Nick Szabo calls out EOS

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Other urls found in this thread:,5&q=Nick Szabo&btnG=

0$ EOY

>Nick Szabo
99% of the 'experts' in the cryptosphere are trash, but this guy FUCKS


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t. real Satoshi?

"3/ I. No lying. No user of this blockchain shall make knowingly false or misleading statements, nor statements that constitute discrimination or harassment, nor profit thereby.

If you lie about your age anywhere ever you will be in violation and your transaction can be reversed!!!!! KEK

Satoshi literally gives the credits of inventing Bitcoin to Nick

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> A researcher analyzed the writing style of both Nick and Satoshi and declared Szabo as the number one candidate to be Satoshi.

what does the green text imply?

Dpos is trash, it's a recipe for cartels and jews,.

and people say holochain is SJW

Trying to imply it’s not his first post

>inspired by == invented

really gets the noggin joggin

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Sometimes I want the market to crash hard so shit like this will never recover

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if Satoshi Fucking Nakamoto shits on your shitcoin, you might need to reconsider your life choices.
Not even joking. Szabo is Satoshi (dyor). Even if he wasn't, the guy is a genius that makes Larimeme look like a toddler.

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Fools and their money...


Sigh. He's referencing a DRAFT on a 3rd party EOS forum. Pathetic fud. I expected more from him. Rot in hell noeosers.

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Yo throw the just hair on this nigga.

fuck i was about to FOMO into it.

even after the wash trading allegations being totally ignored, even after reading the disclaimers saying the tokens literally have no value i was feeling FOMO

fuck i hate the crypto space. are we in hell?

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the end product will still be a human interpreted contract influenced by centralized social structures. this draft is just an example of the retarded shit they're planning on putting in there.
his criticisms are 100% valid.

given the block producers will be the people with the most EOS votes, larimer will have complete control of the chain, since he will always have the most votes with his supply majority.

It works fine in Steem, how about you chill.

>Noob Saibot

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there's not much money in the steem ecosystem so the incentive to fuck with it is very little
eos is planning to be big, right?

>this samefag cope

Lmfao sad

the only dpos with a future is Ark. everything else is a shitcoin.

Anyone with a brain laughs at eos right before taking a gigantic shit on it. I bet dogecoin will outlive it during the great purge.

I’m freaking out!!

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yeah well atleast larimer has shown that he is capable of making a decent product (even if it is infested with bots and the top content is always some youtube-tier crypto bullshit)

Is thiis the best FUD you've got 3 days before launch?

Absolutly pathetic

I wish more people would realize that.

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Satoshi will use his coins to short EOS


Just went through his twitter, Szabo is redpilled as fuck

>Szabo gives the thumbs down
Shit. It's like Vitalik giving a ERC20 coin the thumbs down
EOS is doomed.
Sell now.

Isn't that Jow Forumsspeak for being a shitty consipiracy theorist Jow Forumstier faggot?
That's not a conpliment.

Is Latrimer the next Hitler?

nick szabo is one of the dumbest people in crypto.

>all this fud
>meanwhile eos up 5%

tell me user, have you read his fairly extensive writings about financial history, commodity money, and polycentric governance that will most likely undergird the economic development of the next century?

im pretty sure this wording is just to avoid any lawsuits. If they did claim that the tokens were used for something, it could increase the chance EOS get classified as a security.


meanwhile so is the entire market

so theres no effect whatsoever

That's one interpretation and there are others, someone can read that as something reassuring and someone else can read it as something dangerous. Each of us decides on one interpretation and then we gamble the way we think it's appropiate. I'm not hating on gambling, I believe it's what we all do one way or another. The only thing that really gets under my nerves is when someone says they've found the perfect bet or the only way to play or that they're too good to gamble, We take on risks because we believe they will bring something positive and sometimes it's better to just simplify things.

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"muh conspiracy theories"
"muh pol"
The term redpill was around before pol used it, you braindead tripfag. Unless you're just acting retarded to bait me into a response - well done if so.

This is no FUD as Satoshi is speaking the truth that the blind market can't see

Sigh. Go back to redd*it

didn't dan larimer shit all over satoshi's coin back in the day? someone must have the image. satoshi should reconsider his life choices. he'll dump his 1 million BTC stack as soon as main net launches.

If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.

fucking kys redditor

Eos absolutely btfo, fucking shitcoin should crash and die, and larimer is one greedy piece of shit

no, it actually was the other way around. Satoshi made him his bitch. It was like one of those BLACKED images that get posted around here.

Larimer talked shit.
Satoshi put him in his place.
Larimer backtracked and became submissive.

pic related

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Nick has been researching smart contracts since 90s. He literally invented the word.,5&q=Nick Szabo&btnG=

the fact it's an eth token is an absolute joke
"give us lots of money and we'll try make something"
definition of a scam


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If tokens have no use its literally a security - a digital piece of paper that proves your share in a company. Now if a token has a use, it will be harder to classify it just as a security

Anyone that disagrees with Szabo, is DEFINITELY a pajeet. The man invented smart contracts ffs. If he has doubts about the coin your invested in, you seriously should reconsider your investment.
Seriously if anyone here says he doesn’t know shit, please berate them to suicide. Put some respect on his name.

