>be CHI
>grow up in white neighborhoods, have only white friends
>start to sort of subconsciously think of myself as white without realizing it
>notice I feel less comfortable around non-white people than whites
>feel an inward jolt every time I'm reminded I'm not white
having an identity problem, frens
Relax man. Don't listen to much what people say, you are a good man. I had a lesson when i was young, a friend said to me "you have to learn how to not give a fuck."
Do not worry friend, you are a good person and above all an AMERICAN. People who tell you to act "latino" need to be reminded what country they are in. Maybe you can one day be a republican congressman!
Few things are worse in this world than CHIs.
it's not my fault
why are mexicans so mean?
>be white
>grow up in a CHI neighborhood, have only CHI friends
>identify more with Latinos than white people
>only dated Latinss
>feel uncomfortable talking to white girls
>feel more comfortable with CHIs
Kill the wh*Te dogs
stop misusing this meme retard.
CHI's are the ones who are born in America and identify as Mexican
kys puto
It's OK friend, just ignore them.
Americans are fucking obsessed with race
How white are you though?
America used to be a white country, and was originally founded to be a whites only country.
Everything else is a deviation, and not American.
idk 60-80% if I had to give a ballpark figure. Enough Indian blood that people can tell.
>things should never change
A lot of the founders didn't even want immigration from Germany or Eastern Europe, and yet a plurality of white Americans today are of German ancestry.
What country are your parents from?
this but the opposite, I'm white but grew up around CHIs and Mexicans
Holy shit, I'd fucking kill myself if I wasn't nordic.
My mom's from Mexico my dad's white-Pacific Northwest Indian
Is your dad one of those "I'm 2% Cherokee" guys?
You are white though. The census counts you as one, and most people would see you as such if you integrated into America well enough as you described.
>tfw half Nordic and half Slavic
Thank God I've got Slav genes to override the cuckold Nordic genes
I grew up as a CHI in a really Hispanic city so I never had that feel , but now that I moved to a majority white city I feel like I dont belong since whites have a shitty sense of humor and their jokes are garbage I cant relate or really make friends with them so I feel more comfortable with other CHI's , the strange thing is I only feel uncomfortable with whites from the US but I have many white friends from europe that I feel comfortable with.
No his mom's full-blooded Indian, I've been to the rez and everything
Are you sure she's full-blooded?
What's your dad's dad?
You might be whiter than you know.
>most people would see you as such if you integrated into America well
not OP but I dont think it really matters if they see you or not as white just that they dont think of you as that "foreign guy" . Ive noticed as a CHI living in the a white city most whites here make friends easily with asians or brown people who are really americanized but not so much with CHI's who still have their culture and own behavior
do u run around going WOLOLOLOLOLOLOL and then go to your teepee to resume your chronic alcoholism?
>making friends with white Americans
why lol?
whiter than you ahmed
Look up bricheros, theres a whole culture in Peru of Native americans seducing white european tourists for a visa
Most of these pics are taken in Peru
Why do they run to the first world?
There's nothing but shit awaiting them here.
based as fuck
Kill yourself chicano
I sort of tried just because they invited me to parties but It just didnt click, the funny thing is I made friends with a bunch of asians and indians who are "fresh of the boat" instead, and I dont know why i just felt more comfortable with these lads maybe because they are a bit "foreign" like me
>be CHI
Stopped reading there, kill yourself subhuman
You'll always be white to me friend
>be Hungarian
>grow up in a white neighborhood, have only white friends
>start to sort of subconsciously think of myself as white without realizing it
>notice I feel less comfortable around non-white people than whites
>feel an inward jolt of pleasure every time I'm reminded that I'm white
t. Turko-Mongol-Slav
Do you know spanish?