It was at pg 8 with 469, janny
dont you do it
It was at pg 8 with 469, janny
dont you do it
Where the fuck are you from?
I asked the Henry if he knew and he called you Placer so I'm guessing Placer County
Which city though?
>go to golds gym
0-4 i do it tonight
5-9 i do it tomorrow
I'm reading eroge in the living room, but if anybody wants to play CSGO I will move to my desk.
Watching the new seaosn anime
Can't wait
who the fuck is Henry
I shit on people who post about drugs and alcohol while indulging in drugs and alcohol and shitposting about it
Berkeley poster
I said I'd refer to people I know in real life by their names so I'm going to do that
Nigga who name their child Henry lmao
I'm going to name my first son Rutherford
I used to believe that I was a pure-blooded sudacoid venezuelan ameridian/sicilian mutt. But today I found out that one side of my dad's family is actually pure white and lived in the US for hundreds of years. How am I supposed to dealing with knowing that I'm actually part wh*toid?
Going to name my son Baphomet
He'll hate you.
Think I'll give my son an East Asian name. And if it's a girl I'll give her a German name.
My first daughter? Dolly
Dolly and Rutherford
gonna name my son bob or joe
So Robert?
Robert is the most versatile name
You can be:
bob is not and will never be a shortening of robert
think you're wrong
how do i get my hands on peyote when i live far away from the desert
Dick is short for Richard
post here in here, especially americans they love talking about American culture
Poop ain't coming out
thats the first sign that youre dying
Why white boys got the dumebst name
Tom looking ass
What's your first name
It's not fair that you know mine but I don't know yours
>tfw no one can pronounce my first name correctly on the first try
I wish I hae a generic white name instead of a "unique" nigger name
Fucking pedo
>asian women
>virgin pretends to be disgusted by someone who would never let him fuck them in the first place
>non-asian women
I have no problem with never fucking an asian woman, theyre repulsive
Going to go to a majority white college and get the white gf
I am bored
what should I do?
You'll never fuck any kind of woman desu
nah, your moms always available
I'm feeling pretty fucking confident. Maybe I'll talk to some cute white girls tomorrow.
Wow great comeback
thanks =)
>not making love in a virtuous committed relationship
what should I fap to?
Making love is a dumb phrase
Loli doujin
I listen to soundtracks and imagine a scenario to go with it.
Fap to your wife using her vagina instead of your hand.
I fucking hate watching nigger male and white female pron, bur I really want to stick my dick in a cute blonde girl.
I've seen nigger uglier than me with me get cute white girls
Don't see why I don't have one yet
Stop masturbating
Get a girlfriend or FWB and use her/his pussy/boipussi
what's a FWB?
When did the influx of literal fags occur?
Getting a gf isn't easy
>engage in premarital sex
Fat white bitch
Friend with benefits
last week
/cum/-chan tadaima
I'm not a fag
I just want to, and have in the past, fuck feminine people with penises
I just wanna play my fucking game
>Im not gay, I just LOVE reminding everybody I fuck twinks regularly
I just want a white gf
What're you going to do now, user-chan? Sleep? Eat? Fap?
i am a HUGE fag t-bh
eat some chips
maybe fap
cook some eggs and cheese and toast
do some laundry
go to gym
go to visit mom and post under new regional flag
I wish I could fuck twinks on the reg but I'm held back by a monogamous relationship
Sergei Bodrov Jr was the best looking Russian man of the 1990s
Anyone else chew gum all the time to hide their drug use?
People get suspicious if I keep licking my gums and teeth
reminder that twinks=/=tgirls
I want to fuck a twink too though
i thought you didnt like men
are you the heroin guy?
Never said that just don't like masculine men
Twink implies some sort of femininity
I don't fuck with heroin
Coke, weed, benzos, MDMA and party drugs are more my thing
based and redpilled
Where did they come from
i need to become an organless body
the catalog
love this rain, buds
I wish it was raining
someone give me a quick rundown on what will change with the USMCA thing please (retarded name, should have been CUM or USMECA)
i'll take them off your hands, we can split the profit
Trade is freer now
Friendship with Canada is over. MEXICO is America's best friend now.
Going to buy a bunch of girl clothes and fly to Guadalajara
dont forget the make up and maybe a wig
>all these gayposts
It's not gay if he wears a skirt
its not gay if i pretend im a woman
good, now I can cuddle up with the gringos on the couch
As part of the free trade agreement you have to give us Baja
I haven't played CSGO in awhile, this MP5 feels really nice.
The only way Trump would've gotten another vote from me is if he named he new trade deal CUM