Your country

>Your country

>When was the last time you saw a nigger ?

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When I looked in the mirror a couple of minutes ago

I guess it has been a long time like 2 ears ago maybe?


small german town
yesterday when I was riding a bike

When I looked in the mirror a couple of minutes ago

Fuck niggers

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Aren't niggers jew propaganda?
I've never seen them in my life

I saw a black family from Honduras or Haiti in the train tracks last Friday. They were sitting in plastic chairs watching their offsprings play.

he cute

Niggers aren't real
Don't believe those jidf posters

>>Your country
>>When was the last time you saw a nigger ?
Last time I came out of my house

a week ago when i went into the city

That was me, stupid kuffars

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Two days ago when I went to uni

Before flushing down

based and reported to Verfassungsschutz

This Saturday.
He was adopted and was with his "father" in a new Mercedes Benz

is that some kind of Gestapo

Unironically seen 3 niggers today: 2 on the Sadovo-Kudrinskaya steet and 1 in the metro.
I live in Moscow.

What the fuck ? Are you guys still having communal shitters ?

t. Mbebe


About 4 or 5 years ago when I visited Cancun and it was full of American tourists

Couple of hours ago

South Carolina
I doubt I've ever went a day without seeing a nigger (while in South Carolina that is)

In May, when I was flying from Tokyo to Buenos Aires. I went through Minneapolis and Atlanta, I saw a shitton of niggers.

A few hours ago
Also is that picture a real person or is it a photoshop ?

republic of macedonia
saw some french tourists couple months ago

I'm sorry, but I'm not racist, disgusting sissy frogboy.

Saw a couple but they were working latino nigs, they're alright.

It's a real African, but he is not astrophysician.

like 3 days ago

When I was to the market place this morning

My neighbour is an African guy. Just talked to him a few hours ago.

What'd you guys talk about?

Moved far away from my jew run shithole of a city to the countryside and now i haven't seen kneegrows for a couple of months. I did see one though, the type who is so black that he had a hint of blue in him.

There is an old black dude working in a parking lot near where I study. Never talked to him, but he is pretty chill he does his job quietly, but it seems like he has only one decade left.

Just normal small talk. He came to me earlier asking where to take his broken car so I asked him whether he got that sorted out and then he asked me about my brother, cause my brother used to be his manager.

>1 year ago
the perks of being a privileged neet

Yesterday at work, I have a couplele of Haitian co-workers

I'm not sure, it was 2-3 years ago at a metal festival, a group of people from Ghana came to Iceland for the festival to see Meshuggah. I sometimes see some in Reykjavík but never in my part of the country. Hella Asians here tho.

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A year

just now looking at the mirror

A few years ago

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today, every small town has a couple of blacks in Portugal.
One if you live in villages smaller than 10.000 you won't see them

I was in Lisbon last year...jesus christ there's Africans from your former colonies literally everywhere in the streets. It's quite strange that you don't have a nationalist/populist party on the rise

>Be you frog cuck

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Ant time I leave the house to go somewhere I'm bound to see one.


Toronto, Canada
I see niggers every day especially when I take public transit.

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Where do you live? In Toronto I see them everyday.

When I looked in the mirror a couple of minutes ago

today when i saw op

In real life? A few months ago, the last time I went into the city.

Online? Today, when I watched a Blacked video.

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New Brunswick


A few days ago, we have our own gym nigger
He's pretty fucking ripped, despite doing meme exercises

this summer but it was in Czechia

Sweden, 20 minutes ago

colombia (living in a mountain town)
about 4 years ago

We all leave. Only the cucks and old people remain.

like in august i saw a couple of niggers and a few pajeets
i spot some gook tourists occasionaly, last time i did they were loud as fuck, mustve been chinks

do colombian mutts count as nigger?

reported to angela merkels Beureu of Diveristy and Love

2 weeks ago when I was doing a job at a school



yes, they do

2 weeks ago maybe more
>non-european immigrant

based AND redpilled

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Like over an hour ago on the subway

nice fantasy