Canada would be better place if east asians colonized it first

Canada would be better place if east asians colonized it first.

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1921x1259, 220K)

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Perhaps, perhaps not. History isn't a Goosebumps choose your own adventure book.

could be pleasant if it was like Taiwan I suppose
not a CCP ridden authoritarian shithole though

We already did.

Attached: 캡처.png (1416x670, 1.13M)

Birts, like yanks, have no self awareness.

there's a couple of recorded cases of asian boats getting lost in storms and drifted over

all it would have taken was a big enough boat for it to happen

is this hwan empire??

don't deny that our government is overreaching a bit but equating us to China is absurd

That is thousands of years later that hwan empire falt

Attached: 캡처.png (1422x525, 1.87M)

Unlike what wh*Toids did to the native population here they would probably be very loyal and productive citizens in a new world asian colony and be completely assimilated by now.

Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh

you have already taken a elite education.

wtf is that crap

>china is a small province if Hwan empire.

>this new

It’s like flat eath theory but in korea

Most of east Asia is a shithole.
Which is why your parents moved to Canada.

Attached: asian_jew.jpg (160x160, 8K)

i submit to our korean masters. Plz dont hurt us

*blocks your path and radically shifts your understanding of history*

Attached: 1538611795607.jpg (2774x1228, 832K)

Koreans' inferiority complex made such a fantasy.
It's a shameful display. Non-koreans laugh at the map, huehuehue.

I guess they would fit in better.
They're extremely arrogant and bad at speaking English as it is.

China couldn't even fight off some Filipino pirates harassing their coastlines

Is this the map of the world borders before the Great hyperspace war?

Kill yourself you pathetic dickless Chinese roach

The next Assassin's creed game