Why does freedom of speech frighten and enrage so many non-Americans?

Why does freedom of speech frighten and enrage so many non-Americans?

Attached: extreme free speech.png (639x871, 472K)

how does one "hire" a swat team? is that a common thing in america?

I'm pretty sure even here you can hire Police protection for your events if it's big enough and you have enough money.

you can request it i think but there's no way they'd ever send you something like in the pic, with camo and an assault rifle. you just get a couple of patrolmen in high vis vests.

in america the use currency to bargain for commodities, in fact they do it in other places aswell


Oh look, the "Finnish" Jow Forumstard just happened to show up defending and bumping a cancerous American Jow Forumsbait thread. Got a fetish for mutilated dicks, have you?
Kill yourself.

Might be off-duty swat officers working a security contract with private equipment

Eat shit op too

Good times

Attached: Screen-shot-2015-05-04-at-6.16.07-PM.png (634x510, 81K)

Speek up about the censorship of Nasrallah on youtube then we can talk about free speech

In US they have a tradition of "private armies" like the Pinkerton, nowadays is common to have external people inside the army there

not being a faggot is tough aye?

The image taken is obviously an atypical situation. A SWAT team doesn’t patrol around in plain sight. The whole point of a SWAT unit is to surprise and corner any would be target.

god bless america

he’s not swat, he’s a larping *grunts* “mug sheep dawg” boomer faggot, they’re was tons of them at the event
The swat team was out front in a unmarked vehicle and merked some towels when they pulled up

literally who?

See this is the problem, you think your all about free speech but the opposing opinions have been so heavily censored you don't even know them

Business censoring people and the government doing so isn’t the same thing.

There’s almost nothing I can say that will get me arrested by my government. Certainly less so than many other cunts.

And you are clearly more concerned with trying to make a trivial worthless point than actually spreading the apparently enlightening opinions of somebody I am supposed to give a fuck about. So let me reiterate, why should I care when you don’t?

It's like a bug zapper for towelheads

He's the leader of Hezbollah. Regardless of what you think of the organization his speeches are well researched and would help people to understand the Middle East.