Nick Szabo calls out EOS

this. EOS isnt decentralized and open. Ride the hype train but then sell at ath.

erm I'm a test analyst and I've worked on pretty big projects. You still release builds post production. But to identify a bug prior to Launch and then try to fix it a few days earlier to meet a deadline is a huge red flag. I dont think many people in crypto have any idea what they're doing and idiots are throwing money at this garbage.

Nick Szabo literally invented Bitcoin and Blockchain in this blog post:

Note from the URL that he published that blog in 2005, but he later edited the date to 2008 to make it look like he had the idea AFTER "Satoshi".

Also he mentioned on his blog that he was working on coding an implementation of bitgold about a year before bitcoin was released.

Also Japanese say their family names first so creator of Bitcoin = Nakamoto Satoshi = NS

it means any payment is untrustworthy, large scale payments simply can't happen on eos

Spotted the kike

>work for ages on bitcoin
>finally solve double spend problem
>be aware of the fact that if you release it under your own name you'll have NSA on your ass
Smart enough to solve double spend problem = smart enough to know releasing something like Bitcoin under your real identity was stupid as fuck

Also smart enough to make the first transaction to your partner (Hal) in order to not risk your privacy.


Attached: 1NickSzabo.png (822x1080, 75K)

woah screencapd. i always knew it was szabo but this is the first time ive seen this.


I’ll undergird your mom

Hah, faggot

He's right. Szabo is one of the top minds in all of crypto. Fuck this. I'm selling. No way I'm holding these bags when this shit blows up.

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