I challenge you to find me a more insane language than Hungarian

bevétel = revenue
They mistranslated it.
income = jövedelem

Attached: 4s8o6myjs5411.jpg (1080x810, 71K)


Attached: when da paprika kicks in.png (495x565, 46K)

Absolutely based


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>Martinek egunkariak erosten dizkit.
Martin buys the newspapers for me.

>Zuek egunkariak erosten dizkidazue
You buy the newspapers for me.

me receiving the objects from you in future perfect continuous = di-zki-da-zue

Ayy fml I am kill. This has to be some offshoot-Celtic larpeningspeech.

i have no idea about its rules by now, why would anyone learn it

Pffft autista alsófajzatú elkorcsosodott hülyegyerek.


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>ǃqháa̰ kū ǂnûm ǁGˤûlitê ǀè dtxóʔlu ǀnàe ǂʼá sˤàa̰
"Give them their stinking genitals with the fat!"
As in "fuck them hard".
This is fucking Klingon tier.

Hogy vagy?

Mutasdd a pöcörőd, mert a fiúkat szeretem.

Öld meg magad!

>román vauvau

To be hononest bevétel is literally intake. It's no that far from income. Also Jövedelem's root is jön which means come. It has the same logic.

Also terra terram., terrae... terris is stupider.

>elmebaj nélkül
Merre találok ilyen párt?

100 000 euróért vásárolsz árut.
Eladod 150 000-ért. Ez az összeg a bevétel.
Az 50 000 töblett a jövedelem.
Miután kifizetted a bérletet és a számlákat abból az 50 000-ből ami maradt az a haszon, avagy profit.

ITT elephants in the room

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idc I just want a hungarian wife

* hős koszovói.

Attached: DNA-borders.png (720x523, 38K)

They are the biggest sluts ever hit on you and follow you, don't bs around, if you can't get laid in Hungary you should kys asap.

But I want a wife not some slag.

If you can't get one where you are it means you are both poor and ugly, Ahmed. No need to try especially not in Eastern Europe. All women are whores and gold diggers here. Then you even come as a Muslim. Ayy lmao.


Already saw it