>Canada is a first world count-
Canada is a first world count-
they easily could if they refrain from buying $5 avocado lattes, but that's obviously a bridge too far
Toronto delenda est
Why did you silly Canadians name a city after a video game?
they easily could if they stopped buying them creamed egg malt shakes. kids these days I swear
Grand Theft Auto millennials?
and how many of them considered moving if owning property is so important to them?
>Gay Transgender Assexual millenials
imajine muh shock
Even the suburbs are getting ridiculously expensive.
>keep importing leeches
>let foreign "investors" buy real estate
Gee, I wonder why prices are so high.
and yet there is an ever-increasing number of buyers every year
>inb4 "t-those are vacant investment apartments!!"
then why are subway stations on Line 1 packed tighter than Shinjuku every morning?
There are tons of well-paying jobs in this city. The ones crying about the housing market are either destitute women's studies graduates on Jow ForumsToronto or brainlets who got pushed off the corporate ladder by hungrier climbers.
sounds awfully familiar
i mean, think bigger. how about you move out of a major urban city that has a limited supply and a large pool of buyers?
Even supposedly "cheap" cities like Edmonton are overvalued by about 30%, thankfully interest rates are skyrocketing crashing this market with no survivors, mortgages will be 5.5%, 7.5% with the government stress test by 2020, prices will most likely fall to 2005 levels
>"leeches" can afford $1.5 million homes and you can't
be thankful anonymity is the norm on this site
Leeches take the low cost apartments.
Thanks dung f*Rd. The NDP are literally the only party with a good housing plan but buck a beer retards ruined everything.
immigrants go to the biggest cities, that raises prices and makes it unafforable for a regular person who requires 1st world conditions
in the current age, you shouldn't be living in a large city, regional cities and still very affordable
Because the good jobs are in the urban areas and commuting after a certain point becomes a living hell. Look at the current expansion trends. It went from core Toronto, to North Toronto, to Thornhill and now there are people commuting from fucking Georgina and Pickering.
It's a catch-22 perpetuated by corporations who insist on having their headquarters set in urban areas to attract better employees and/or for easier logistics. It's especially retarded for corporations that require no daily in-office work. Some smart companies have encouraged working from home, and renting a shared office space to use only when necessary for big meetings.
Why don't the millennials just work hard like Jiang who became rich in China and buy all the houses?
>regional cities
Do you also recommend sex without the orgasm too?
but you can't have everything user, im sorry. if home ownership is important to you, you need to make a conscious decision to take a pay cut. in the end you will be able to afford your dream of ownership if you simply moved to a place with less competition. it may not seem savory to you, but you are probably not the top percentile of persons able to afford to live in a highly competitive city.
>muh immigrants
>muh supply and demand
>muh population growth
Wrong, most immigrants are third world and poor as fuck, population growth was higher post WW2 and you could buy a house making minimum wage, Japan and Germany have low housing prices despite having 10x and greater population density than Canada and Australia. Housing prices are determined by access to credit, which has been in a 30 year bull market with lowering interest rates, now /our fed chairman/ Jerome Powell is about to BTFO the debtcucks and create a "lost" decade for the Canadian and Australian economies
The only thing dumber than an American trump supporter truly is a non-American trump supporter. You really can't see how that would fuck us?
What the fuck does Trump have to do with anything? Trump wants him to keep interest rates low but he doesn't care
you're being too nice to the pea-brained incel