The next cultural wave among american millennials is going to be moving to Europe

The next cultural wave among american millennials is going to be moving to Europe.

How does Jow Forums feel about this fact?

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Should we start selling reinforced underwears?

disgusted, revolted, angered

Move to based Ireland, France and Germany, they're based and redpilled as fuck. Don't come here, it's cucked and there's no guns.

I doubt anyone is going to want to move to a shithole like France. It'll be Germany, Netherlands or Nordic countries. Maybe UK.

The brains will be drained

Austarlians have been doing it since forever, I might join them.


>Magapedes move to the balkans and eastern Europe because they think the USA is too jewified
>Lefties move to western Europe and the Nordic countries because America is so backwards and conservative and evil and racist
>USA becomes an Anglo Saxon paradise once again

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Why would they do that? They'd move to Germany and support the AfD.

If I'm moving anywhere, its southeast Asia.

>Germans can't enforce anti-nazi laws on Americans because that itself would be a Nazi-like act

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dumb filthy subhuman sexpat incel

Magapedes love Russia, Serbia, etc. and think Germany is already lost.

Argentina has the most liberal immigration laws, very cheap standard of living, and most millennials speak basic bitch Spanish. That (plus Canada and Mexico obviously) will be the big refuge if there’s a civil war or some shit

I forgot what other country has also said it but Austarlia has been confirmed to (have to?) take American refugees if anything happens.

Who wants to live there lmao

It's super easy for anyone who isn't retarded (e.g. makes at least 75k/yr) to move to Europe

>implying most of the people who say "Fuck Amerikkka/JewSA, I'm leaving!" have any usable skills that would allow them to actually leave
Remember how many people were going to move to Canada in 2016

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Basically any STEM grad can move to Europe

If you don't make minimum 60k a year you're not a human being

>implying most of the people who clam they're going to leave the USA aren't either unemployed or art majors

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Is there any other graduate or job that would allow more freedom of movement.

Not really. It's very easy to move since Europe is desperate to get people to pay into their pensions and is experiencing a demographic crisis

>People make America worse
>"Ugh, America sucks, Europe is so much better!"
>Move back to Europe
>Make it worse
>America becomes better without them
>They move back to America
>Cycle repeats forever

Think you can fit anymore buzzwords in a sentence?

But it's the minorities and the influence of a certain nation which are making America bad.

Europe doesn't really have those and it will take decades until muzzies become a large demographic
You are beneath contempt

we do not want other immigrants

they unironically cant

Which yuro country is best for software engineers AND has guns AND has loli?

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You don't have a choice, your government does and you are of the EU ;^)

Nobody wants to live in a thirdie shithole like Hungary

Armenia and Argentina will be the hot meme destinations for wayward youngsters, they're very easy to move to

In the last few months I've seen about 4 random Americans working retail and I'm in rural Queensland

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topic was about europe butthurt sharter

Not going to help you since you're a subhuman pedoNEET

Why the hell is it so easy to move to Argentina

It's super easy for gainfully employed Americans to move to Europe though

Hell it's even codified in immigration laws that we have preference. We can go on a travel visa and apply for work there, e.g. in Germany

>American moves to Serbia
>only speaks in English
>get shot

Most of Jow Forums isn't even employed is it

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Where you live, up north or more interior like Goondiwindi

in your dreams maybe lel

>Doesn't even know about the EU blue card
Well you are a thirdie after all

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>Hell it's even codified in immigration laws that we have preference

kek. Sure thing.

>no americans in europe apart from GI Joes
>some frogposter unemployed fatso telling me europe is very accepting of them
dumb frogposter

It applies the same way to Africans and Americans tho....


>Africans and Americans
Same thing

nice meme

A lot of the Silicon Valley oligarchs have been building bunkers here.

I'm not sure why they think they will be safe

Toowoomba, so the closest to non regional you can be while technically being regional

Salary limitation.

Foreigners from Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand or the USA can apply for a work permit in Germany

Everyone is very mad about the prospect of rich Americans moving to their country!

>Well you are a thirdie after all

How does it make you feel that a 'thirdie' has more rights in Germany than you do?

Wait how does that work?
Unironically want to spend a year or two working in germany banging european thots.

Is toowoomba really regional?, You aren't the poster from /tg/ are you.

Irrelevant. It's easy to get residency/work permit there and you can get permanent residency in under 2 years. Plus I'm white and he isnt

The USA is the one it's insanely hard to get into ;)

As refugees?

