I hate Muslim """""people""""" with all of my heart

I hate Muslim """""people""""" with all of my heart

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masters don't concern themselves with the opinions of servants

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Nuke Pakistan

Any master that does that is a fucking dipshit since plenty of successful slave revolts have occurred throughout history.

What are you going to do about that? Try to genocide the 200 million muslims in your country? Or learn to accept that some indians have a different religion and mid your own business?

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lol that faggot was killed by his son

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Watcha gonna do about it Hindu kaffir boy, the TVRK BVLL desires to conquer and convert all to ALLAH Al-KARA BOGA TANRI

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Know your place kaffir

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fuc@ U Muslim
We abhor Muslims.
The Pakistanis are criminals.
History books also say that Muslims should be die.
So don't come to Korea if you want to live.
We're gonna kill all the Muslims.
We're full.
Death to Muslims
Death to all Pakistanis who come to Korea
They are nothing but criminals and slaves.
It is no more than that.

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Hindus are the greatest kebab remover in history

Based circumcised Christian Korean

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It is HE who gave us the fertile lands of Punjab and Delhi, Bengal.

He the hammer of idolaters. The God of the TVRKMEN

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>"So don'to como to Korea if you wantto to rive!"
>"We're gonna kirr arr musrims!"

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Stop barking louder than your dinner. It doesn't scare us because we know we just have to sit back and watch your laughable fertility rate eradicate you.

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We are based on Korean shamanism.
But it was similar to Christianity, so we took it very easily.
And 400 people are killed by Muslims every year in Korea.
The average number of murders in Korea is 410 times.

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It is good to be extinct for the slave race and for the blood to rot.

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The problem is muzzies are just too fucking retarded and violent to just sit back and let their enemy continue to make a mistake. They will stupidly provoke their enemy in to a fervor to fight back.

Lol. Shut the fuck up, you weak, piss-skinned gook. Literally the most beta race of """"""""""men""""""""" on the planet. You ain't gonna do shit.

You have to go back...


I hate christians too

I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop Chr*stian dogs from advancing. We mow down Chr*stian dogs but they keep coming. I shoot Chr*stian dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering Chr*stians, since Chr*stians are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. Chr*stian were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are, the Ch*stians capture me and tell me to convert to their jewish cult, I smile and cough, I start laughing coughing blood I say Odin ALLFATHER bless me by your hand, I get shot again, I cough blood laughing before giving one last shout to reach the skies and beyond HAIL ODIN ALLFATHER, I get shot, I lie down, facing up to sky and I see ODIN smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in Valhalla, my homeland. My NORSE brethen gave me a warm welcome to Valhalla. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

My ancestors smile upon me can you say the same?

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And ethnically, Afrikaans have smaller eyes.
Why? Because you couldn't evolve.
Don't substitute South East Asian features for South Korea.
Southeast Asia is also a barbaric Muslim.

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Hindpoos are the most cucked race in human history. The Mughals just walked in and took over the entire northern region of the country with ease. Ruled these monkey-worshipping degenerates for 200 years and killed millions of them for fun. After that, the Anglos did the same. Hindpoos just lied on the ground, arses pointed up and took it like the submissive dogs they are. Only the Sikhs attempted to fight back. Hindpoos were born to be conquered and subjugated by superior races. To this very day, the most famous symbol in India (Taj Mahal) was built by Muslims. The cuckoldry of Hindpoos knows no bounds.

jej. Alright you can tell yourself whatever you want as long as i helps you cope. Just don't kill yourself because you can't open your eyes.

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It's good to die in the same place as the Muslims.

Islamaphobia =/= answer

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Why are you so angry, Kim? Did a Muslim steal your girlfriend?

Muslims killed an acquaintance.

The reason was that she didn't serve Halley's food.

And I am a woman
My last name is shin

I don't even know what you're trying to say. Just open your eyes so you could know what you typed.

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Muslims, outside of that i have seen in Norway, are actually the nicest guys i have seen.

I'm sorry to hear that. But there are more than billion Muslims in the world. It's a little unfair for you to hate all of us due to one evil person who murdered your friend. But at the end of the say, it's your life and if that's your coping mechanism, then I'm not going to stop you.

Muslims are better than Germanic protestants.

Genetically, Korean eyes are bigger than Muslims.
You are small because you cannot evolve.
He is ignorant of it.
When we see it, we wonder how you would see the world with those stringy eyes.

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There are 410 murders every year in Korea.
Among them, between 400 and 390 are Muslims.
Actually, it's too scary.
We don't know them very well, but we accepted them. They kill us.
And when we sued, we were subjected to religious oppression.
Even without religion.

The high Muslim fertility rate doesn't mean anything since most of Pakistanis are inbred.

There are many Pakistani workers who came to Korea to make money.
They give sexual humiliation to women like me at dawn.
It's too scary. They're barbaric no matter how good they think.

Whatever you tell yourself. Just make sure not kill yourself ok?

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Cringe, even if this is a satiric post.

Yeah, fuck you.
Catholics are annoying piece of shit that always whining 'waaaaa I'm minority you must respect me!!' any chance they have, but Protestants are bros.

Muslims will kill me before I kill myself.
It's too dangerous.
I don't understand why the government allowed Muslims visas.

If you're unhappy with migrants being let into your country and committing crimes, then you should let your leaders know. Protest on the streets, sign petitions and vote for political parties and candidates that share your stance. But indiscriminately hating all Muslims doesn't make any sense.

Who cares Indo.

>indiscriminately hating all Muslims doesn't make any sense.
Yes it does.

Hail odin the ALLFATHER THE TRUE GOD, Jesus is a false prophet.

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Seven million people agreed to protest every week and even sign against it.
However, the Korean government is moving toward multiculturalism, ignoring all opinions and lenient towards crimes against foreigners.

I care because my friends are protestants.

post sources or shut the fuck up. Because statistically Koreans are the most likely to kill Koreans.

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Is that all you have to say?
You're not very intelligent.

I hear you, brother.

>"religion" based around the "teachings" of some child rapist goat fucker from the 7th century

artificial concept.

ok just don't kill yourself ok?

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You may not understand that we hate them.
We have our own pain.
Thousands of people are killed every year.
He assaulted an officer,
He's committing a crime.
To be honest, safety is all about living in Korea.
The benefits are disappearing with the arrival of Muslim immigrants.
Our slogan is:
I want safety, not hatred.

We want to live in harmony with them and support a lot of Muslims.
I'm just so angry that they're not reflecting on the crime.

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I want to ask you vice versa. What’s the most cause of death in your cunt??

Nice historical bias Ahmed.

is it true in israel you cut off boy's peepees and suck on the wound

They didn't conquer south India and the north east tho

I can't even imagine hating billions of human beings all at the same time. It must be mentally and emotionally exhausting. But it's your life, bucko.

I meant among youg people. Btw why are you so mad? Does fact hurt??

I feel sorry to believe that Koreans look like that.
It is an indicator of your level of education.
Don't express ignorance.

I can't imagine living a life expecting other humans (especially strangers) to be decent. It must be mentally and emotionally exhausting. But it's your life, bucko.

We have a lot of arms deals with India. It's called being united by a common foe.


South Korea also supports many weapons to the Indian military.
Especially gunpowder and tanks.

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Old age

It is just a shitpost. This is how I believe Koreans actually look like.

I want to ask you a question. Why are Koreans so superficially plastic?

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so what
You can't do that because you don't have the skills.
And think about it.
Korea has developed plastic surgery techniques, but it is not the most popular country.
Of course, the number is high because of patients from abroad.

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Based. Hindurastra coming anyday now.


Suicide and plastic surgery are all boring.
When Korea makes statistics, it includes statistics if it is willing to do so.
When a patient is on anti-depressant medication or is treated, the number includes suicide.

Now make a peaceful [person of this religion] chart and watch the tumbleweed roll when you have to name peaceful Muslims. The entire religion was founded by a violent warlord who preached violence. Islam is rotten to the core.



There is no hope for this country. I'll have to leave soin

Didn't Dahmer become a born again Christian?

>Genetically, Korean eyes are bigger than Muslims.

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Just poo in the streets, you will get over it.

The religion doesn't matter. Take a look at his surname.

too bad you look like them tho

well then i'm trying to improve the image of people who look like me by wiping out muslims

>indira gandhi
other three i don't recognize but i'm pretty sure they have done nothing wrong

We don't want to do that. It is ok to live with your face. It wont stop you from being happy even if you were ugly. No wonder you keep killing yourselves. You're probably the mos superficial culture in the world. (Don't kill yourself)

Car accidents

You might want to re-word that. I really don't get what you're trying to say.

He wants to Arab/middle eastern but doesn't know how to do that so he says muslim. He clearly has no idea what he's talking about. He wants to be racist but just doesn't know how to do that.

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He wants to say* Arab

I want to physically remove all religtards.

Damn let's see where all this goes

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You are a good person.
Arayan and based.

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okay i reverse googled the image and 4th and 5th people have done nothing wrong, the third guy was wrong but he is a tribal. that's how they say hello. it was victim's fault for halting in the jungle

In what world do gooks have bigger eyes than anyone? even chinks have bigger eyes than gooks.

>Genetically, Korean eyes are bigger than Muslims.
>You are small because you cannot evolve.
>He is ignorant of it.
>When we see it, we wonder how you would see the world with those stringy eyes.

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you lot aren't any better tbqh

Both Indians and Muslims shit and then wipe their asses with water and hands. But Why do not Muslims eat foods with their bare hands unlike Indians?