Apparently the Japanese are so lonely that they pay to have someone drink with them...

apparently the Japanese are so lonely that they pay to have someone drink with them. These are some of the men they employ for that purpose

For me it's Yuto. I probably wouldn't enjoy drinking with a final fantasy character

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I'm lonely but I don't drink with others.
If I open a bottle, I finish it alone and I don't share it with others.

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what's your go-to? suntory whisky?

this guys are final fantasy character ?

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I like Chilean wine.
Because it's cheap. 4 dollars for a bottle.


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Which brands do you have over there?

If I told you these guys would have absolutely 0% chance with swedish women aside from the weebs, would you believe me?

yeah, they look like shit. emo homos
pic related is what a real man looks like, he would mow down those pretty boys like wheat on a field
interesting. I thought Australian wine would have been cheaper because of the proximity. Chilean wine is pretty good tbqh

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I believe you because none of them are named Muhammad.

sounds like bullshit. none of them ever tried to have a go at a Swedish girl so you've got nothing to go with your claim

I want this job

It's called craigslist

maybe, they look more like emos than anything else

Nothing personal. i have no other intentions ,
this is shit Jow Forums ,

fuck you asshole

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I'd share a VB and play some barefoot bowls with Tenma.

host boys are for super wealthy old women or Prostitute.

Average Japanese wonen can't even entry to host club.

Cloud and Squall.

I worked a host bar in seoul few years ago.
mostly the customers are prostitutes, (and a tiny minority of rich women)
their purpose is to have a sex with those bois and to get rid of stress.
Host offers them drinks because the drinks are hella expensive so he can earn more money as much as they drink.

Is the term host bar mean only men?

>barefoot bowls
wtf is this shit

Not him, but Cono Sur has the best cost performance.

well yeah, that's because your women are all looking for black / muslim cock

they are not japanese

Yunosuke is prettier than my gf.