willy edition
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i'd rather be a /brit/ poster than a cunt
>teehee i got my first proxy btw :v
this is almost cock-bottom
what the fuck is his problem
poo nigger
Please don't delete janny
janny's lost his bloody mind
>Judges hold the position for life and the nine-member court has the final say on US law, including on contentious social issues and challenges to government policy.
>One of the judges has outstanding sexual assault charges against him.
And people are OK with this. MY SIDES
God bless America
You lads going out later?
that video the yank posted yesterday about the millennial whoop or whatever it was called blew my fucking mind
my third eye is cemented open now
janny janny here he comes
is there anyone in britain named Yan itor?
but im too tired
alas my friends will be counting on me
No, a night in with the PS4 for me
>One of the judges has outstanding sexual assault charges against him.
i got a bridge to sell ya
i know, i keep hearing the millennial whoop on TV commercials now too. its fucking everywhere
i've had the "beep beep i'm a sheep" song in my head all day and the lyrics have taken on a sinister meaning
Of course not I'm in my mid twenties
imagine being a wagie
What books you lot reading then?
Please explain.
to be a Jow Forums janitor is quite simple really we draw applications from all over the world! the criterium:
1) must be a virgin - this is NOT negotiable
2) must be a freak with no friends
cant remember the link, ask him
beep beep i'm an NPC
going out to this student event tonight should be fun. poly vs posh its called
how do you test if a girl actually loves you
Post link
Too shy.
Can you, please?
Sounds perfect for me. What's the pay like?
I have a gf and 2 friends
Am I a social butterfly?
2 year old shreds cash his parents had been saving for a year
furry freak
mate, could you post the link again for these two please
Men are Better than Women by Dick Masterson
ermmmm... errrrr *fumbles papers* *jumps out window*
tragedy & hope
its this sound that is in a shocking amount of pop music.
*dabs and whoops*
some absolute troglodytes in Newcastle
Heart of Darkness
what the actual fuck?
can put it back together easily
if you look at her in the eyes and her eyes start dilating then she has feefees for you
extremely grim do not open
Watching Breaking Bad rn, no spoilers pls
home alone
you fuck her and if she cums on your dick, she loves you
>keeping a large sum of cash in an easily accessible place
wonder if they can bring it to a bank or something and see what they can do about it
how dare you speak to me like that
>you fuck her and if she cums on your dick, she loves you
so if a random hoe i take back to mine on a nightout cums on my dick she loves me?
Tell the yank 'Thanks'.
dumbest shit I've ever read
first episode is wank it gets much better
fantastic series
nope its true and its backed by science
This post is NOT allowed on blue boards
some guy who posted this in here the other night was trying to say that this guy is alive, and thats "all he knows"
bullshit the person survived the internal injuries from that. the guy would have multiple organ systems absolutely destroyed theres nothing you can do for this guy at this point other than put a bullet in his head to end his misery
you lads seen that webm of the guy jumping off a bridge and landing arse first onto a street bollard? some photos of him floating about too. pretty savage
>nope its true and its backed by science
Post peer-reviewed literature using the Harvard referencing format then lad
right in the bumhole
What you having love?
woah hadnt heard of this one. crazy. any links to any .gif's?3
This is what benders aspire to
giz a pint of your piss x
so my mate didnt have his ID with him when we went to get a couple of pints at spoons
so i was like "its okay mate ive got mine" and the lad ID'd me and asked if the two drinks for me and i said yeah they are
then he comes over and takes them off me, doesnt even refund it either. is he allowed to do that?
i wish a girl would call me "love" ;_;
thats such a nice term of endearment
Bottle of yakult please luv
ill ave a sniff of your arseole my dear
literal triple virgin back to back
they have all the power
hahaha, this guy
oh haha I just remembered my 7th grade year
I was a fat boy and was always bullied
we got some new transfer student: a fat south african kid named Coetzee or something similar
I encouraged everyone to bully him so I could breath easy
good times
then I became a skeletor lanklet in high school
imagine actually saying this
cranberry juice please
Haven't had a hug
In a long time
keep matching art hoes on tinder but no normal girls
really fires up the neurons
Give us a Carlin
An you got sosigs?
I'll fwor sosigs
i match with slags would love nothing but art hoe matches
>what do you mean you dont sell capri sun
grim grim grim
begone virgin freak
one milk please
>they have all the power
>guy from the bar follows him home and exercises his power
>makes user's mom suck his dick in front of the whole family
>takes a hammer to user's dads head and laughs
>demands access to their bank account and buys cocaine with all of their money
absolute power
Sad little virgin
why did you feel the need to say that?
why do you care so much if other people are virgins?
what are you trying to hide?
you're like the person who goes on youtube videos and posts comments about how they suck and your taste in music is superior to theirs
gf calls me a druggie just because I do acid or md once a month or so
hello literal virgin
Don't give a single shit about his blogpost
Blackcurrant fruit shoot please
does everyone in england have at least one uncle who looks like this picture???
pull us a pint of your breast milk honeybun
Hope nobody ITT is actually a virgin
what the fuck is under his bucket
The idiot by dosto
did too much acid the other night ended up losing my shit in complete darkness and ended up pissing myself
if i met messi he'd be shaking my hand
It is the final form of the Anglo.
British doctors' liberal approach to prescribing anti-depressants may be one reason suicides among the elderly are so low