Real pajeet here

disgusting, I hope you get put out of your misery early on

LINK $ 1000 EYO

Where would you rate yourself on the Bristol scale?

How high on your list of personal priorities are white bobs?

How much money do you make mechanical turk shit?

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How much REQ do you own?

same reason u jerk of to asian girls

indians love white boobs and pink nipples

on a good day i make 2 dollars on mechanical turk enough to pay my college

i used to own 100 REQ but one got burned now i have 99, actually i sold 99 last week because this is bad investment, it dumps and they also burn the tokens, no way to make money here

i want to take a moment and thank you all for the wonderful questions so far, ill keep the answers going, im honest pajeet at least

>mfw a literal pajeet is smarter than REQjeets
I'd buy you a beer. Cheers mate.

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>2 dollars on mechanical turk
Why not flip burgers, even at shit rate you'll be earning much more and there's something to put into your CV