Only countries that defeated America in a war can post in this thread

only countries that defeated America in a war can post in this thread

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sup niggers

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we beat our southern half

We were part of Britain in 1812

Howdy guys.

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Gang gang

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Your actual country didn't beat America in anything, not the one you're LARPing in, sexpat.



Reporting in

Always assume any SEA flag is a sexpat.

t. wh*Te "movement" sympathizer

We lost but we killed like 5 million of you fucking zipperheads on the way out

1812 was the British, not you, and it was a stalemate

I support "russian" bolsheviks 100% (lenin was a Finn)
In Finland I of course support whites, fuck communism

Technically we quit before you won so it doesn't count

>falling for OP's b8 that easily

Sure about that?

Attached: Muh hand.jpg (2160x2160, 589K)

do you declare every russian who didn't had intentions to kill every fingolian and take over your land as fellow fingolian

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Oh for Christ sake, did you have to?

That’s the whitest hand I’ve ever seen on Jow Forums.

All of their eyes are bigger than his squint and koreans usually have the smallest eyes
Really?How so?I'm pretty brown.

Surgery you gump

why did we even fight you guys again?
and why didnt we just use nukes like we did on japan. well what ever at least we got some good movies out of it, hows that whole communism thing working out?

Don't be dumb, in my entire life I've only seen 1 irl person that has squinting eyes

>American education

блять зaeбaли c этим coвкoвcким мeмoм...

to prevent communism from spreading.

We can settle this soon, delet

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>to prevent communism from spreading.
well i guess the problem solved itself in the end

Are you retarded?


Lenin was Finnic as proven by haplogroups

winning at trades on muh cars

Tell me where I was wrong, Canada didn’t even fucking exist until nearly 1870 you idiot

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nice try japan
the ussr still lost tho

when they let russians in charge
Lenin never lost a thing because Finns dont lose


being this butthurt

currently defeating America in neo colonization wars

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its not untrue

we conquer aztlan for chicanos the people in your pic are cucks who'll be executed in the first month of aztlan, chicanos and mexicans have never gotten along so fuck off

Not for long, Hernandez.

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>a wall will stop immigrants
that's the most primitive "solution" ever. Chinese tried it and it is fucking abbandoned now
First, find who is gonna pay for it lol

Who will win? 1 tall boye or
a ladder

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We can fuck the Chinese too