Is it worth it?
t. volf dren
Is it worth it?
t. volf dren
Pros :
You end up with a big pension, the right to claim French citizenship, it's a life changing experience and you will probably make friends for life
Cons :
You might end up spending most of your pension trying to solve your mental health problems
You might get fucked in the head
You might die during training
Eh, you decide.
high risk high return
Not at all
>you might die during training
Die during basic? Do they shoot with live rounds at you or something?
I get people dying in special forces training but i thought the FFL was basically just a group of marines
I dont see any cons in that, sign me up.
I don't know exactly, but I remember seeing an article or two about that every year or so. I know the conditions are very harsh and the training is intense. Near the end of training, they must complete a 120km march in 3 days and I remember correctly, there's a guy who died during that march a couple of years ago.
stop using adobe acrobat
>stop using adobe acrobat
>winamp is still okay
Don't they have some age limit for newcomers there? Considering you're using winamp, I'm pretty sure, you are 30+ y.o.
That movie you have to the left, "Life is beautiful", is it a Korean movie?
Pretty sure it's like any army except you are with people from all over the world (mostly slavs though) and you get french citizenship at the end if you want.
>slonček benjamin
>kimba beli levček
>ice age
>kung fu panda
prjav se rajš v popoldansko varstvo bizgec
winamp is based
>they must complete a 120km march in 3 days
this is in jungle or desert terrain, right? in normal terrain 120km in 3 days would be nothing.
What are they saying in the video?
>Is it worth it?
are you a criminal ? do you have people who want to kill you in your country ? do you have bid debts ?
then yes, do 5 years you'll have french citinzen ship and a little money
if not don't bother its hard and french who try don't last that why they want foreginer and people who have fuckep up backgrounds so they don't have choice. You might become a pshychopats after 5 year thought
They just insult each other in Russian. In very elaborated way, so it's obviously they were very well tought by native speakers.
the black really look like a ape
future french men :)
Only if you have nothing to lose. Initial physical requirements are actually lower than in many armies. But they will accept you only if you really have nowhere else to go. The reason being that once volunteer gets hit by the reality of legion life, he will want to desert. But if he has nowhere better to go, he will stay.
The legion has been slavicized in recent years and its full of russians and Polaks You would be in advantage as a slav. They dont take anglos at all (because they almost always have better places to go and can desert) and Ive recently heard that they stopped accepting arabs (dunno why exactly tho). Ideal candidate as of now is Slav, age 18-28 with some previous military experience, good physical state and properly functioning brain who for some reasons have no other place to go or really really really absolutely need to become Legionaire (dont lie at the interview. they check everything with interpol).
Expect a lot of hard work both physically and mentally. You will get like 1k euro cash but housing and food is free. You will live with comrades in barracks and wont get your own room until you get at least rank of corporal (3+ years of service, foregn tours and very hardcore physical and mental tests).
Its not easy and you may die, fuck up your body etc. Think carefuly
If yure serious, get your body and brain in shape. At the start you will go through psychometric and physical tests. Volunteers will then be offered legion jobs to choose. Men will select the jobs in order they scored in the exams. Meaning if you fuck up physical or psychometric test and get just barely in, you may end up as a cook, peeling potatos for paratroopers. If you do very good, you may be the paratrooper.
Initial contract is for 5 years. If you survive 15 and attain certain rank, you are eligible for pension (depends on rank and service record. Usually around 900euro). There is zillions of videos and articles with more info. Do some research if youre serious
>Ive recently heard that they stopped accepting arabs
they are less discplined, lazy and are prone to rebellion, not good material, too much problems
I want to join to become a paratrooper, but i have a big unrelated problem. My hands are REALLY sensitive to cold and i get frostbite very easily, how fucked am i?
