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International #968
Why did Venezuela and Argentina turn into 3rd world shitholes?
/ITA/ il filo
These """people""" used to have an empire
Brazil fooled the whole world. In 99% of the world the image of Brazil is happy people in beaches, parties and carnival
Beat up gay faggots today in the name of god
Do you love Korea?
We built this 2000 years ago, but African pro-homonids are still struggling with huts
Do we have any chances against Anglos and their puppets?
What are these called in your country?
1. country
Fucking americans
Do you love Sweden?
Supreme mega aryan general(epic style)
Why do Northern French people and Walloons live in such desolate shitholes?
ITT: posters that you recignize on Jow Forums
Name 1 famous Indian other than Mahatma Gandhi
Russian grills?
Why do so many Americans here hate New York?
Daily reminder that if you don't have blond hair and blue eyes, YOU are NOT white
You ever hit a woman, user?
Try to say Netherlands
Flerkulturelle /norgetråden/
WW3 starts
Finnish posters
What is your opinion on Somalians?
Craft beer
Junk food
When God made the world, he made this decree:
I enjoy K-pop especially the work of Twice, Black Pink and BTS
If you look like this and claim to be white I will drive a fucking rusty tea spoon through your skull
Post all sorts of art from your country
Looks like you have a broken tail light, sir
Go to German Pornhub
26 years old
All saints day
The absolute state of pakistan
So Korean court decided a Japanese company should give money to Koreans who were forced to work for Japan
Why don't you have a japanese girlfriend yet?
Do you love Japan?
Memes aside, what do brazilians think about this? Is this misinformation or is this truly happening?
What piece of russia will your cunt take after they go down?
Why are countries with red, white, and blue flags so successful?
Why are you virgin?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
*turns your bathroom into a toxic waste dump*
Kurva anyátok
British police ''''''''''''''''''''men'''''''''''''''''''
Russia hate thread
Post KARA BOGA memes you have
Would you die for your country?
/deutsch/e Freiheitsbewegung
God bless the land of the free
I haven't eaten anything today
Your country
How do nips treat gaijins that clearly has learned enough japanese to sustain a normal conversation?
Mercator, Peters or Robinson?
Stereotypes about countries you can't stand
/Nofap November
Where is your baby delivering loicense, lass
Define "white"
How do Poles feel about this?
I hate my country, brains aren't rewarded here dumb fuck tradies are
Press F. Canada is finished
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
In medieval times moors took Europe out of the dark ages. They brought medicine, astronomy, engineering, poetry, music...
What's the Spanish word for Spanish?
Why aren't Euros as obsessed about their Whiteness? Have to completely given up? Do they really not care about our race?
Average finnish male
What nationality would you date?
Can any Mexicans tell me about this team?
Would you be willing to kill all your brothers for the ottoman throne
Which type is your view?
How can God hate anyone enough to make them be born in Yemen?
Guatemala appreciation thread
What goes on here? Is there anything of interest here?
Average korean poster
Hilo latino
But you let in Mexicans
What treats did you receive?
People are finally realizing how retarded Halloween is. In a decade this "holiday" will be all but extinct
Do female exapts hate thier male expat counterparts?
Reminder that this actually fucking happened
EU is a good thing
Just got done printing out these bad boys, gonna be a long day. I expect to be arrested within 10 hours, Pray for me
/luso/ fio lusofono
Imagine being non white
Communication through Chinese Character(Kanji)
I’m glad that the traitors lost and the good guy won
Why don't meds like being called olive skinned?
Working, as I do, with Americans, I find them to be like young children, in that they have no neutrality of emotion...
Albanians. What's wrong with them?
Ask a literal Mexican brown supremacist anything
ITT We say nice things about Canadians
Moon Landing was real you idiots
You wake up in Munich
I hate my country's braindrain
Your cunt
Who is your countries legit most flat out fucking hilariously insane politician Jow Forums?
I'm talking to Ukie girl now. I want impress her, make laugh...
North African girls>Black girls>Wh*te girls
Just take a shower and get a haircut bro
Sverigetråden - Knugens upplaga
Is youtube popular in your cunt? Who do you watch?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hear a knock at your door
Does Japan like black people? I will be visiting next Spring but I am anxious
/lat/ hilo latino
Smoking weed for medicinal purpose in a public but secluded area
Was he in the right here?
