This coin will go up to $500+ with or without chumps like you, loser. If you really think $17b is out of the realm of possibility, you're so fucking dumb, I can only hope you tragically die somehow, for the good of humanity.
QASH price prediction
Why the fuck will institutions use the qash token? You realise they trade for free due to their market making.......
There is already enough BTC liquidity also
You get emotionally attached to your holdings, such as QASH, even though its my largest bag as i've already mentioned, there's no way its going to have a 3 month binance run, simply because of the difference in the mcap of the coins. Can QASH reach 17b eventually? Sure. 3 Months? eoy 2018? No. Stop being so salty because you bought at 1.50$ in November when it was just a way for them to fund their work at the time and a quick cash grab. The project has insane potential, but your expectations are way too high, especially for some one that couldnt even list token economics if i asked them,oh wait, they're not even out, except for the "we'll ahve plenty of bonuses for the qash holders if they want to participate in the ico mission control"
Now go kys, dirty 1k qasher @1.50$/130k~ sats
I bought at .62 and .87
Nice try nigger.
Bought 500 qash @ $2
Imagine being so emotionally attached to a coin, almost like a roastie, that you dont even sell at 105k sats due to anticipated news, and continue holding all the way down.
What would be your conservative prediction for eoy 2018 - and for this time next year. Screen cap and let's see how close you are.
>mfw bought a fuckton at $1
>mfw got mayamori'd
Ill never get my money back am I?
If you don't have faith in it why the fuck did you buy in the first place you impatient weak handed bitch. Sell your stack when they hit $1
Don't bother. OP and the guy you're messaging make threads everyday and indulge each others delusion. It's hilarious how obvious it is the same two people every single time.
As for some serious realistic predictions. I'd say $3 EOY is a good conservative goal with $5 being a great year.