/v4/ + frens

old people edition

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watching AI fights is so relaxing


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fuck children
they run around and play fortnite

Why are Czech malls being patrolled by police with fucking mp5s?


It's a bit dark here

Don't make fun of the dialect I subconsciously picked up while growing up in Silesia.

when will they finally release all the Kingdom Come Deliverance DLCs
i want to replay the game but i want the DLCs too, especially the knight tournaments one

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Niggers and muslims desu


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don't know why but I just don't like IPAs

fucken love it

One more day

based opinion

i miss her

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but isn't you third world shithole?
how can people afford kids and ay fortnite

why are slit-eyes always so arrogant?

one Silesian Bull is worth as much as 10 Poles

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too hoppy to be a good belgian pale ale ťbh

He wasn't supposed to go to Yemen, he was just an analyst.

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Who /empty inside/ here?

Not me, I am full of hate, doubt and regret .

I was also full of hate. I thought it was unhealthy and I decided to purge it, just let go of all of my hate. Unfortunately it worked and now what little I had to motivate me is gone.

Good morning frens.

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how does one get a gf from a slavic country? as a brown man.

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>finally see a mexican woman that i find attractive
>realize it's just a brown version of all the slavic square women i love
why are square women so lovely? and how do you deal with being surrounded by perfect women?

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>tfw I remember my classmates making fun of me when I said this on škola v přírodě
fucking pražáci

friday, uni starts

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yeah but the women there look like pic related, it's basically heaven :/

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top of the ráno to you kamarádi

>škola v přírodě
now i'm getting flashbacks


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Hey frens

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stop smoking

I hate smoke IRL

Is this how it is?

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pretty much

Local elections today yay

Voting for Marek Hilšer for senate

Pirate Party in my district and Prague Itself party for whole city


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you might as well join antifa

>meme candidate and meme party

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>tfw no jap gf

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japs are ugly tho.
Just as all Asians.

germans are also ugly

Hope Jozin eats them all.

Well on Prague 3 its sucks

Greens, cssd, top09(former mayor asshole), commies, okamura, ano are big no from me

So only 2 parties left: pirates and ods in coalition with svobodni and pirates

Ods leader here is fucking weird


So yeah voting for pirates

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something vibrates in my PC and it's driving me crazy when I'm not using earphones. probably HDD makes the case vibrate because the HDD rack is skewed fucking gooks cant make good case

Ugly but also comfy

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Japs are pedo-bait
I guess you are right

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>i don't eat meat because i love animals

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>describing people as comfy
do you sleep inside the skins of your victims or something you psycho?


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reminder that voting for Pirates means voting for nigger and faggot loving, pro multicultural, antifa supporting degenerates don't forget!

Bartoš should hang like a degenerate he is.

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just nuke prague already

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She replied.

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why would you nuke the only city of worth in this country?

full of liberals, degeneracy and foreigners

I fully support this. Center of Prague is full of foreigners, homeless lazy fucks who just annoy everyone and arrogant degenerates with inferiority complex or something.


Is being a Moravian a thing? Or it's Silesia tier larping?

According to Prague or Bohemian supremacists, civilization (aka europe) ends and the border of bohemia and moravia is just barbarian savage land (aka asia).
Its similar with Moravian supremacists. For them Slovakia is the asia


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please tell me more about my opinions, user

just a meme nothing more desu

not really. Theres about five people who unironically support Moravian separatism but they nothing more than a laughing stock for the rest of the country desu. To compare to something, being a Czech while claiming to be a Moravian is like being a G*rman while claiming to be a Bavarian

No, thank you but I will post more reasons why Prague deserves a nuclear holocaust

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>tfw in a hundred years when all of the Habsburg realm will be gyppo
>tfw based romani will realise that the Slovak and Hungarian and Czech people were oppresing them
>tfw they will create a gyppo indentity and united gyppo state from Praha to Sofia

Its regional distinction. Obviously moravians dont see themselves as different tribe or nation. There is different dialect, bit different regional folklore, more religion due to historic developments etc. Also prague so some moravians live in covert inferiority, trying to find reasons why mpravia is superior to prague. Common aegu, ent being that prague may be more rich, but then Pragians are just wageslaves whereas Moravians have rich culture, folklore and enjoy their lives more.
Since czechs are involved, there is ofc people who see moravianism as meme to be taken to absurdity, so they meme up websites of moravian liberation army, styling themselves as IRA etc

my GTX 1080(600$ GPU) and 6-core intel CPU with all cores working on 4500mhz barely keeps over 60fps in ultra 1080p in new Assassin's Creed and has frequent drops to ~55 fps and everytime i post my PC specs everyone says LMAO 1080p 60hz monitor in 2018 LOLOLOLOLOL
why the fuck would i need 1440p or more than 60hz

literally FUCK YOU

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I have no problem with it

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what would be the word for docile (potulny) in czech? as in docile dog or cat etc.

well, you should simply kill yourself in that case, fren

for being the only with region in this country with common sense?

>voting for the worse candidate is a common sense now
Drahoš had no qualities of being a president and got absolutely BTFO in all the debates

Soibois dont like Zeman because his banter is too spicy

so he's a progressive cunt?

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Well he was too decent
I really don't care what you think

You are just some vidlak autist

Zeman might be a leftie and half dead but he was way better choice than progressive faggot Drahoš desu. Also had some good bantz too

Oh yeah because being narcissistic egomaniac is so great qualification for president

>Well he was too decent
I-I-I got obliterated in debates be-because I was too- too decent!!!!1! Not-not because I have no de-debate skills!!!!1!!!

Nice meme Drahošdrone

>>>Jow Forumsrules/3

>czech politics talk

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oh yes, and Zeman is such a great president, am I right?

>yes he is a leftie, half dead alcoholic Russian shill but le bantz XD

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>I really don't care what you think
You obviously do care enough to give me more and more (you)'s

>You are just some vidlak autist
Whatever you say, buckoo. At least my town is 99% Czech except for those few Vietnamese and exchange students.

this is not current politics, fren

>All politics and current events belong on Jow Forums.
>All politics