How come China keeps violating human rights week after week yet it never makes the headlines?
What's their secret? Have they paid off all the major news organizations?
How come China keeps violating human rights week after week yet it never makes the headlines?
What's their secret? Have they paid off all the major news organizations?
how do you know it when protesting against the government is not allowed there?
same reason why single shootings don't make the news anymore. you need to rack up at least 2-3 dead before it becomes news.
Same for the USA, how do they do it ?
Everyday on the news, an american success story. But the hundreds of daily suicides? Well, nothing...
Be honest Pierre
All your media reports on is how dumb Trump is, how he’s going to be impeached any minute, how his trade war will lose, and how Achmed and Jamal’s cum is nutritious for French girls
>expect news outlets to report on every single suicide
Are the french mentally retarded?
>someone who wants to overthrow the chinese President is arrested
You want it to make the news
>Thousands of people kill themselves because the american dream is fake
Of course the news never talks about it, why would they?
Are you a bad person?
>How come American police keeps violating human rights and killing people week after week yet it never makes the headlines?
>What's their secret? Have they paid off all the major news organizations?
>How come American shootings keep happening and killing people week after week yet it never makes the headlines?
>What's their secret? Have they paid off all the major news organizations?
>How come American healthcare keeps overcharging for basic shit and ruining people week after week yet it never makes the headlines?
>What's their secret? Have they paid off all the major news organizations?
Suicide will always be an issue, there are countless programs and medical resources available already. Its not nessecary to report on something widely known.
Ahhhh, it the old “Instead of addressing legit criticism of Country X, let’s just talk about how horrible the US is for the whole thread.”
Love these.
Single shootings almost always make the news.
Just not the national news.
Yeah when a rich, lucky person has a tiny problem it makes the news, but the thousands of people with real problem, "well, it's always the same, it's not news"
Yeah like I care some rich pretty girl was raped or some rich pretty girl got her ass touched by her boss... Not only it's not news, but it's incredibly petty.
because nobody expects any better from them
chinks are insects, not people
Japan and USA are only free world countries still having death penalty yet there are never headlines about this cause of simple perception of "good things overshadow bad" in both systems and obviously since USA is generator keeping West. So its not in interest of media giants controlled by corporations who have USA as important partner to try overthrow/disturb them. Shitting on Trump as individual is ok in playbook, shitting on deep state isn't. Just like commie idiots believe Sanders wouldn't work to more than fair extent for deep state and approve human rights violations by foreign policy. It's a big psy ops.
>not caring about rich pretty girls getting their asses touched
You misogynistic sone of a bitch.
Newscasters only have limited time to report things so they only report what are called "top stories". What comes first is always the goverment related stories, then the celebrity stories, then whatever is left afterwards is usually reported on. I don't know about you but Id rather alert people that there was a mass shooting somewhere than a single person killing themselves. The only reason celebrities get more attention is because they have a constant eye on them by paparazzi scum who beg news outlets to buy stories for a quick buck.
yeah americans shootings make it on american local breoadcasts. 2-3 deaths make it to national. there is no free press in china so you ain't going to get coverage local or national about it. however, do you really think your local new broadcaster in america is going to go to china, interview locals and make a story about that one local chinese guy who got his human rights abused? no.
now, if you have more then one, then it makes sense for a nation broadcaster to pick up on it. they actually have the resources to find a story.
It's funny because right now I'm listening to the news and for minutes they have been on the disappearing of the chinese President of Interpol. A certain Muhum Wey or something.
Nobody knows what happens, but of course they imply that it's probably a political dirty thing, "a purge"
>"The elemination of potential rivals of Si Jin Ping"
I don't care if some young pretty girl's ass was touched by her boss.
I don't care about whining hashtags on Twitter.
Death is certainly more important, esp. if it's by the thousands.
Whoever has the biggest stories wins more advertisement for the network and advertisement is currency
Your priorities are pretty fucked up, Frenchbro.
Are you a bad person, Ameribro ?
Today on the news : One young woman (read : 1 (one), not 10 000) disappeared in France. A man said it was not him.
Tomorrow we will know if they still haven't found her.
(also, 20 men killed themselves)
>US has lower suicide rate than France
>believing this retard is anything other than a paid Chinese shill
>(also, 20 men killed themselves)
For what purpose?
I don’t know if I’m buy into the whole good person/bad person dichotomy.
tfw a thread criticizing China gets completely derailed into America-hate.
It's almost like the Chinese government pays people to do this online. You've learned well from the Israelis, Chang.
Piss off back to Jow Forums.
No One Cares.
It's not a thread criticizing China. It's the same old USA USA USA USA USA
It's getting old.