need a tiny bit of modernizing and some green scenery...
/ita/ - il filo
/balk/ - ayy lmao
82% of Jewish Israelis support Trump
European flag starts nervously defending some islamic hellhole
Is Arabic the ugliest language of all ?
Does your country have redheads?
Average Canadian by 2050
ITT: List pejorative names for your people/country
Jow Forumsernational GF
Why these people who hate us come here on holidays, if you don't want Spain you can go to Portugal...
Why do Americans feel they *need* to own a tactical strategic assault weapon?
Post ur cunt's air-froce
New map
Japanese boys
Name nations that are stealing from your nation, bullying it, killing it and raping it for centuries
I interact with black people way more than white people and it’s not intentional at all
/brit/ - a place for the british
/fr/ le fil de la France
How to set it on fire
Are your parents affectionate with each other Jow Forums?
I have a theory
Be me
The Switzerland of Asia, except with less gays and immigrants and taller mountains
/v4/ + frens
We didn't do nuffin'
Is your cunt innovative?
There are Anons on Jow Forums posting here with pic related
Jow Forumss opinion on pic related?
Your cunt
/danmarktråden/ #2
Is your city depressing? Post some OC of your city!
Why does Latin America, especially Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Colombia make such good music?
1. vagina
His country isn’t at constant risk of siege by every natural disaster that exists
Thousands of men, women, children, and infants interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection...
Does anyone in Britain actually call this thing Elizabeth Tower?
Post your city's landmarks
Why aren't they apart of Russia?
Your cunt
Why do anime characters look European?
Filthy dutch shits
Denmark wants you!
What are some "good" cities to live in Europe?
Would you fight for your country?
Poles fought for hundreds of years to get rid of Russian language from public space
This scares average american (gringo)
In 1936 Prof. Runkaa Kukalainen, from University Suokonmäki in Southern Ostrobothnia...
Argentina, no!
Non-green countries, please explain
Pick one
Nothing beats being free, while other cultures and countries may be interesting or have cool elements...
How you holding up Jow Forums? Last moment I felt happy was 6 months ago
This is what wh*Toids looked like 10,000 years ago
The Philippines is the worst Asian country right now, prove me wrong
What's the reason my country is a shithole?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Fuck this country
What do Germans eat?
/ITA/ - il filo
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Sverigetråden - Kvällsuppplagan
Why are commieblocks so comfy?
Pinochet Chile
Best region in Canada coming through. Get fucked frogs
What is the optimal height to be taller than women in 2018?
I'd like to take my girlfriend to Hungary in January
/lat/ hilo latino
White people can't da-
Post shit houses from your cunt
Hey Jow Forums, do you believe that the less religious a Country is...
I am indeed of german ethnic extraction ja, how did you know?
We Americans have no fear of dying. Everyone here is armed yet despite that...
I want to live off welfare in Sweden for a social experiment
"what do you do in your free time user?"
This is a 16 years old chinese girl. Say something nice to her
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Gay infiltration in male fashion
Edizione Regina
What are the essential differences between Italian and French culture?
Chile is turning first-world, soon Brazil will too
Ukraine needs to be partitioned and destroyed
Are there a lot of aryan girls in your country, Jow Forums?
Is she ok? Is she going to get Boris'd?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1. Your cunt
Post how average woman from your cunt dress
From 1792 to 1815 France was a Scourge upon Europe with nothing but constant warmongering
Who was in the wrong here?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How come there and were never any Muslim anti-slavery abolitionists?
Why do the Japanese dislike the Chinese so much?
Why's he so smug?
Sverigetråden - Dagsupplagan
Being a beta racist because alpha moroccans bullied you growing up
I prefer Tea
5 month of the gym
Ever accidentally saw your parents naked?
How big is your vocab, Jow Forums?
This kills the invading oppressor
All this talk about being white/nonwhite, but no bark
Is america's 'world domination' the shortest living hegemony in the history of the world...
Good about Russia
Whats on you menu today Jow Forums?
Should I move to Norway? I have Norwegian citizenship from my mother
Redpill me about Poland
French foreign legion
It was foretold by one of the ancient Chinese sages that China would one day unite and become the most powerful nation...
The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate Amazon and Apple
Mhm WE WUZ Caesars and shit??
Out Finnish user finally got himself a black gf
/sino/ 中文 (秘鲁)
Sverigetråden - lunchupplagan
Germanics are better than other humans
Rarest nation in Jow Forums
Can this man be even more based?
Russian hackers
Come to Paris
Implying austrians and germans have anything in common
Go to bedroom
I literally sharted myself in front of my parents today...
What is the riskiest thing you've done recently?
Co-workers start talking about Jow Forums
Tfw no pure virgin Russian bride
I'm watching Japanese Travel Channel
Why is India collapsing?
Us, Europeans
He thinks it is possible to experience any form of suffering in first world country
I never thought about it before but imagine being an underaged black teenager or kid who discovered Jow Forums for the...