So, Argentina is really a NATIVE AMERICAN ethnostate
Is degeneracy prevalent in your cunt?
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht
I've noticed these non-white thirdies have been getting uppity lately
1. Your cunt
Need some serious advice Jow Forums
/ita/ il filo
Post the metro system of your city
Why do girls like it when you suck on their neck...
The birth of a japanese subhuman
Any of you bros have a sister that i can marry?
Are gook jaws attractive?
Sverigetråden - Sweddit-upplagan
So I am a chinese in France
Why does finland have Swedish as a official language if it's spoken by less than 5% of the total population
Fuck atheists. These are unironically the most based countries
Tfw no Moroccan gf
Jow Forums, but in an alternative universe where fantasy races replaces actual races
Social media?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Why do Americans think that everything is socialism?
/Neder//deutsch/. Nachtschicht
When will Geatland be free? When will sw*Des be punished for their crimes? Over a thousand years...
Why do this fuckers LARP as Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and other Amerindians?
Jow Forums is starting to hate Sweden again
Do you love scandinavian cuisine
The Greatest American was British
British police
How Jow Forums are you?
Vasco Da Gama, widely credited as the first European explorer to reach India...
ITT: Countries you could take in a fight
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Sverigetråden - en fin tråd
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
How come foreigners mention New York, LA, SF, Chicago, DC, but never Atlanta?
SOY falangista
If elves were real
Go to America
Americans visiting my small town
What is New England like?
20 year old /Doomer/ general
1) you're cunt
Does your city have a lot of these shitty kebab/pizza places?
Marie Cachet
ITT: Your favorite French person, past or present
Rank these
I will never have a gf cause my penis is 15cm and thin
/Skand - Skandinavisk General./
I'm pickle riiiiiiiiiiiick
Your country
Is UK nice to stay?
I used to think classical music was from Roman times
Fuck you racist fucks i won't apologize for being brown anymore
What Italian influence does Argentina have?
That glorious feeling of knowing this will never be Poolish clay again
Hilo latino
Post your city's upper middle class neighborhoods
Why yes, I do pretend climate change isn’t real. What ever gave me away?
/deutsch/ Der Erste Schluck des Tages Ausgabe
What is a good movie to watch on this hallowed eve?
Need more Greek pastas
I finally turned 18 today please wish me a happy birthday
Say something nice about this proposed nation
Sverigetråden - Snälla upplagan
If every white person exercises and lives well the average white IQ is 110 instead of 100
You must go and grab a can of coke ASAP
Belgium looks like THAT?
Rest in peace prince x
Does your country have uncivilized bloodthirsty neighbors?
/luso/ fio lusofono
/völkisch/ ehemals /deutsch/
Hypothetically, say trump gives the order for US troops to shoot to kill at the migrant Caravan , wat do?
Post trendings YT videos from your cunt
I watch lesbian porn
What Jow Forums drives?
If the internet were fully female, Jow Forums would not exist. Women do not care about their countries or nationalism...
What's their endgame?
/ita/ il filo Halloween
What is your opinoin on Scottish women
I wish I was born in ____________
Some Dutch universities have completely erased the Dutch language from the campus. In Eindhoven...
Just had a job interview
Snow cover in Europe as of yesterday
Hepyy hawoeen
His "country" doesn't have dios mio flavor ice cream
He already announced a minister who was condemned for corruption 2 years ago
Sverigetråden - Germanska upplagan
If your country HAD to be conquered and run by another country, which would you choose and why?
*clogs your toilet*
/fr/ - le francofil
Do you have this animal in your country?
Wow wow wow China is collapsing from inside
Do right wingers in your country see rampant alcoholism, poverty, violence and drug abuse as traits of traditionalism?
What do Jow Forums's handwriting look like?
<3 ehemals /deutsch/
Here is something you might not hear about
/mena/ ya ali ya zeinab!
Does your cunt’s leader think he can rewrite the constitution at whim?
Do you have this animal in your country?
ECHR ruling appeal come back today
What kind of crazy ass secret weapons do you think are being developed by various countries...
Why are they always Slavic females?