Damn I bet they can all speak 3 plus languages. Bet if I joined I'd barely grasp French
I read an article once on this
Guy basically only spoke rudimentary french, turned up at the recruitment center and got accepted right away for the training course
I think he quit after one week because they really put you through hell
I think i wouldn't last in there either because of that fucking chronic autoimmune disease i've been cursed with
Go to doctor to have it checked, sounds to me like bad circulation. Keep in minda that paratroopers in legions is as elite job as it gets. And for every single sport in legion (including cooks, musicians etc) there are like 8 volunteers. Obviously some people become paratroopers, but most dont. After boot camp is over, you bo through physical evaluation. One discipline is 8km run with 12kg backpack. You have 1hour to do this. Those who finish close to 30 minutes can realistically think about paratrooper regiment
Indeed if you speak multiple world languages its welcomed knowledge thst will be bonus to you. At the bootcamp (4months). You must learn only few songs, code of legionaire (like 7 sentences) and some basic orders. Nothing impossiboe
You dont need to know any french at all. But they accept native speakers. They use so called binome system. One native french speaker is assigned 2 non speakers. He is tasked to help teaching them. Every day there are french lessons. When the non speakers dont know something, they are punished together with their assigned native. Usually pushups or something. These days physical punishment usually doesnt go beyond slap on the back of your neck
The training is all done in French from the very beginning so git gud
install gentoo
Yea its bad circulation, but i have ran 5 half marathons along with cardio training, so cardio is not a problem.
Its just that when its cold my finger gets stiff really easily, can a doctor fix this?
Guess im fucked
In amazonian jungle with 40kg backpack and a guy who simulate being injured if i'm correct
It's for psychos and desperate third world niggers
You better be mentally strong. Even if you're a weakling, they'll push you and you'll eventually suceed. OTOH they can't do make anything out of you if you're a whiner or a quitter.
Also don't fucking lie, because they will find out.
you walk through Occitan countryside.
im no doctor but doctor can tell you whats what. Just tell him you want to go to the army (dont say legion) and you want to know whether they could accept you with this. The thing with legion is that once they refuse you, yu can never try joining again. Better to prepare as much as possible before you try. Also if its nothing super serious, yo should probably go when its not winter. But since most ppl try to join during summer, joining in winter is often the best chance for everybody as there is less people. Worst time to try joining is july-september. Majority of volunteers comes in those months.
In any case you will go through 3week mountain warfare course in French alps, so you will have to survive at least some cold
No, kaj je postal beli zajček?
Why is nobody commenting on the fact that the only reason to do this is if you're a Congo jungle nigger who wants a French passport? What the fuck is the point of doing it if you're already an EU citizen?
Frogs are kinda stingy these days with the passports. Youre not even guaranteed to get it. But there are many reasons to join. Some people have fucked up life. Like millions of debts. Or Ive heard of some american whose life has been destroyed after fake rape accusations. He cant get a job anyhere and ppl basically hunt him with pitchforks in the streets. Legion offers new life.
Then there are Russkies and people from poor countries. Rather than working as a slave to get salary equal of what Americans leave as a tip in restaurant, they go to the legion. Also many guys really want to be tough soldiers and their own armies either didnt accept them or they specifically want to be in legion. In fact one czech guy was denied service in czech army so he joined legion and served 15 there, eventually becoming high rank NCO of elite paratroopers.
In every society there are people who seek danger and dont value their own lives too much. But since release valve for such people is very low for such ppl since decrease in warfare and end of colonization, Foreign legion sounds just fine to them
Sure, go die in some realpolitik wars for French interests as a cannon fodder sent wherever Frenchies don’t want to be accountable for sending their own, while being undertrained and poorly equipped. Alongside the world superstar squad of human trash with low morals, that’d be your battle buddies. Also as far as I remember you can apply for a French citizenship only after 2 contracts, that is 10 years, and it’s not guaranteed, it’s still up to the French to decide whether you’re worthy or not. Most of the NATO soldiers accounts I’ve heard of working alongside FF tell they’re shit at fighting and a pain in the arse to deal with.
Why don’t you join your own army? I don’t imagine there is a lot of competition to get in in Sweden.
Bad pay and dont like Swedes
Problem with french army are the officers. They all go through their "elite academy" (st Cyr) and you must have the right pedigree to get there and not be treated like subhuman.(officers in family).
These officers acquire aristocratic manners and think of themselves like they still were in the 18th century. All officers them are noble leaders, all grunts are retarded subhuman cannon fodder. Frenchies should srsly do smething about this if they dont want they army to be a meme forever