Why was France never able to take it?

Why was France never able to take it?

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Why does anything happen? Either god wills it or not.


it was taking during the french revolution

even god makes mistakes

If it's God will, then I have no power over my life, therefore I have no free will, therefor God makes me post this.

Rhineland is literally the core of Germany, it would have been more weird if France annexed it. The plan to annex it was always a mere phantasy, there's no way they could have hold it for long considering the strong opposition to such idea in the whole region. Even under the Romans the areas under the Rhine were Germanic.
And Esass is comparatively more isolated compared to the rest of Rhineland, doesn't really count.

France's IMPRESSIVE eastward expansion

Attached: 400px-French_borders_from_985_to_1947.gif (400x369, 226K)

Meanwhile... hahaha

Attached: 1011px-German_Empire_1914.svg.png (1011x1024, 244K)

Basado y rojopildorado

That's a big Germany...

Attached: Deutschesreich1939.png (1032x810, 262K)

Oh no...

Attached: 1200px-Map-Germany-1945.svg.png (1200x1019, 226K)

German-Austrian expansion was more impressive till the XX century 2bh.


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Ethnic Germans should have been physically exterminated back in 1945.


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You woukd have to kill tge US army then.


We could have killed at least those under our control.

France's was more impressive because it was fighting against the HRE. German expansion was easier, and the fact that they lost everything in the end shows how incompetent Germans are.

but than where will you immigrate to?

they did hold it though briefly during the Coalition wars

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This makes my Reich become the big Reich

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Okay, this is epic.

Attached: Greater_Germanic_Reich.png (950x785, 129K)

Yes but almost all the regions annexed by France were ethnically French to begin with, only Nizza, Corsica, Alsace and Dunkerque were not (maybe even Northern Catalonia, but that's up for discussion). On the other hand Germans managed to germanize pretty big regions. If Germans (and Austrians) had managed to ensure a century of stability literally half of Europe would be speaking German right now.

>it's ok when we do it

Attached: frwestafrica1925large.gif (478x246, 8K)

>Be russian
>Win war
>The country you defeat becomes the most prosperous country in europe while you stay a worse shithole than turkey

Attached: google-vladimir-putin-age-all-images-news-maps-videos-vladimir-36251565.png (500x510, 109K)

>w-we wanted to exterminate the entire population of Eastern Europe and repopulate their lands, but that's justified because Britain and France were colonial powers!

I know this was during ww2, but what year during the war is this map specifically?

yeah France totally didn't push for replacement of natives in North Africa

Wasn't Germany also a colonial power, just a smaller one?

that's right, it didn't

>one generation

yes but they lost all their colonies after the treaty of versailles which added to their butthurt

yeah, that's pretty fucking brief

well that's surprising
>Following its conquest of Ottoman controlled Algeria in 1830, for well over a century France maintained what was effectively colonial rule in the territory, though the French Constitution of 1848 made Algeria part of France, and Algeria was usually understood as such by French people, even on the Left.[25] Algeria became the prototype for a pattern of French colonial rule which has been described as "quasi-apartheid".[26]

Weakness and military uselessness.

>apartheid equals extermination and replacement
you accuse me of being a liar but you're rather dishonest yourself

You misspelled Righteous wrath

Not saying that what we did wasnt a lot worse but you are no saints either

hundreds of thousands of French people were settled in Algeria, Algeria was annexed and considered integral territory of France, the aim was clearly to get it to become French
this is well known, stop trying to deflect you faggot
there's a reason Algerians were so assblasted in the 60s

The Germans had no moral objection to colonialism, quite the opposite. They were just shit at it. When their major colonial bid failed they swapped to anti-colonial rhetoric to shore up allies in their enemies' colonies.

There is some blurring respecting Southeastern France. People didn't speak French there but Provencal, they very quickly switched their language to French and are considered ethnic French now. But didn't Nice speak Provencal ? What about Piedmont ? I've heard some say that Turin used to speak French until recently. Or was it actually Provencal ? I from the North and I can't fathom what really happened there ethnicity-wise.

That would be Britain. While France was steadily expanding in Europe, Anglos were SEETHING over the fact that they couldn't hold any continental possessions for prolonged periods of time. That's why they turned their focus to the world outside Europe, and even then they managed to lose the jewel of their empire, America, thanks to French intervention.

yeah man I'd really like to know how Britain would've done with colonialism if it was a country in the middle of Europe, not secured as an island, surrounded by France, Russia, Sweden and Italy

I wonder, did the Germans ever entice a former colony under fraudulent pretenses to join them in a world war that they were losing? y'know, maybe by concocting a fake "intercepted telegram" supposedly sent by the Kaiser to Mexico?

There was no apartheid though. People just freely decided to live separately :)

we managed to take it once
but it's highly populated and on the other side was the HRE
also we still managed to take a lot of it, pic related, when it comes to western europe i dont think this progress should be ignored

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The aim was for it to become French, not to displace the natives through extermination. Why are you trying to deflect so hard?

>couldn't hold any continental possessions for prolonged periods of time
I don't know where this meme is supposed to come from, Britain's continental possessions were and still are some of the longest-lived in Europe.

Small tax havens strategically located
That's not that much

German rhetoric:
>assimilation is just as bad as extermination
>the Holocaust was justified because Britain and France did some questionable stuff in their colonies
Absolutely pathetic. I'm ashamed for you guys.

nice strawman, where did a German itt say the holocaust was justified?

