What are your local superstitions regarding monsters or supernatural entities?

What are your local superstitions regarding monsters or supernatural entities?

Here in america we have skinwalkers (yee naaldlooshii)

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I don't believe in the supernatural

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You weren't asked if you believed. You were asked what the myths are.

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vietnamese told me that all SEA countries believe in supernatural so shut the fuck up weeb filth

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>in the US a thin person is seen as a supernatural entity
The absolute state


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skin walkers aren't creepy pasta shit like that image or /x/ pretends though, skin walkers are shapeshifters who turn into animals to trick people

That’s West Virginia F off


high quality post

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Southern woods are spooky. Not particularly superstitious, but I always feel like something's watching me

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do you remember me, cute boi?

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Yes, but I've been held hostage as a bf for an American-user

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Nothing wrong with the one in the middle.

Your mom's pussy, it consumes everything
Basically a bottomless pit

This creature here apparently
I guarantee that I saw it on a late night walk through the forest and it left me completely coldhearted
It ran away in fear when it gazed into my cold lifeless glance that communicated a much greater horror than any imaginable monster, I haven't encountered it since and by my own guesses it either died the same day out of overpowering dread or ran as far away as possible to never see a face like mine again

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>the one on the right
How do I unlock ice cream mode, Jow Forums×Jow Forums?


Langsuair is the common one, basically a spirit living in the jungle. Not a problem unless you are a disrespectful shithead but the one at my conscription camp was quite angry the army turned its home into a training ground and started bugging some people. We had to cancel a camping trip and ordered to march back at 2am down a mountain since someone shat on their house by accident.
Djinn is another entity one can make pact with, some pirates that fought the army use them for magic rituals that grants them invincibility to small arms fire. According to stories from those who fought them 5.56mm just bounced off their body.

Fucking interesting bruh.



yep, pic related, the cachorrita

it's called cacho during the day but rita at night.

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I legit lol'd.

We have lots os supernatural entities.
La Llorona (The Crying Lady): Basically the ghost of a mad widow who murdered her children. Leyends tell of her screechings calling for her sons (Ay, mis hijos!) late at night since ancient aztec times. The first sight of her was supposedly days before the Spanish came to Mexico, as an azted godess herself mourned the fate of her kin; as time passes by new Lloronas are adecuated to their times, most of them stupid ass roasties married to drunken machos.

El Charro Negro (The Black Horsemaster): Is basically ouw Jack O'Lantern. Only thing he still keeps his head and has a huge moustache and sombrero.

Aluxes: Ancient mayans tell tales of forest spirits about 3ft tall that wander the jungles and like to play tricks to the ones who disrespect forests or crops.

La Xtabay: A demon woman beautiful as fuck that lures drunken men late at night to kill them. She usually wears a long dress that hides her horse/chicken legs.

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Based Argie

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I've seen the big three american spooks myself, Mothman, Skinwalker, Bigfoot.

Los perros fantasmas de la foresta

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its face looks familiar

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There's this creature in the north call el pombero that whistles at night and if you answer the whistle he rapes you, and also if you give him tobacco and wine he protects you..

la creatura

That happens when your country ignores climate change

There's this one creature from Arkansas with jet black prickly fur, soulless eyes, and odd brownish skin. It's almost like a discount bigfoot. The lore is that they only really come out at night and when someone/something goes missing the monster takes the blame. Sorta like a scapegoat, so your car stereo gets stolen or somebody gets attacked, eye witness testimony will unironically blame monsters. They have a kinda funny name, Arkansans call them "niggers." I hope it's just a myth, I couldn't bear to see one.

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There's a pool near me called Doxey pool where a spirit called Jenny Greenteeth lives.
It is bottomless and if you stray into it you will be dragged down forever, also there is another called Mermaid Pool a few miles away with a similar story and if one gains water the other one loses it.

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heh, nice one, kid

White man came across the sea
He brought us public poo and pee

He killed our tribes and built a mart
he put on pants and had a shart

Oh fuck my sides

Here in Brazil we are very afraid of the "chupa cu de goianinha" (asshole licker from goianinha)

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The south has always been in a state of perpetual decay even in good times. The entire region feels like it's somewhere between life and death. That's why southern woods feel spooky - it's a liminal point between the living and dead.