Mutts can be cute too
Father: we are 100% italian
Chads from your cunt
*GRUs you*
A Moldovian woman is cleaning my house
Why are Indian and Pakistani men so ridiculously thirsty when it comes to white women?
The next cultural wave among american millennials is going to be moving to Europe
Your country
The word "queue is just the letter Q and a bunch of silent letters
Why do japanese people avoid eye contact?
I am Chinese-American
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What's the reason my country is a shithole?
Kurva anyátok
Went to vacation in paris
When do girls peak in attractiveness in ur cunt, and when do their looks fade?
Unironically participating in this retarded shit
I have dual citizenship of canada and the united states. I currently live in the US...
Any other Dai here?
Asian women are for _____
Poland called the Ukrainians "Ruski" and Russians "Rosyjski"
Norwegians, please explain this image to me
Ah yes, the "I have a small cock, its pathetic" section
Canada would be better place if east asians colonized it first
Colleague from Iceland visits the US
Imagine being invaded by this
Larger than the Netherlands
Well here's your state-provided gf, user. You were late so she's the only one left
Just finished up today’s work
Guess the nationality
Realistically speaking...
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Would you rather live in the United States or Japan?
I want to be a hot girl and suck cocks but I don't want it to be permanently and I don't want to do hormone therapy
How common is obesity in your country?
Why do Americans do this?
"Ohh you're American"
How the actual frick do we stop this?
>Bware da baby trap
Japanese men: Do they possess less testosterone than men of other peoples?
Can you explain this?
Fell for the STEM meme for lack of an acutal passion
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/lat/ hilo latino
I was blonde when i was a little kid!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perufag who just wants to know a bit about his ancestors
Europeans can race mix without feeling guilty
Why is American architecture so bad?
No history
What do women do in their free time in your cunt?
1.your cunt 2.opinion on gays
Did you remove shoes in home?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono levemente precoce
Your cunt
The symbol of his country is 3 differently colored bars
We're all gonna make it
/ita/ - il filo
I wanna hear American music!
>withdraw from the very world order you helped establish that ensured your hegemonic influence
ITT We say nice things about Mexico
Our European ancestors had cool hair desu
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Can you explain this?
Whats he most overrated place in your country by foreigners?
Sverigetråden - Feminina upplagan
Tfw no Mexican gf
Post your favourite Breakfast from your country
Britain has over 2x the population of California
These ruthless soldiers are attempting to take you prisoner
Mexican girls are literally the only fuckable women left in this country. White girls are snooty, mental and annoying...
I love Europe
How does one cope with being a mutt?
What are your thoughts on women in the military?
What is this called in your cunt
Why are they so many poltards invading here
So Jow Forums, who would win?
German culture
Britain Size vs Population: 94000 square miles / 66 million
Thoughts on this fucking shithole
The literal bad guys of European History
1. your cunt
This is the true King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland
Why black girls have big boobs
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Gooooodbye Brits!
*sits on stolen land*
What are some cultures
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
IQ by country
I wish the USA was still this seems comfy
Ugh. What could have been
Your cunt
A nation whose raison d'etre has become nothing more than DUDE WEED
How does your cunt let you when know It's Happening?
No culture, yet arrogant
What race is this?
Do you consider W a meme letter, like ß, þ, Æ, O, ll, etc
Can you name at least 10 Russian cities except for Moscow without google?
/fr/ - francofil francophone
Is being attracted to tits immoral in your country?
Remove wh*tey
Say one thing you know about this country
Sverigetråden - Tåhåupplagan
Decide to go backpacking
Are California and Spain basically the same place?
*flies in your room*
Post beers from your cunt
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2056
Afghan and PROUD. Eurosoys, keep crying. Amerifats, keep being fat. Thirdies, keep being poor
/ita/ - il filo
You wake up in Nevada
/carib/ + island friends
Your country
DUP leader Arlene Foster: ‘Our red line is blood red’
What happened?
Travelling through southeast Asia
Northern Europeans were
Armenia is the Portugal of Caucasus
How much does a cheap 6 pack of beer cost in your cunt?
One man managed to conquer all this with a bunch of nomadic desert tribesmen (he didn't even use something OP like...
Are there any Samis on Jow Forums?
What ethnic? Trying to make children that look like this
He showers more than twice a week
Why didn't he just shoot for the leg/hand!
What's your cunt equivalent of Walmart?
Mom yelling because i have to take a shower because i have to go to therapy tomorrow
Have you received a warm reminder from Trump?
Sverigetråden - Germanska upplagan
Hey guys, planning to move out of this shithole so I was wondering where in West I could pass as local. Me pic related
Latin America will have a far right country lel
How do we redpill Europlops on the importance of the right to keep and bear arms? They do, after all...
How do they make Germanics and frogs SEETHE just by existing?
Thoughts on these? i like their beer, stall hagen or something it is called
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Alhamdullilah - everything we have is from God. And on October 6th...
Bergamo in Italy is the most beautiful city in the world
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship