Do I lose my youth if I never go to the university? Socially I mean

Do I lose my youth if I never go to the university? Socially I mean

I'm 19 and currently work in a hypermarket, I don't have the high school diploma to go there and I'm a brainlet so I have no choice anyway

I have a ton of money compared to people in my age range but fuck that, I never went to any party in my entire life yet and feel bad about it because I know I'm not socially retarded, nor ugly or whatever

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I'm 21 and still haven't been to university

>he thinks university is about parties and not hard boring study

literally american tier

not really.

I did and I made no notable friends. when class was over I just came back home.


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23 here

My only friend who has been like me before the university has now a girlfriend and a lot of friends

mind you, you will lose your youth even if you get admitted to the most party going uni in the world, you will lose it regardless, the only way to keep it forever is to die and even that will be a surrender of it to the entropy

anyway it's better to go to the uni, you can earn more money in the future... most likely. money trump entropy to an extent

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Wtf is a “hypermarket”?

why dont u have a gf from hs? many ppl get a gf in hs too

he's French and allegedly a brainlet. don't expect him to know English. he means supermarket.


we have this diferentiation as well but it's becoming obsolete.

Passe le bac en candidat libre et va à la fac si c'est ce que tu veux faire

We also have "hypermarkers"

i went to uni for a semester and talked to anybody else including lecturers about 6 times total
it's a meme, everybody just turned up straight out of highschool in groups already and there weren't any non-meme clubs

Pas la motiv de rattraper tout mon retard, je dois avoir un niveau 5ème vers là

>not hard boring study
ah yes the notoriously elite italian university. give over, you're all having naps by 2:30.

>tfw no humble french friend that never finished secondary school

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I was studied in two different uni for half an year. Physics and then IT. It was boring so i left them. I had an it job though. Not sure if i did the right thing. Without education almost impossible for me to leave this shithole.

memes aart italian universities are a lot harder than anglo ones. Angl unis are really easy, you basicaly do what we do in hs ( pus they last just 3 years)

it's funny how you genuinely believe that, pizza making isn't a degree giuseppe

>anglo ranking meme again


Oxford and cambridge aren't the only good unis in the world, james

Sort of, yes. I mean it's undeniable that those who 'stay behind' and start working as forklift drivers after highschool end up without many experiences in life nor very interesting friends.

you havent socialized during your school years. what makes you think you would during your uni?

be like me and have neither, no money or social life, or education, rofl

Yes. Easily the best 4 years of my life. Now I wageslave 8 hours a day and I hate it.

Just go and experience being young and free - you've got the rest of your life to work some shitty job.

I went to university at a party school and I am still a kissless virgin loser who never went to a party.
If it is your destiny to be a loser, you will be a loser no matter where you go or what you do.

Talked with a guy who studied at an Italian art university, and it sounded hardcore as fuck. More oldschool discipline than we're used to up here. Dude could casually shit out really detailed, anatomically correct human bodies in various with a piece of coal, pretty quickly too.

I was socialized during school and uni, but now I'm alone for years, 100% because I'm to lazy to find work

Who said I haven't? Of course I socialized and had many friends, but stopped school at 15

My social life improved a lot in college bc I lived in a dorm and it was easy to socialize.

Then I graduated and lost all my friends.

not really, I have made some acquaintances, but the university don't have the same atmosphere in high school where you're forced to socialize with your classmates

I took online classes and went to a community college while working. Got a quality degree all the same.
And that's why I don't want free college here; too many kids go because they wanna get shitfaced and watch sportsball, not get an education.

I'm in uni and I have no friends here desu.

sounds like me

I wanted that too, but my parents insisted to take me to "the most prestigious university in the country", later they found that it didn't live up to the hype. According to a cousin of mine, the perceived "shitty college" by many in the island is more modernized and have more shit than the university I'm attending.

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Cool and unpilled


>He fell for 'the most prestigious university in the nation' meme

You deserve it

Prestigious university is basically a club for rich people.

who says i did? i already told them it was a joke right from the start, only that they kept claiming that it wasn't and that I didn't know what I was talking about, it's a bad thing that I depend on my parents, however, so I was left without a choice, pathetic, I know.

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>art university,


I went to university and while I had friends at the time now I've graduated I don't do anything, it's like I never went.