Get a room

>random mutt appears and defends France

Never could hold the home of the Franks apparently.

Why is France so cringe?

>be France
>larp as Germanic tribe and latinized celts at the same time
What did they mean by this?

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That doesn't make sense. If anything, tiny holdings like Gibraltar or the Channel Islands should be much easier to retake.
And in any case I was talking from a historical view point, since I assume that's what he meant. Calais was English for 212 years. Hanover was British for 123 years. Who is it that's meant to have a better record of holding foreign possessions, then?

The Holocaust was just the practical application of the Lebensraum ideology. By defending the latter, you also defend the former.

Give bakc Jersey and Guernsey please

And there is nothing wrong with it.

I like that better than "but muh colonialism".

Hanover wasn't British, it was a personal union
If anything Britain was Hanoveranian, for the British kings were from there
Also Hanover was protected as member state of the HRE/German Confederation
wrong. eastward expansion and lebensraum ideology predates the Holocaust by centuries

i wonder if we would have had more land if we werent losing our time with the english

Despite the fact that Occitan may be considered a separate language Southern France has always been part of the French cultural sphere though, afaik the cultural evolution of the South has always been intertwinned with that of the North (as in, it was either Occitan or Oïl to be predominant, not both at the same time). The same goes for Arpitan-speaking regions. But correct me if I'm wrong.

Nice is quite peculiar, Nissart is considered halfway between Occitan and Ligurian. But I would argue that at the time of the annexation of Nice, people from there were pretty much Piedmontian in everything. Heck, Garibaldi was from there and is our main national hero during the Unification. Even during talks for the annexation of Savoie and Nice piedmontian politicians often disagreed on ceding Nice, for the simple fact that while Savoie has always been French-Speaking, Nizza was pretty much italian. There have also been notorious revolts, with France expelling all the italian nationalists at the end.

Piedmont was heavily influenced by French and in Turin most of the upper class spoke French, but that's it. Cavour notoriously spoke French as first language. There are some valleys that still speak Arpitan and Occitan though.

>exterminate the entire population and repopulate their lands

ummmm what do you think colonial powers did?

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And we will do it again, and get away with it

Nazi Lebensraum ideology included the displacement of Eastern peoples through extermination, and the Holocaust was its practical application. This is what you're defending, let's not lie to ourselves.

Based and redpilled frog eater
Someone make the Chad Grand Army vs the virgin Coalition forces

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Tell me if there is something wrong with it?
Indo Europeans genocided the original Europeans too.

no it's not, stop strawmanning me already you fucking fag
you did a bait post with ok this is epic, I took the bait. Every major power had some kind of manifest destiny, Britain in America, France in North Africa, Germany in eastern europe
stop portraying me as Nazi for pointing out we Germans weren't the only ones with such ambitons

How many world wars do you need to start before you realise that Germany will never ever be the main European power again?

I don't think you know what a genocide means.

who's the main power of Europe right now?

I screencaped your post. Let's see about that in the next decades, sweetie.
Everytime you destroy us we will come back, stronger than every before. Until the heat death of the Universe.

I think it is wrong, but my ethics are irrelevant to the subject. I'm just stating facts without expressing any kind of judgment.
Germany is the only out of these whose ambitions included mass extermination.

>Germany is the only out of these whose ambitions included mass extermination.
is this supposed to be a joke?
what do you think happened to the Native Americans?


How Hanover came into British possession isn't relevant to the point. The argument made is that Britain can't hold onto Continental territory. Not only was Hanover never fully conquered under British rule, it was enlarged and even made a kingdom after the end of the War of the Sixth Coalition. In what sense is that not a successful defence of Continental territory?

Good and bad doesn't exist sweetie

Nobody, the balance of power is even
Some might argue it's the U.S. though.

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Let's fuck and make many babies

Britain didn't defend it successfully though, it was made French puppet in the confederation of thw Rhine
and it were mainly Russians, Austrians and Prussians who liberated the rest od Germany from Nappy, not Anglos
good point actually

That was Americans, not Brits. Brits are more guilty of genociding Aboriginals than anything.

But user, I'm a cute boy...
Unless you're into that

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Oh, it's the Russian living in Germany. Never mind.

I don't care, I want to dominate you and fill you up

He has a Swiss flag, idiot

also, Germany expanded eastwards for centuries, since the middle ages.
Extermination plans only were envisioned when the other peoples put up serious resistance, a kind of resistance the colonial subjugates of Britaon and France were never able to put up
I wonder how France and Britain would've dealt with that
I'm not Russian
also that's no argument

Allah akbar

Allah never makes mistakes

It wasn't systematic though, and a genocide is
"Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves"- Raphael Lemkin
I doubt they killed them all very quickly and systematically, but we also have no evidence to support the contrary, so we can argue about schematics for hours

French girls are always welcome here

Actually, the French left their seed there

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As if I would submit to a German!

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By looking at the names of the ancient mayors of Nice : Malausséna, Barralis, Galli, Audiberti, Caravadossi, Archiardi, Passeron, etc. Most look Italian, some look more French. Politically the Niceans certainly felt more Italian than French but ethnicity wise it remains blurred.

You kept the ethnically French Aoasta for some reason, and we got Nice. Nice was a better trade given that it's now the 5th French city by population though.