Why is American architecture so bad?
Why is American architecture so bad?
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Probably because we drifted into all sorts of bad design ideas in the early-mid twentieth century.
In the old days, form followed function.
Then with modernism they invented suburbia, ranch houses, shopping strips, public housing projects, etc.
This house is cool
I always wondered why McMansions had such large roofs.
I never see anything that bad around my city, but I think if you go to the semi-rural areas (exurbs) you see gaudy stuff like that.
are those roof tiles fake?
American roof shingles aren’t tile, they’re made out of a rubbery asphalt.
Remember, everything in america is dependent on oil
Jesus fucking Christ
why are all american homes beige colored inside?
Why the fuck would anybody make his house look like it's shedding plaster, on purpose ?
This is the style that’s popular now. While not the best, it is nice to see people building pedestrian-friendly traditional neighborhoods again.
It’s a bad imitation of old European buildings that have character
Man back in the day having a big house meant everything.
These days it’s not so much about size but style and location.
I never see people building suburbs anymore, haven’t for years.
too communist. you have to own your own lawn to cut or you are nothing
I know you’re trolling but poltards actually believe this.
Meanwhile you are not allowed to grow anything in your lawn or even put a fence in your front yard
best part those shutters don't shut. i've never, having lived in 4 different cities across the usa, seen shutters that weren't just nailed to the fucking house. half the time they aren't even the right size for the windows if they did shut.
Rate my house's architecture
Because we can, Finanon; always because we can.
What's the issue with functional shutters?
i like it, too bad every house i see like this is more expensive than the one next door thats twice the size.
blame the exploits of our social liberal party
McMansions aren't really a thing in my city though
Matches almost any piece of furniture, lighting, flooring, etc., and improves a home's value since, like white, it is so neutral and won't scare off any buyers but is less sterile and more comfy than white.
no fucking clue. i've never seen them. lived in ny,co,va,nc,and ca. never seen functional shutters.
Als this is from before I moved in
I don't have those curtains anymore
they're ornamentation, their utility comes from a different era, we have advanced windows now made of glasses and polymers
so get rid of them.
who the fuck memed the ecological disaster that is the freshly mowed bluegrass american 30 acre lawn into being?
>their utility comes from a different era
I'd say keeping the sun out can be pretty useful, even today.
apparently it aesthetically frames windows against the solid color of a wall
I dont like it how they put fake window shutters on houses. Looks dumb as hell
We have blinds for that, user
Get rid of the tie while your at it. We got buttons now you fucking nigs
advances in technology have allowed for easy mechanical blinds that block out the sun, and curtains as well
No culture, so they just haphazardly imitate Europeans.
Why do Aussies and Leafs make fun of Americans for having wooden houses when they also have wooden houses?
>on the inside
Won't do much during a heatwave. I really love these badboys desu, block the light nearly 100%, placed outside so effectively reflects sunlight during a heatwave, also extra insulation during cold days.
As opposed to being a haphazard copy of this haphazard copy that is America?
What the fuck are you talking about?
We have air conditioning for that
you can install those, they're sold at any home depot
People will just nitpick us on every little thing
I'm not him and he's an idiot since homes in Canada and America are most often the same and are built in the same ways, but if you don't know anything about Canada it's best just not to post at all.
McMansions only appear in cuckberta, you semens slurpers
looks great so long as the earth never shifts at all.
I dont know its bizarre. It's also bizzare that everyone keeps forgetting that a lot of areas have brick houses and in places like NYC most new construction is cement and brick externally with a steel frame.
naturally, ours is an open society, we don't hide anything from these people, a prying neighbor won't feel guilt in chiding something outside his own house
I do in fact know a lot about Canada, else I wouldn't post.
We both know that's not true, everywhere west of Québec has shitty McMansions and I'm guessing that there are a few in Québec and the Maritimes too.
>only McMansions are made out of wood
It's like a tribesman discovering the wonders of a light switch.
>American architecture is ba-
If you think Canada is in any way a copy of America then you don't.
Nah, I've been everywhere man. In Alberta it's only oil boom homes that copy that school of design.
reminds me of windows from my old elementary school
Are you a fucking idiot? Every province i've been to had Mcmansions, dumbass
I think the idea bothers you, it's okay, I know in spirit you don't think you actually are a copy.
That is unironically bad
You haven't been payimg attention then because they are common.
Guess the country
>That is unironically bad
Can't be bad because it's actually in Canada
That is clearly the USA
That looks like her4
It's British Columbia
And I have been saying that """Canada""" is full of these shitty McMansions, as has another leaf. There is just 1 who keeps pretending they are only in Alberta.
I don’t like how there’s one centre pillar but the next one is way over the other side. Also I’d be worried about that tree if you live in an area that gets storms and such
Yup, i've been to BC and Alberta on multiple occasions and it's the same shit
As I said, clearly the USA
what pertains to "Canada"?
We don’t have a lot of wooden houses being built here now
Nobody outside of Canada thinks of Quebec when they think Canada
that stone is vinyl.
Which one is an American McMansion and which one is a Canadian McMansion?
If I ever get my own individual house I'll probably turn my yard into a garden.
Which country is this?
Canada is part of America
What's with the font on that stop sign? It looks wrong.
Peak Canadian architecture is American ranch style houses
What's with the language on that stop sign? It looks wrong.
this is my street. my house is just behind those trees. rate
Good thing it's western Canada so it doesn't count, right?
driving on wrong side of the road/10
>*inhales weed~*
what if like.. there IS no right side to drive on, man?
I know you're upset that they called you a faggot for sucking a million dicks but I'm pretty sure Jow Forums doesn't give a fuck about lawns
It's in the Appalachians you mong.
forgot those plates don't move.
Looks great as long as the TVA doesn't take it under eminent domain.
Why are yall only posting exteriors? Inside the mcmansion’s where it’s at.
I have never seen functioning shutters in my life. They’re almost like something from a Disney movie
>implying people in the Appalachians can afford plates
There's nothing wrong with those though, they are sensible homes, not McMansions
What? Usually it’s the left-leaning types who are into historic preservation.
Btw lots of those wood Victorian-style homes in America declined because maintaining those wood ornaments was a nightmare.
why does everything older look so much better
because we only see the small percentage that was good enough to survive.
The point of that post was a response to
>trying to trigger people with trypophobia
Delete this or I'll report you for cyberbullying
imagine still looking this baller after 700 years