Wtf I love Serbia now
Wtf I love Serbia now
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If you're not yellow (orange, beige?) you are racist
White participants? What white participants?
it's like you don't know that slavs aren't white
Russian girls LOVE niggers
countries in red all being Slavic and brown people (Greeks, Italians etc) isn't really surprising considering they have a serious case of inferiority complexes
it is known
>ex-yus are racis-
Time to culturally enrich Serbia :)
t. Aryan whitoid
Indian's ain't white.
us yugoslavs are really good liars
we tell you one thing but we think another
Now do this in Africa and Asia with white.
Based yellow countries.
Who said they are, you retarded baboon? Northern Slavs are yellow though.
why nothern europe is so cucked?
wow you could even call the red countries.... redpilled
Really, dear third world immigrant in Norway? I don't realise why should italians be inferiority complexed with any other people in this world, considering the importance that their nation has contributed to the world in terms of civilization, culture and science. Norway wasn't invaded by almost one million of illegal immigrants in 5 years like is happened in Italy. It's not a fault of italians if 40% of people committing crimes in Italy are african, south asian and middle eastern immigrants, some of them responsibles of crimes never seen before in term of brutality and violence.
>I don't realise why should italians be inferiority complexed with any other people in this world
Because you got raped by niggers which turned your country into shit. "B-but it was nice 1000 years ago" lmao.
To put it simply: I love black people.
t. brown skinned mario
Not still a shithole at the same level of Finland.
Nope, we love germans >
>no one but muslims migrate to Finland
93% of migrant rapes come from muslims
If Italy were your home instead of Finland you would...
be 45.98% more likely to be unemployed
use 69.07% less electricity
be 58.18% more likely to be in prison
make 17.55% less money
consume 39.33% less oil
have 4.91% less free time
experience 19.03% more of a class divide
be 3 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS
have 14.59% fewer babies
2pac is Serbian, so.
quoting your shameful stupid faggot post before you deleted it and got BTFO'd for your shitty argument born out of your own retardation you stupid kike whoreson faggot
Based and Serbpilled
You forgot to mention eat 10000x better food, not live in a mosquito infested frozen swamp, and not be a gay homosexual faggot mongol.
What the fuck is wrong with the UK? american influence?
Food is a dumb argument. It's not like you can't make Italian food in Finland.
Yes and them being number 47 on World Happiness Report below Uzbekistan and Kuwait while Finland is number 1.
>no one but muslims migrate to Finland
>93% of migrant rapes come from muslims
back to pede
why do m*doids hate themself?
Bulgaria is number 100 btw just below Somalia.
>You forgot to mention eat 10000x better food
You know you live in a shit cunt when you have to bring up fucking FOOD as an argument
Actually most of immigrants in Finland are russians and estonians
More Swedes than Russians and Estonians combined. Less than 0.4% of anyone else.
look at my flag you dumb dog eating retard
Swedes are historical minotiry, not really migrating much today as far as I know
>Finland is number 1.
You mean Switzerland. You subhuman poverty asian
lmao get grenaded retard
Shut up, Finland is awesome
Please just do the needful and take back your clay. Those mongol retards have become arrogant
>Project Implicit
implicit racial bias tests are completely random, and their results are not replicateable.
lol @ the things taken into consideration
hahahahahaha you cant make this up. asian niggers thinking theyre superior to switzerland. enjoy your poverty and one mountain you pathetic poverty asian
closing this thread im laughing so hard its starting to hurt hahahahahahhahahaha fucking fingols i swear
If anything we will probably take the 16th republic of Soviet union first
>make yourself look like retard and get called out on being a lying piece of subhuman third world shit
>"closing this thread h-haha"
Isn't rap and basketball huge in serbia?
Here we go again...
When a Serb sees a black face, he thinks "they are ruining the West now", so he feels happiness.
but yugoslavs have a big inferitority complex too. especially serbs.
yeah, this
thanks for your girls
non-green = butthurt wh*tes not being able to compete against the BLACK bull
That's because Russian girls love to be abused and dominated. They are used to a strong authoritarian government and a drunk and depressed father. You basically have to beat them near to death every time you fuck them.. It's hot af desu.
Can confirm. Godspeed niggers and sandniggers.
>Yes and them being number 47 on World Happiness Report below Uzbekistan and Kuwait while Finland is number 1.
Is this true? How come suicide rates are higher then? Interesting.
no, you just have a lot of immigration I guess. Or if you are orange you do not have immigration. Both are not very convenient to go down with prejudice.
Oh it was a chart on "potential" of happiness, nto happiness of the people. I didn't read on before posting.
>back-pedalling that hard