*Superior British Bacon
*Superior British Bacon
Like back bacon, and belly bacon. Canadian bacon sucks.
Fuck the queen and fuck ice hockey.
God save the queen and bacon. Hurray.
I always wondered whether the americans just got the name wrong.
I mean it's bacon. Back-on because it's made from the back part of the pig
In pooland "american bacon" is called boczek, because it's made from the side (bok) of the pig (pork belly is extends from side to side),
while "bekon" (phonetic bacon) is made from the loin.
>not Hungarian bacon
i thought bacon is haram in uk
"Canadian bacon" is an American term, it has nothing to do with us. We call that peameal back bacon.
It's halal in time of necessity.
>“And why should you not eat of that on which Allaah’s name has been pronounced, while he has explained to you in detail what is forbidden to you, except under compulsion of necessity?”
[al-An’am 6:119]
So probably fine for hangovers and stuff.
A meme.
what does bacon taste like user?does it taste like basturma?
good post
It's smoked and cured the same way with a more usable cut that can be used as a "seasoning" or just as breakfast bacon or in meat wraps etc.
It became more popular than back bacon and became the US' default for bacon
Used to live in UK
American bacon is fucking horrible
Chewy >>>>>>>>>> shit >>> crispy bacon
Butter that goddamn bread or something its so dry and eww
Quite salty with a strong flavour. I like smoked best. It's very moreish, but I couldn't eat too much of it. Red or brown (sweet & tangy) sauce compliments bacon well.
Canadian bacon is fine too.
all three are tasty but the power ranking goes like this:
1. English bacon along with a full cooked
2. American bacon
3. English bacon
4. Canadian
You obviously never tried superior Serbian bacon.
Canadian bacon is literally just ham coldcuts
damn that looks good
AlmazanKitchen on youtube is GOAT
i like the serbian one
marbled meat looks so tasty even though it's often pretty shit
nah dude, this is domaće meat and is literally better than 99% of baconthat is sold in the west. if you buy locally, you are bound to buy high quality bacon.
i'll try it if i get the chance but i'm doubtful i will
Anyone seen Pappillion?
That's a fucking great film. It's like the non reddit Shawshank.