The sheer vitriol EOS consistently generates on Jow Forums can only be rivalled by Ripple in October 2017. Bullish tbqhwyf.

>getting btfo by a russian twink
I can see why hes so bitter lmao

So influential that he contributed...fuck all to actual crypto. He laid the academic groundwork, yes, but he didn't think to make a smart contract blockchain like Ethereum, he didn't really openly participate in any development. He just sits on his armchair and proselytises. Taking his advice on investment is like listening to Alan Turing on whether to invest in Apple or Microsoft.

That's not a trip, newfriend.

>created BTC
>contributed fuck all to actual crypto

pick first

Yes. Satoshis true vision was to lure speculators and opportunist into this bag of dicks and get them to crawl up so deep in their own ass that they would finally disappear from ruining this earth alltogether accompanied with a loud whiff. Im in it because of sheer desperation but its hardly an excuse to play games that created the monsters in a first place.

>invents bitcoin
>invents the theory behind ethereum
>contributed fuck all

Hmmmmmm big think emoji.

Wrong, you obviously haven't actually READ any of Szabos work, he conceived of cryptocurrencies, yes, but he could not solve the double spend problem. Satoshis real innovation was the blockchain to solve the double spend issue, something the brainlet Szabo couldn't solve despite essentially working on it for almost 20 years KEK. Which just further discredits his opinion on blockchains, since he had fuck all to do with them, and EOS is a blockchain not a currency.

Kys corecuck.

>An implementation of
Learn to read



You're a bigger moron than I imagined if you actually think that a guy works for 10+ years on something and all of a sudden "muh Satoshi" comes out of nowhere and magically fixes everything. It was Szabo himself with help from Hal Finney, you dipshit.

How many clues do you need to get the picture. Hell, even Szabo himself had a freudian slip and said he created bitcoin.

lol retard bagholder

also I'm not a corecuck. Own 0 BTC. That doesn't mean I can't appreciate Szabo's contribution to all of this.

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Yep, not that he'd ever admit it, unlike CW.

Jow Forums is one of the smartest spaces in crypto.


>BTFO by Satoshi
>Predicted BTC's problems 9 years before it happened

Anyone who doesnt think Satoshi was an Alien AI is absolutely retarded.

just wait for an exchange or other hack and someone steals some eos

what happens then, do they just give up on the whole blockchain and reverse the transaction? that would be the end of eos at that point.

I hope this guy is Satoshi but why would he pick Hal finneys neighbor as his alternative online ego? Did szabo and Hal know each other IRL?

Thats actually an advantage of EOS. If there is a large scale hack the BP's can vote to freeze the chain and reverse the transactions with a 15 out of 21 consensus.
No need to hard fork like ETH had to. Also the lost Parity funds could have been recovered if that bug occured on the EOS chain and the BP's voted in agreement to reverse the transaction.

I was listening to a interview with szabo and someone said "well you can't really code" and he immediately jumped on him and confidently said no I can code. It just seemed to me like he took it as more of an insult knowing all the well he created bitcoin. How many wallets does Satoshi have?

Even if there is small scale scam or stealing, the EOS can be recovered proving what happened. Also transactions are reversible during a period of time, among other features.


They won't ever need to blacklist your wallet when you refuse to bake the faggots cake, they'll just vote to retrieve all your funds because you're a pastry Nazi.

>Core = Bitcoin
I hate summer.

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Not trying to FUD and to clarify I own 0 EOS but would like to purchase after release if they are good....but this tweet from them saying they STILL have things to fix and they are about to launch is a major no for now

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this. EOS isnt decentralized and open. Ride the hype train but then sell at ath.

erm I'm a test analyst and I've worked on pretty big projects. You still release builds post production. But to identify a bug prior to Launch and then try to fix it a few days earlier to meet a deadline is a huge red flag. I dont think many people in crypto have any idea what they're doing and idiots are throwing money at this garbage.

Nick Szabo literally invented Bitcoin and Blockchain in this blog post:

Note from the URL that he published that blog in 2005, but he later edited the date to 2008 to make it look like he had the idea AFTER "Satoshi".

Also he mentioned on his blog that he was working on coding an implementation of bitgold about a year before bitcoin was released.

Also Japanese say their family names first so creator of Bitcoin = Nakamoto Satoshi = NS

it means any payment is untrustworthy, large scale payments simply can't happen on eos

Spotted the kike

>work for ages on bitcoin
>finally solve double spend problem
>be aware of the fact that if you release it under your own name you'll have NSA on your ass
Smart enough to solve double spend problem = smart enough to know releasing something like Bitcoin under your real identity was stupid as fuck

Also smart enough to make the first transaction to your partner (Hal) in order to not risk your privacy.


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woah screencapd. i always knew it was szabo but this is the first time ive seen this.


I’ll undergird your mom

Hah, faggot

He's right. Szabo is one of the top minds in all of crypto. Fuck this. I'm selling. No way I'm holding these bags when this shit blows up.

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