Is pic related really true? How do no-go zones work?
Hows the situation in other cities?
Other Western Euros, feel free to chime in and tell us about your experiences too
Is pic related really true? How do no-go zones work?
Hows the situation in other cities?
Other Western Euros, feel free to chime in and tell us about your experiences too
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I live at Stalingrad station
no problems, even at night, except dumb crackheads (they're a lot less of them since a few months though, idk where they went)
don't come here if you expect nice architecture though, it's petty ugly
There are no "no-go zones" in France. It's a CNN invention that they even apologized for later(
What the fuck is this map, now the richest parts of France is no go zone lmao
Jow Forumstards really are fucking dumb
i thought CNN was supposed to be the globalist libtards
>Can French anons tell us about their no-go zones?
No, they're no-go zones so we don't go there
This map is bullshit though, the south of Paris is very safe, especially around Convention and Alésia, same from Arènes de Lutèce to Parc de Choisy (probably one of the safest places in the world), nothing happens around Maison de Radio France, this place is very ugly but no one goes there. Tour Eiffel is not "unsafe", it's just ultra full of tourists all year long so there are pickpockets.
Opera Bastille is the richest part of Paris, it's definitely not unsafe, it's surrounded with the most expensive hostels in the country and all you see are Porsches, Rolls Royces and zillionaires getting in and out. Sacré coeur and Montmartre in general is very safe as well.
>Tour Eiffel is not "unsafe", it's just ultra full of tourists all year long so there are pickpockets
Tourists are dumb. They MUST take a picture from the Champ de Mars or they have officially never been in Paris. Also there are stupidly long queues at the Louvre due to Germans, Americans and Japanese, when the best Paris museum is clearly Musée d'Orsay. Also I didn't see many tourists in Parc Monceau which is probably the most beautiful location in Paris.
>when the best Paris museum is clearly Musée d'Orsay
I've lived 100m far from it for 22 years and never visited it
but muh mona lisa