Why are Americans so obnoxious and confrontational on literally every single Jow Forums board?

Why are Americans so obnoxious and confrontational on literally every single Jow Forums board?

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What the fuck are you talking about you retarded limey? You wanna repeat that?

Superiority complex


i dont know, im sorry if my fellow county men have given you a hard time

It seems like they have 1-3 stereotypes for any group and their conversations are just repeating them to everybody

Why are you so fucking obsessed with us?

They got the autistics genes from you

I'm not inviting you to my next barbie

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We literally are not, I for one welcome an exchange of new ideas

I think that after #MAGA a lot of new edgy faggots are pushing his edgy bullshit insanely.

because its the easiest nation to get a proxy in.

It's paranoia so they're always on edge and think everyone is against them.
They also don't understand irony or sarcasm.

Because back in 2004 when the site was 90% American, Jow Forums used to be good.
Now the site is 50% American and it's getting worse day by day.

You can understand why we're angry.

ya because brits have such a good sense of humor


what are you talking about faggot


>They also don't understand irony or sarcasm.
That's really rich, m8.

Because our republic is currently being torn apart by an orange retard. It's tense.

>implying any of those americans came here before gamergate or the 2016 election

We're like that in real life too


They're just overcompensating for something mate.

This is true. Even when they're nice people with good intentions, you can tell the extent of their knowledge of the world comes from stereotypes and memes.

you actually described every britcuck on Jow Forums

They're mostly Krauts and spics though now.

>Why are Americans so obnoxious and confrontational on literally every single Jow Forums board?
People on Jow Forums, regardless of nationality, are generally obnoxious and confrontational.

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No I'm fucking not you faggot.

What the fuck did you just say to me?!

Isn’t that a stereotype and maybe even a meme, desu?

>"Perhaps you should reconsider the 2nd amendmen----"


I know know we’re all just having fun with the banter, but you need to shut your goddam little bitch mouth about my right to arm myself.


because they are low iq retards who cant think and only act on emotions

>circumcision psychopathology is defined as a personality disorder characterized by a cluster of interpersonal, affective, lifestyle, and antisocial traits and behaviors, including grandiosity, egocentricity, deceptiveness, shallow emotions, lack of empathy or remorse, irresponsibility, impulsivity, and a strong tendency to violate ethical norms

The eternal anglo is eternal.

More personal experience. Both online and offline.

So we’re all women?


t. Kraut

Maybe you’re sampling from the wrong pool of Americans. I’ve met plenty of Canadians and you guys don’t seem particularly different than us.

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I didn't sample from any particular demographic. It's mostly just from talking to people over the years (most of them being American) and getting a feel for their views and opinions. And Americans tend to be very forward about referencing cultural stereotypes when they find out another person is from a different country.

Think of any time you've spoken to an Australian and brought up kangaroos, emu war, water flushing the other way, venomous animals, 'oi shrimp in a da barbie m8' etc for lack of any real knowledge about their country.

because of 'le american exceptionalism'

Blow it out your ass

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Because we have healthy testosterone levels. We're men.

Brits are absolutely howling tonight

They either vent here or shoot up a school. Pick one.

>A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels in American men.
We observe a substantial age-independent decline in T that does not appear to be attributable to observed changes in explanatory factors, including health and lifestyle characteristics such as smoking and obesity. The estimated population-level declines are greater in magnitude than the cross-sectional declines in T typically associated with age.

I pick the latter.

I grew up in the southern US and have a thick accent. i have had plenty of Canadians ask me about stereotypical southern things, many of which could easily be taken as insulting (the incest question is popular). I think what you’re describing is a universal thing, perhaps slightly amplified in Americans, but not innate to us.

I personally would be pretty embarrassed to out of the blue start asking an Aussie I met in real life about kangaroos and other banal shit like that.

>Blow it out your ass

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I like how its always some Mexican ready with the mutt memes.

since US btfoed by itself, their indentities built on sandy nationalism, are on the edge of collapse.

so they're very mentally unstable thus desperately trying to maintain it one way or another.

That’s right. The battle for America’s continued existence happens right here on Jow Forums, where we desperately try to keep our heads above water. Can you blame us for letting the enormous stress make us mentally unstable?

prooving point

Autism is encoded in german blood.

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this kind of thread will increase until the end of US-china war. I'm not saying chinks make this thread,though.

You do know that Muslims are all cut what with being them yourselves.