Young. French. Successful.
Drumpf wishes he was like those two.
Young. French. Successful
Drumpfenstein has a higher approval rating than Cuckdeau.
He hardly even qualifies as Québécois, let alone French.
I did the maths and he's 37.5% French which more than qualifies by today's standards
He's 90% Anglo and 10% cuban
Embarrassing. What's the opposite of we-wuzzing? They-wuzzing?
Trudeau is pulling a handshake power move on Macron and he’s just taking it in the ass. It’s embarrassing that you’re talking pride in your President getting cucked by a North American political strategy.
Not anymore, our conservatives imploded this month.
j'aime macron, il a l'air d'un vrai statesman quand il represente la france aux etrangers. j'espere qu'il peut ameliorer son sondage.
Très bonne maîtrise du français, user. Il y avait un Australien qui passait sur /fr/ avant, mais j'ai l'impression qu'il ne vient plus.
*serait-ce toi?
merci, je sais que j'ai oublie le subjuntcif dessus mais c'est trop difficle pour moi maintenant
je crois qu'il y a 2 ou 3 de nous qui poste regulièrement sur /fr/, mais c'est vrai que maintenant je lurk plus que je poste. je ne suis pas l'australian qui poste toujours d'anime
Wtf even is an ethnic French?
Je vois, vous étiez donc plusieurs. Et c'est vrai que le subjonctif est dur, mais sache qu'il existe aussi en anglais sous la forme suivante:
>I suggest that he *be* removed
>Je suggère qu'il *soit* emmené hors d'ici
Isn't Macron really hated in France?
Is it because the media hates Jupiter or is it because he just really is bad
Ceci, j'aime Macron aussi. Je crois il est un bon et vrai chef.
Is Trump really hated in America?
His approval rate is getting lower and lower. Two months ago, there was a scandal regarding one of his bodyguards, who was apparently given the same rights as a police officer and would abuse his power and beat up people. Four of his ministers have left the government recently, and he keeps making blunders on camera, like telling a citizen that he can just "cross the street and find a job", which triggered the French population and comforted them in their opinion that he is removed from the problems of the average Joe
A cursory viewing of our media should give you a pretty clear answer.
The French must always have a healthy disdain for their politicians, it is normal and natural.
50% approval rating
No just the media and the rest of the lunatic left
>just the media
you mean the MAINSTREAM METEOR right?
his dad was a cuck, he's about as french as they come
je le sais, oui. j'arrive la un jour.
je veux poster plus sur /fr/ mais je utilise Jow Forums seulment au boulout, pas de tout chez moi, et j'ai ete trop occupe recemment. il me faut tres longtemps pour ecrire en francais
>il me faut tres longtemps pour ecrire en francais
C'est parfaitement normal. Tu ne fais aucune faute en tout cas, c'est très impressionnant.
Old. Asian. Powerful.
Manu and Trudeau wish they were like these two.
BASED. Is Putin partly tatar?
>putin is shorter than a chinese
Henry Cavill
Is there another Corbyn moment in the works?
The only attractive ethnic Frenchman is English? Quelle surprise.
Based Mélenchon refused to sign up some sort of petition telling to welcome refugees. A little work and he will turn full NazBol
He's attractive thanks to Scandinavian elements in his Norman blood. Pure French people are a very, very ugly race.
Do the French like any of their presidents? It seems like they all struggle to keep more than 30% approval rating after the first few months in power.
He is Finnic Bvll
Why did b*Noit h*Mon have to split the left vote? Melenchon could have taken first place.
Well one average FRENCH NORMAN BVLL is considered the very top of sexyness in England
El atrocidad del maghrebia
Not a single one of them looks French. They probably have foreign ancestry, like 40% of the "French" population.
it's not like french presidents are the usa's puppets
H*Mon was buddy with Macron. If Mélenchon got up with Macron, he would have literally ass raped him in the debate
Ethnic English parents frog. Your average Frenchman looks like this.
Mélenchon is a rambling retard who can't even do communism correctly. All his political stances are just whatever will gain him more support from the population at the moment, he has no real ideas of his own and would get BTFO by Macron in a debate, who is a man with actual charisma and who has mastered the art of rhetoric.
He looks like he fucks black guys
That's a compliment m8
Actually this is what the ethnic Frenchman looks and sounds like. Pure charisma and sex appeal, how can the English "man" compete?
I mean, wtf even is an ethnic Anglo. No regional ethnicity has ever gotten cucked more times by more people than England.
quoi? c'est pour les roasties americaines qui se pensent plus intellectuelles que celles qui lisent
Aucune idée lol, c'est vrai que c'est bizarre
God, i wish that were me
Trump is hated in a vacuum of challengers, but once the Democrats actually have to try and select somebody to challenge him instead of simply having all rentless focus on trashing Trump, people will start to go, “well I mean I don’t really like Trump, but this other dude isn’t any better.”