100x in 2019. Shill your predictions
QASH price prediction
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I don't know. 90% depends how well they execute. Binance executes well, for example, and therefore they took off. If Liquid executes as well (or better) than they do, and finds many ways to utilize QASH, then I see $500/QASH in a year. If not, then maybe $3.
Mann. $500 QASH.. Ill relocate to puerto rico
true, binance went fucking 300X in 3 months .. unbelievable
You guys are fucking retarded. BNB Token started at 10 mcap, no shit that it exploded when the entire market started using it, when its mcap was so low to begin with. QASH is hovering at around 200m, for it to 100x, 300x the numbers would have to be absolutely retarded and that alone would push the entire market into some retarded numbers. You're all fucking brainlets. QASH is my largest bag, but even mentioning binance exploding within 3 months is such a stupid fucking comparison that i'd advise you to kys
100x from here is $17B marketcap. provided institutions pour into liquid, i dont see why this isnt achievable. Binance is only used by retail investors. Of course if institutions are not using liquid, this will hardly go 2X
What's your thoughts on this gocang's principle?
you're such a faggot, and we all know that you're the real one who should die.
Yes tell me more about your miserable life and your lunch money 1-5k QASH stack
Stop projecting. You're a nobody.
This coin will go up to $500+ with or without chumps like you, loser. If you really think $17b is out of the realm of possibility, you're so fucking dumb, I can only hope you tragically die somehow, for the good of humanity.
Why the fuck will institutions use the qash token? You realise they trade for free due to their market making.......
There is already enough BTC liquidity also
You get emotionally attached to your holdings, such as QASH, even though its my largest bag as i've already mentioned, there's no way its going to have a 3 month binance run, simply because of the difference in the mcap of the coins. Can QASH reach 17b eventually? Sure. 3 Months? eoy 2018? No. Stop being so salty because you bought at 1.50$ in November when it was just a way for them to fund their work at the time and a quick cash grab. The project has insane potential, but your expectations are way too high, especially for some one that couldnt even list token economics if i asked them,oh wait, they're not even out, except for the "we'll ahve plenty of bonuses for the qash holders if they want to participate in the ico mission control"
Now go kys, dirty 1k qasher @1.50$/130k~ sats
I bought at .62 and .87
Nice try nigger.
Bought 500 qash @ $2
Imagine being so emotionally attached to a coin, almost like a roastie, that you dont even sell at 105k sats due to anticipated news, and continue holding all the way down.
What would be your conservative prediction for eoy 2018 - and for this time next year. Screen cap and let's see how close you are.
>mfw bought a fuckton at $1
>mfw got mayamori'd
Ill never get my money back am I?
If you don't have faith in it why the fuck did you buy in the first place you impatient weak handed bitch. Sell your stack when they hit $1
Don't bother. OP and the guy you're messaging make threads everyday and indulge each others delusion. It's hilarious how obvious it is the same two people every single time.
As for some serious realistic predictions. I'd say $3 EOY is a good conservative goal with $5 being a great year.
This is under the assumption that the general market still hasn't really recovered- Which I expect. Something like a 500b total market cap.
Anyone see the new partnership that’s kinda been leaked?
Sorry to link to plebbit but:
Also the Quoine moderator made a comment saying something along the lines of “we better make an announcement from our side”
It’s not game changing news, but that’s a potential 5 million new World Book/ QASH token investors.
Don’t forget about SBI also, that’s two potential white label services for Liquid that we know of.
You sound kinda angry user
I know it hurts losing money but lashing out at your fellow bagholders isnt helping
Nice dubs but how is this white label thing gonna pumo the qash price?
It all depends, they promise alot, but havent delivered anything so far, hence the price prediction threads being so filled with delusional normies who think just because Mike said theyre aiming for top 5, it will happen this year. My personal prediction is somewhat along with the guy that im quoting, 5-10$ dependent on the situation seems OK and reasonable. That being said there's always exceptions such as partnerships with some big boys, SBI Japan is a possibility this summer, and ofcourse the normie milked coinbase that every one keeps mentioning. My problem with why im not perma-bull on QASH is that there's no token economics released yet. The token has been out for more than half a year at this point and we still dont know how exactly would us, early buyers, benefit from actually holding it, sure speculative price and all, but what would grow the price steadily considering they continue saying how they dont want to pump & dump it with hype. All we know so far is that they're looking to make it beneficial to hold QASH for their ICO Control mission platform, but how exactly, is unknown. Same goes for their LIQUID platform, as much as every single qash brainlet that got lured in during the january hype wants the institutional money to use the token, that might happen, but what will NOT happen is them buying it from the exchanges because there's a private way of buying it for the big boys without pumping the price up massively.