What do you think of world famous Kazakh volleball and instagram superstar, Sabina Altynbekova?
Do you love South Korea?
Happy Reformation Day to all the non-cucktholics on Jow Forums
Why are they so autistic, narrow-minded and evil? Do German people understand the word "empathy"?
Symbol of american imperialism. if you can find that sign in your """country""" it's an american colony
What accent do you find most attractive? Can you explain why?
Swedes prounounce "Joke" as "Yoke"
/nwg/-Non-wh*te general
Post German qt
The only place in northern Europe with soul and culture
How common are femdom relationships in your country?
Are there actually any Anglos posting under this flag?
Are you going to be happy when the nip nation is finally gone??
Yay!! It’s Halloween!!
The t series and pewdepie situation perfectly symbolizes Indian relationship with the west
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Do you love Filipinos Jow Forums?
I eat when I'm bored
Be Dutch
What is the secret of the economic power of Germany? Can it be repeated without the two world wars and the Nazis?
Really fucking depressed living in Japan
Hands of Jow Forums
The transagenda originated in USA
Do you want an Italian woman to cook for you?
How to get gf
The kids are STILL coming. I've given out so much candy. Everyone gets three each
Appearance doesn't matter, personality does
How could this happen?
Nordic women are like THAT?!
What is considered short, average and tall in your country?
Why are Norwegian women so bulky?
Kurva anyátok
Are Asians genetically superior?
Does your cunt have a leader more qt than based Jacinda?
So, Jow Forums?
I just started a job recently and i thought i would have enjoy it because i'll have something to do every day but i...
Has your train got stukkie wukkie?
Why are there so many old Western men dating young Filipina women in the Philippines?
/ausnz/ - Have a cheeky Natalya edition
Do americans really do this
It's another "lyl look how dum football is XD" cartoon
The chart has been updated. this was a bigger one
How do I tell the difference between someone speaking Swedish, Norwegian or Danish?
Based and redpilled
If Countries were Women, which would be your GF?
Why don't non-Americans celebrate Halloween?
Being a communist is just a politically correct way of being a nazi
BRICS. Which is the best and the worst country to live in?
Which country should rule MENA
Do you like my kot?
Which country has the best bussy? For me, it's Norway
What countries will play a major role in space colonization?
/lat/: Hilo de mentiras
Get fucked leaf
This is what dota players in Sweden look like
Why do Irish talk like pirates?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Portuguese is just french Spanish
Come to Argentina
"The Strasbourg-based ECHR ruled that Austrian courts carefully balanced the applicant's "right to freedom of...
American girls are more beautiful than european girls
I am very disgusted to see this...
If I shoot myself, would I lose consciousness before my brains get scrambled?
Do Argentinians only use one last name? Or two last names like in other Spanish speaking countries?
I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this
Things people in your country would never say
Indian Couple Dies For Selfie
In a perfect world
You can’t just arrest all conservatives! That’s against the law!
Tfw your english is more fluid and eloquent than native anglos
Interviewer: What would you do if your son fell in love with a black woman?
Why Indians are so butturt?
*I step foot in Korea*
Does your leader understand your cunt's basic code of laws?
Favourite brown country?
Ey do you faggots have huge dumbo ears like me?
The World Is Trash
Do people in your country believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one or met someone who has seen one...
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
What countries represents their different territories in their flag ?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
The official tsundere map of yurop
200 word essay due tomorrow
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
This man gave Manhattan project blueprints to the URSS, what do you think?
Tfw no russian gf to cuddle kot with
Tfw arab
As a non-American, I'm trying to understand:
Slavshit pretending they know the same references than us Westerners
Post pics of your Country's president
This is what happens in brazilian favelas now after fascist president was elected...
/ita/ il filo delle Bratz
Is America a failed democracy à la Russia?
Guess her ethnicity
Hey anons any conspiray theories you guys believe in?
Tomorrow, Elizabeth announces the reformation of the British Empire...
This was the happiest moment of my life
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
Muslim girls
The great debate
NOOOOOO he betrayed us
How do we protect the Amazon from Br*Zilians? Give them gibs?
Do you consider Bosniaks European?
/lang/ – Language Learning General
Why don't Europeans just come here and fuck our women and make our country white?