Actually I heard something about that a long ass time ago. I don't think it's true I think Australia would probably just send aid.

I am going to work but you need a work contract, it lets you skip having to do embassy BS which takes forever.

There is a 6 month job seeker visa if you have $ saved up which I think you could get

As highly qualified and high prestige knowledge workers.

Is it specific jobs?

I'm in CS, could I grab a visa, fly over, find a job then get a visa? How does that visa work, is it like a green card or like an H1-B?

If America goes into the shitter I'm moving back to Asia as my parents still have land there.

yes, melanin rich

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You can go for 90 days in any 180 days on a tourist visa. In those 90 days, you apply at the Ausländerbehörde for a work permit, but you need

- registered apartment
- German health insurance
- signed work contract
- notorized and sometimes translated diploma
- bank account statement (sometimes)

>The USA is the one it's insanely hard to get into ;)

Actually it's pretty much the same. I already had two visa for the US. A 6 month student visa and a 2 years intern visa (J1). If I wanted a HB1 (or whatever they called it I don't quite remember) I could have easily ben hired by some company. But I decided I was better in Europe.

It is better in Europe, but not in France.

It's not too difficult, but do Germans have tech conglomerates in their major cities? Is it possible to get a job in finance and tech?

>Plus I'm white and he isnt
La bestia...

That's your opinion.

Feel free to bang Euro or Anglo or slav thots but German women are for families

everyone's sperging out about immigrants anyway, so sure, throw am***cans in there too, fuck it all

Blue eyes, brown hair, fair skin, not savic.

Yes I'm a mutt of north western Europeans.

Still white

He's probably a liberal shithead who did foreign exchange in Europe and now thinks he can run a muck in Europe. Can based Italians beat him up?

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Yes of course. But if you are thinking about it practice some German
Hey we will be whiter than your other immigrants

Over my dead body

Tbh German taxes would piss me off. I have a friend stationed in a base out there. He says it can get a bit boring. What's your reason for leaving?

....and? you sound like a cunt, who gives a shit you look like

It's funny how you keep agitating your whiteness as a proof that you will be integrated in Europe.

You'll have a hard realization when you'll realize that your race in the north american sense is not relevant in Europe. Americans are pretty much seen as basic, stupid and naive. You're not in the same basket than niggers but still nothing to do with what you have in mind.

Many reasons. Work, Life, work-life balance.

Taxes don't bother me because I get something for them, unlike Americans

How does europe see Canadians?

I look German enough that people speak German to me. That's the key, I look the part, unlike other Ausländer.
The fact that my German is pretty good is the icing on the cake.

The only Americans I know who live in Europe have a foreign spouse or in military bases. Also no one in Europe cares if you're white because they're literally all whiter than you.

the only acceptable new worlders

Anglo canadians are seen as Americans.
French Canadians are seen as 'cousins' by French people (nos cousins d'outre-atlantique), and as French or Americans by non-french, depending what language they speak in a particular situation.

>I look German enough that people speak German to me. That's the key, I look the part, unlike other Ausländer.

I laugh at your naivety. You obviously never live in a foreign country long enough to realize that personality and culture is much more important than appearance.

What about Aussies and Kiwis?

aussies and kiwis are seen as BASED sick cunts
come on over to france bro
t. frenchman

bongs that talk funny

Lmao this must be bait

He's probably a fake it till you make it American. His kind are weak feeble minded individuals. They shatter into pieces when they deep down seek approval and acceptance by Europeans. He might just be la creatura luz extinguida. Hopefully you french are smart enough to not let him in.

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They have a positive image. We love Australia and New Zeland because for us it's a dream destination on the other side of the world.
Especially New Zeland since the Lord of the Rings movies everybody see the country as some kind of magical place. So the general image is positive.

Of course people with a strong international culture will know that Australians are actually degenerate rednecks.

Australians are based and euro frens

I'm an American, moved here just last year. So far it's pretty based (and redpilled)

But getting a job, man... It's already shitty enough in Australia

don't remind me bro

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fuck off we're full

Just get your dad to set you up a job in his firm and you'll be alright. Stop whining. That's not the attitude of WINNERS.

tfw my dad is a pensioner even though he used to own his own business

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>German women are for Turkish cock

fixéd for you steven.

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Hope the pakis here rape them, the men i mean.

ich habe schon in Deutschland gewohnt.

Which country would be the most likely one where a mutt could get a cute white gf.