Real pajeet here

real pajeet here

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Other urls found in this thread:

do you often get shit stuck in your ass crack hair?

why do your grandparents smell of curry?

how has your day been

Do you poo in loo or is that just a meme?

often, Indians are very hairy, including girls

my grandparents are dead

Should I buy Mobius or Link?

doing mechanical turk jobs and making $$

im coming for your monetary funds, pajeet
you will NEVER get a gf, you will NEVER open bobs

Non pajeet here. Pooing on a loo is actually not ideal. It's best to squat over a hole. Or put a stool in front of the toilet. But the straight hole in the ground seems to make more sense to me

why you jerk off to white girls?

disgusting, I hope you get put out of your misery early on

LINK $ 1000 EYO

Where would you rate yourself on the Bristol scale?

How high on your list of personal priorities are white bobs?

How much money do you make mechanical turk shit?

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How much REQ do you own?

same reason u jerk of to asian girls

indians love white boobs and pink nipples

on a good day i make 2 dollars on mechanical turk enough to pay my college

i used to own 100 REQ but one got burned now i have 99, actually i sold 99 last week because this is bad investment, it dumps and they also burn the tokens, no way to make money here

i want to take a moment and thank you all for the wonderful questions so far, ill keep the answers going, im honest pajeet at least

>mfw a literal pajeet is smarter than REQjeets
I'd buy you a beer. Cheers mate.

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>2 dollars on mechanical turk
Why not flip burgers, even at shit rate you'll be earning much more and there's something to put into your CV

no jobs in india, all taken

What about being a street vendor then? Sell burgers off a cart.

How many women have you raped and killed?

its very dangerous, some groups controls street markets and if u dont pay or be in the ground they rape ur ass

do you see a future for your country?

none, we are not crazy americans, we respect people and life

pajeet, how you cash out as indian banks banned crypto ?

of crouse, we work very very hard, little by little we copy the best technology and we have greeat minds working on top tech on us and china too

its a matter of time until india is a powerhouse

specially now that trump is fucking america in the ass

i heard american stocks are going down down down and so is the economy,

india economy grows and grows and we are les corrupt

we don't, we sell to one another, we have facebook groups and telegram groups to exchange crypto in person, no need for banks to get involved, they will never know and we use VPN for mostly everything

When can we await the return of Raja Lion?

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im not into fighting, i love

Yeah, you respect everything so much, everything in your country is crumbling and falling apart, and you respect people so much they're all poor, and left for dead bloated in the rivers.

Your country should be a paradise, and it's just one entire subcontinent sized toilet. The cleanest place in your country is in a toilet, because nobody uses them.

I can always tell if a picture is from India, just look for cracked walls and rubble and peeling paint. War torn country? Nah, that's the suburbs in Mumbai.

You fuckers would be living under bushes if the British hadn't built everything for you.

>its a matter of time until india is a powerhouse

Now I know you're larping.

you shoot each other and are morbdly obese
u elected trump for presidency kek

>u elected trump for presidency kek
Well they had a choice between Hillary and Trump

the days of the US as world leader are counted
india and china are new USA in the future
in the future, americans will be the real pajeets
cap this

We invented everything that transmitted your retarded comments from the shit covered street you're sperging from on your phone, to the civilized world.

What have you invented, other than plague? And don't claim all the things from antiquity, those people don't exist anymore, your lowest caste ugly brown monkey ass who destroyed what they built didn't do any of that.

It was amusing the first time, now your larping is dumb.

>americans will be the real pajeets
Typical of your people to not be content with trying to improve the lives of your fellow man but with a deep seated wish to see others fall. Its so ingrained you even put it in your comedy sketches.

nobody gives a shit about india, it is a smelly shithole full of equally smelly shitheads that are intensely creepy and awkward


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pakistan is #1

Loooooool no. you mad bro?

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Lol u fuckin moron.. arabs invented ARABIC fuckin system and europeanes added 0 to it u fuckin idiot.

Arabia lost the race because in 15th century there was a climate cool down "small ice ge" which caused mass femine due to starvation in central africa and middle east. 50mln ppl died thats why they are late to the party when we arrived there.
Same with china. They had most powerfull fleet in mankind history in 17th century and did explore the world yet due to some mentaly ill ruler they burned fleet and closed country. Go finish lesson u usless kid

Damn, these pajeets, rag heads and chinks all had a head start on us and we still kicked their asses? Damn we are good.

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Is it true that in India you can fuck anyone you want and that everyone has read and practices the Kama Sutra?

Have you participated in a orgy?

How much do you charge per hour of shilling?

You're a brainlet.

Most of india's modern buildings and infrastructure was built early to mid 1900s when India was POOR AS FUCK

That's why a lot of the shit is old and crumbling. Add to that fact that there are way too many people, and it makes it nigh impossible to fix everything overnight you retard.

>You fuckers would be living under bushes if the British hadn't built everything for you.

Lol, white supremacist retard spotted. India was the richest nation in the world before Brits came in and siphoned as much wealth from the country as they could. They left India in destitution.

Despite that, look at the shithole that is England now. TOP KEK. I'd rather live in India than that shithole.

Lol inbred sandnigger spotted. The arabs took the numeral system from India and brought it over to the west, moron. It's not arabic in the slightest.