The British anthem came from a French Anus
How is Ukraine actually doing nearly five years since the start of the Euromaidan revolution?
If your penis less than 15cm, I will never have sex with you
Why is Israeli occupation of Palestinian land always on the news but nobody cares about Polish occupied German land
Explain this, America
You wake up in köbenhavn
Bolsonaro´s supporter says he will kill all nig*ers
Why are Non-Hungarian names so stupid?
Father tests the sluttinews of his loli daughter
I am rewatching entire Game of Thrones
/tri/ - Trilingual general
So why are all threads deleted about interpals? It's literally international language exchange site
Ask a Jewish girl, who is an oldfag of this place everything. I am on int since 2011
Sverigetråden - HEEM upplagan
The name "Hajime" may be written with any of the following: 始, 治, 初, 一, 元, 肇, 創, 甫, 基, 哉, 啓, 本, 源, 東, 大, 孟, or 祝
50 word essay on black contributions to humanity due in 100 days for black history month
Would you rather fuck a 16 year old with the body and mind of a 21 year old...
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
The average am*rican believes this
*Superior British Bacon
Germans aren't base--
What are you favorite memes/postings that came from Jow Forums?
Most people don't drink 12 beers by themselves
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Post your town city flag
You will never be a self assured Pole travelling the world and telling how it really is
This is an anti-smoking campaign in France. Would this be considered okay in your country?
What is the purpose of the e""""u""""?
Who else /never went abroad/ here?
What type of men do japanese women like?
Do MENA boys realise how lucky they are?
Bacon and steak are awesome! They're such manly and classy foods
ITT : cemetery of the dead memes
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
See arab thug doing thuggery on a twitter video
Are there any girls on Jow Forums? This board seems pretty gay
Meetvursti appreciation thread
1: your country
Gosh user you're such a loser
Post your best Ugh... what could have been maps
Sverigetråden - Skallupplagan
Are there Muslims in your cunt’s military?
You wake up in Polska
Could you name at least one Lithuanian without googling?
Who are the foreign students at your university?
Mfw I don't have to wagecuck tomorrow because it's Martin Luther memorial day
How do you call these in your cunt?
Why does Mexico have such poor warlocks?
As a girl I have to say this board is very comfy...
How do you piss of the non-neets by your freetime and wealth? Me? I have a white Ferrari
Are squat toilets the ultimate redpill?
/deutsch/österreichische Nachtschicht
Does the rest of the world hate Mexico as much as we do because of what they're doing to the United States?
1. Your cunt
Why german women lust for turkish cock so much?
France is actually gay. And proud of it
Tfw never visited by the Christmas Goat
It is how it is
The average male needs 2000 calories a day
Latin America GDP PPP per capita since the 80s
There are people who still doubt the Axis being the good guys
1/Your country
/lat/: Hilo latino
German language
/fr/ - le francofil
Colonies thread
"Mum and dad, this is Tyrone. He's my new boyfriend" Your cunt > your parents reaction
Guys i think i'm gay
Your country
Your cunt
1. u r vagona
1. Your cunt
I just realized I don't have any friends, the last time I hanged out with a friend was 2 years ago...
Did an anime ever feature your country? Post it ITT
Israel must be really desperate for allies
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド Happy Halloween Edition
What's wrong with Germans?
My gf is pregnant, we found it out few days ago. im so happy and scared in the same time. user, do you have kids?
You wake up as dictator of your cunt. What happens next?
Do Korean girls really react like this when they see an average looking white boi?
Why isn't suicide legal ?
Sverigetråden - Ansiktsupplagan
Thoughts on them?
Wtf I love Serbia now
1. your country
ITT we are all muslims
You wake up in Svalbard
I want to marry a traditional Ukrainian/Belarusian/Polish/Serbian woman because they go to Church every weekend...
Just imagine. There are anons who live in houses like this
You wake up in Northern Spain
Brazil will be leader of Western Civilization within a generation
Be American
We'll cut the Amazon down and then we'll make a big ass bonfire KEK
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Is Asia basically hell on earth?
/ita/ - il filo
Pour moi c'est la France
/I HOB KA OIDE/ ehemals /deutsch/
/hell/-νήμα ελληνιkό
Apparently Jow Forums tier fake news is real life now
Why are Europeans so poor ?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2071
Rate my turkish dinner lads
Those are thé people calling you an npc thoughts ?