TLDR for plebbit fucks : Good project, great goals, super disappointing so far, but if the stars align and their token economics are great, as well as the partnerships turn out to be what we somewhat expect , we're likely to see "moon", just not 500$ per token kind of moon, autists.
>Mike said they're aiming for top 5, it will happen this year.
Wrong.When Mike said top 5 he was talking about AFTER QASH is on it's own blockchain and AFTER fintech companies build services on it. So we're talking 2020-2021 for when he expects it to be top 5. I always found the "Well the CEO says it will be HUGE" argument fucking retarded though and I have no idea why people give it so much validity.
What about a 2019 price prediction based QASHIE?
the problem about predicting 2019 is that it's going to basically all about the Blockchain and since we don't have any details on that what so ever so it's pretty much impossible to predict- even more so than it would usually be to predict over a year into the future in crypto. Anyone giving a number for 2019 EOY is just larping.
In the recent interview with Crypto Lark, mike said that they basically build the exchange for the client like an out of the box product, he said that he envisaged the QASH token being used to settle fees etc.. not sure what was said word for word.
I’m fucking annoyed by the lack of transparency when it comes to the use case for QASH token, but at the same time have so much faith in the project.
That's the extremely frustrating thing about QASH. You basically have no idea about token economics and utility, blockchain details, liquid platform UX/UI improvements, what exchanges are a part of the worldbook and how the rest of the 750,000,000 tokens will be distributed apart from "over the next 5 years"...list goes on really. so many details we know nothing about and we're just holding because Liquid could be game changing and the teams strong enough that it could deliver...there's a lot of praying that the stars align with QASH lol. Just got to believe.
I’ve got faith in the Liquid platform delivering at least on the user experience side. I don’t use Quoinex or Qryptos currently aside from storing my QASH tokens, but the recent update looks a lot nicer, more like Binance and the like. It’s biggest issue was usability which I think will be solved. That and the cold wallet dilemma. How can you daytrade with a cold wallet when using multiple exchanges? It’s a thorn in Mikes side. That being said, I’m comfy af having my QASH kept on Quoinex
agree lots of promises very little details so far.
I to this date am not sure if qash will even be used as a settlement token or not on liquid. and the white label thing how is this gonna benefit qash holders?
Mike Katamari is laughing all the way to the bank because we financed his project (and I have no doubt the company is gonna do well). But us plebs are holding heavy bags and have no clue what is going on. We mightve been bamboozled by this slick talking nip bastard anons.
well then deal with it at this point all these alt coins are more or less gamble
I agree lots of promises but I hardly, very hardly doubt they are empty promises given the caliber of the all star team and scale of the project
imo $5-15 eoy is realistic and easily achievable
True. I mean we all know they are gonna be around for the long haul in the crypto space. If you’ve watched the AMA’s you’d know the kind of talent they are bringing into the company. People are leaving top firms to jump onboard with Quoine, because they know something we don’t or believe in the company. All this aside, do you really think their actual Cryptocurrency ‘QASH’ was just a money grab that will fade away? Remember mike saying that anything outside of top 5 will be a failure? I’m not talking an instant moon lambo mission, but there’s no way this project will fail and they’ll let the QASH token be some mediocre shitcoin. They obviously have a long term plan that right now we can only speculate about, but don’t lose faith lads. The announcements will come soon enough and we’ll see some movement in price and hopefully some advertising when Liquid is ready.
Haha, idiots. This is going to be $500 within a year. Mark my words you gay bitches.
Nice counter argument mate. $500 is so delusional I can’t even
Yet same thing was told about btc or eth you will never know
>MY QASHIE STAYS SUPER TRASHY $500 within a year
oh god are we the new linktards?
Dude probably doesn’t even hold QASH. We’re more level headed than $500 eoy. He could be a stinkie linkie
Well it's actually really simple.
Global market capitalization of crypto will go into the multi-trillions. Liquid will be hugely successful. QASH will be highly utilized. The U.S. dollar will crash.
Gee, that wasn't hard. Use your fuckin heads.
Also, I predict QASH going to 15 cents before this piece of shit bear market recovers. That's when you load up big time, niggers.
Its not going to 15c you absolute brainlet.. jesus christ, you sounded stupid when u were talking about 500$ per token but now im actually realizing you need to be killed because if a retard like you decides to breed, thats atleast 10 generations fucked in your family tree
suck my dick
Your boypussy?
Look, honestly the biggest problem I'm having with my investment is I don't even like Lambo's. I'm going to have too much money and I'll be bored. I don't even like money, I just hate working, (obviously, since I hate money.) Well, anyway, suck my dick.