This truly is the patrician season
Say 10 Asian persons you know
Race in Brazil
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
ITT: we draw countries and others have to guess it
Who do you think is the most famous and important German? for me it's Karl Marx
Fuck HUNgary(racist shithole), we had to exterminate them completely in 1956
Just be yourself bro
Trump to send 5,000 soldiers to the border
Thank you, Italy
353 thousand population
Tell me about the native finno-ugric people of Russia
*accelerates climate change*
Do you say “thank you” to the girl after you had sex with her?
English speaker learning german
What are you doing for Halloween?
Why do Americans eat pizza with their hands?
What are some Jow Forums approved names for your son/daughter?
Are Japs really that fucking delusional? Anime thread
"I need guns to keep the government in check, your government walks all over you eurocucks."
/fr/ - le francofil
1. your cunt
Can French anons tell us about their no-go zones?
No more conflicts against each other . We Asians should unite as one and kill all wh*tes
Post your country's intelligence agency
/erster kaffee/ ehemals /deutsch/
That's fucking it. I'm issuing a fatwa against gay Finn and Korean posters
Race experts of Jow Forums, is she white or asian?
Finnish posters
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
33 days of paid vacation left
Ur cunt
Why is Iceland so peaceful?
Do you live by a lake user?
I got forced by parents to study computer science
ITT: Your country, top 3 Twice songs and best member in your opinion
Pick a pill and explain why you chose it
There's a whole group made of turks and indians on my uni
1. you are cunt
Why are these German soldiers such mantlets?
Thats right w*stern cuck, I dont care about your HDI, GDP per capita or average wage...
What do you think the note said?
Kurva anyátok
Ur cunt
Based, redpilled, and best country in europe
Wow. Boomers really did fuck the planet
Can’t buy new Lamborghini
/3rd world/
What is your country best known for?
Ask anything to a black brazilian from a favela who are going to be murdered soon
A magician shall instantly grant you the ability to speak seven (7) languages to the same level that you speak your...
European education
What makes these two shitholes so anti-semite? what poor jews ever did to them?
These little bitches are running around on garages again!
Tfw cant handle the cold
/lat/: Hilo latino
This was the happiest moment of my life
Do Russians glorify and make films about their colonisation of the east the way the Americans do of their colonisation...
Thoughts on this dude?
Thoughts on Aryan women actually from germany like pic related?
How did they do it?
Most African-Americans have white blood and speak a European language...
He cheers on Whites having sex with any ethnicity but he cries and screams when blacks and asians do the same thing
Faces of Jow Forums
Geographical Folklore & Urban Legends
We deserve it and we are going to get it
What is life in the Great Plains like?
Mfw i realize that this board is full of 25+ year olds
Why do the Japanese love Porando so much?
How do you take your coffee?
GF thread
And there's nothing Americans can do about it
Tell me Jow Forums, what do you think of Australians?
Why do Americans celebrate Halloween?
Despacitos of Jow Forums
Based Peru and Bolivia
Argentinians and Uruguayans do this with their hands when they are angry
Pls bring drugs, it's fucking hell
Would you rather live under a Trudeau administration or a Bolsonaro rule?
Guess her ethnicity
Self-made, organic youtubers vs inflated corporate evil: the Great War
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
How are hapas/blasians/eurasians really treated in Asian countries?
I'm fucking a married coworker of mine without condom...
If you could have been born as another nationality
Why are Brazilians willing to elect a man who is whiter than 95% of Brazil? Hasn't he made racist remarks...
Are Americans capable of saying nice things about China? In my experience they are too racist and/or jealous
Post aeroplanes
What's stopping Europeans from dating fertile Latin American women?
What's your plan for No Fap November?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/lat/ hilo latino
Post your country in one image
Why couldn't blacks into swords?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Soy milk
Stop calling the United States of America "America"
What is your country's equivalent name of John Smith?
Going to europe next month
Be me
Why are semites (italians, arabs and jews) so scheming and cunning?
Can you really have brown eyes/brown hair and be white ?
Americans put peanuts in coca-cola
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship