I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this

I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this.
It is the most developed country in the world with a society that works only towards greatness, unified by a strong government that can make informed decisions to further their own interests.
this nation is the exact opposite; an incompetent weak government with a divided society that under a great struggle cannot hope to ever achieve anything. combined with its vast nothingness and complete irrelevancy this nation can never hope to be anything other than a nation to be exploited by other nations
people come here in masses seeking better life, thinking they will be much better off, but the opposite is true. there is only depression and emptiness to be found in Canada; a smaller America that is somewhat better (but that isn't saying much when we are comparing America)

Attached: 37816492china-growth-340x200.jpg (340x200, 33K)

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love your bait (and I actually like china but seriously)

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it isn't bait
I make this thread because I love everything about China
other people should too

>tfw no cbf

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I wish I lived in Russia, and I am not even a Russian who is saying this.
It is the most developed country in the world with a society that works only towards greatness, unified by a strong government that can make informed decisions to further their own interests.
this nation is the exact opposite; an incompetent weak government with a divided society that under a great struggle cannot hope to ever achieve anything. combined with its vast nothingness and complete irrelevancy this nation can never hope to be anything other than a nation to be exploited by other nations
people come here in masses seeking better life, thinking they will be much better off, but the opposite is true. there is only depression and emptiness to be found in America; a bigger Canada that is somewhat better (but that isn't saying much when we are comparing Canada)

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grass is greener
china very much has its own problems

China is a steaming pile of shit.

every country does
China has numerously less than any other nation however and is going to be much better off than any other country in the world
how so?
It is one of the most advanced civilizations in this planet today, much better than this shithole will ever be

>It is the most developed country in the world
this is bullshit and you know it
>society that works only towards greatness
you mean a society that's even more materialistic than capitalist ones? oy gevalt
>unified by a strong government that can make informed decisions to further their own interests
the fact that the cpc is still lagging behind on economic reforms shows that they don't know jack
they make it so hard for foreigners to invest in their country it's like they don't even want their money
repeating the mistakes of the ming and qing, sad!

Tell that to the chinks studying in your country
Just because they decided to shit out a few propaganda pics with cherry picked pictures doesn't mean they are good

The arrow shapes litteraly Japan itself.

Can we just please ban Xi-bots?

They're starting to get on my nerves

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Jow Forumsasianmasculinity, you guys are too obvious with this type of post. Go back to posting AMWF or something, at least this way the hatred towards Asians just rises.

I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this.
It is the most developed country in the world with a society that works only towards greatness, unified by a strong government that can make informed decisions to further their own interests.
this nation is the exact opposite; an incompetent weak government with a divided society that under a great struggle cannot hope to ever achieve anything. combined with its vast nothingness and complete irrelevancy this nation can never hope to be anything other than a nation to be exploited by other nations
people come here in masses seeking better life, thinking they will be much better off, but the opposite is true. there is only depression and emptiness to be found in Canada; a smaller America that is somewhat better (but that isn't saying much when we are comparing America)

>I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this.
>It is the most developed country in the world with a society that works only towards greatness, unified by a strong government that can make informed decisions to further their own interests.
>this nation is the exact opposite; an incompetent weak government with a divided society that under a great struggle cannot hope to ever achieve anything. combined with its vast nothingness and complete irrelevancy this nation can never hope to be anything other than a nation to be exploited by other nations
>people come here in masses seeking better life, thinking they will be much better off, but the opposite is true. there is only depression and emptiness to be found in Canada; a smaller America that is somewhat better (but that isn't saying much when we are comparing America)
> Anonymous 10/31/18(Wed)11:33:50 No.96846494▶
>File: thumbs up.jpg (63 KB, 800x534)
>love your bait (and I actually like china but seriously)

If you lived in China your post would be a crime.

>forced sterilization
>corruption and unlawful imprisonment (thought-crime very real, power purging too)
>no individual power aka no right to sue people, companies, government. No freedom of expression, no freedom of movement (need a work visa to work in another state, can't use many public systems if you live in another state)
>middle income trap
>inequality: no Chinese dream for the average Wang
>meritocracy: if your highschool grades are not top 5% (or are rich), say bye bye to a good education. Aka, you'll very much be likely be poor and live in a polluted and over-crowded shithole

t. 6 years in China

do you regret your time in china

I wish I lived in the UK, and I am not even a Brit who is saying this.
It is the most developed country in the world with a society that works only towards greatness, unified by a strong government that can make informed decisions to further their own interests.
this nation is the exact opposite; an incompetent weak government with a divided society that under a great struggle cannot hope to ever achieve anything. combined with its vast nothingness and complete irrelevancy this nation can never hope to be anything other than a nation to be exploited by other nations
people come here in masses seeking better life, thinking they will be much better off, but the opposite is true. there is only depression and emptiness to be found in Hong Kong ; a smaller China that is somewhat better (but that isn't saying much when we are comparing China)

No, but I wouldn't advise it unless you get a deal as an expat or really have no other options.

b-but the trains!

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Mate, six years in China living in a gaijin bubble and talking as if you know anything is as cringeworthy as thoe RyanBoundless types in Japan.

>ad hominem

I might be biased, but it doesn't mean that it is not true. I am not stating an opinion, just facts. Facts aren't biased. Also, I don't know who that is.

How did you as a Jew survive 6 years in Chinkland??

wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this.
It is the most developed country in the world with a society that works only towards greatness, unified by a strong government that can make informed decisions to further their own interests.
this nation is the exact opposite; an incompetent weak government with a divided society that under a great struggle cannot hope to ever achieve anything. combined with its vast nothingness and complete irrelevancy this nation can never hope to be anything other than a nation to be exploited by other nations
people come here in masses seeking better life, thinking they will be much better off, but the opposite is true. there is only depression and emptiness to be found in Canada; a smaller America that is somewhat better (but that isn't saying much when we are comparing America)

>I wish I lived in China, and I am not even a Chinese who is saying this.
Of course you are not. Only white guys will be fine in China.

as long as you live in Kaifeng nothing is to be worried about

he's lying he never lived in china

You wish.


I'll prove it by showing how scared you are of me reporting you to the police if you keep replying to me.

cool story liar. so many people say they "lived in china" while saying bad stuffs but its all bullshits

Last warning.


your jewish tricks won't work on me lol

西方世界在描述一系列事件經過時,經常使用「1989年天安門廣場抗議」(英语:Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989)或「天安門镇压」(Tiananmen Square Crackdown)。1990年代时西方新聞媒體經常使用「天安門大屠殺」(Tiananmen Square Massacre)這類字詞[35],但在近年的相關報導中則逐漸減少[15]。主要是因為絕大部分暴力衝突並非發生在天安門廣場上,而是在北京城西的木樨地。


The worst catastrophe in China’s history, and one of the worst anywhere, was the Great Famine of 1958 to 1962, and to this day the ruling Communist Party has not fully acknowledged the degree to which it was a direct result of the forcible herding of villagers into communes under the “Great Leap Forward” that Mao Zedong launched in 1958.

To this day, the party attempts to cover up the disaster, usually by blaming the weather. Yet detailed records of the horror exist in the party’s own national and local archives.

Access to these files would have been unimaginable even 10 years ago, but a quiet revolution has been taking place over the past few years as vast troves of documents have gradually been declassified. While the most sensitive information still remains locked up, researchers are being allowed for the first time to rummage through the dark night of the Maoist era.

From 2005 to 2009, I examined hundreds of documents all over China, traveling from subtropical Guangdong to arid Gansu Province near the deserts of Inner Mongolia.

The party records were usually housed on the local party committee premises, closely guarded by soldiers. Inside were acres of dusty, yellowing paper held together in folders that could contain anything from a single scrap of paper scribbled by a party secretary decades ago to neatly typewritten minutes of secret leadership meetings.
Continue reading the main story

Continue reading the main story

Historians have known for some time that the Great Leap Forward resulted in one of the world’s worst famines. Demographers have used official census figures to estimate that 20 million to 30 million people died.

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 東突厥斯坦

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We'll see.


>this is bullshit
it is literally the most developed country in the world
they have near your gdp and 1 billion people
>society more materialistic than capitalist ones
????? proof???
>lagging behind on economic reforms
what ones?
the one they have right now is perfect and what was done with 100 years of your capitalism is being done in around 30 years
stay mad, mutt

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only few Chinese studying in country
China has some of the best universities in the world so they don't need to come here
yeah but your nation is a shithole
why? can't handle truth?
I don't browse reddit, sorry monkey
seething nip has no response to my post so he greentexts what his deluded mind thinks is lies
I see...
>deathsquads, sterilization
whats wrong with this?
lol all gone with best leader Xi Ping
>muh freedums!!!!
not really, China is a big country
>middle income trap, no Chinese dream
anyone can rise up the ranks, most people just prefer not to
whats wrong with this?
you post lots of things and pretend they are bad, but it is what makes them so much better than us
it's no wonder you ended up in Israel lol

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they were great atrocities but necessary to keep thew Chinese nation together
it does nothing I am still here lol

Fuck off back to China. Thanks.

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>pol memegraphic
and I am not a Chinese.
I was born here
I am Canadian

Attached: canada flag.jpg (1600x1200, 262K)

You have to go back, Zhang. You obviously share no same values as an actual human.

>actual human
what makes an 'actual human'? do all humans really value the same things?

>The parasite thinks it's human
Absolutely subversive

Not even going to bother replying to you, chinkposter. You're braindead.

Hey, it takes one to see one.

>It is the most developed country in the world with a society that works only towards greatness, unified by a strong government that can make informed decisions to further their own interests.

i dont think this is how you raise social credit, bud

>only few chinese studying in my country
My bad
Tell that to the chinks coming in droves to Canada and Australia

One of your first statements is 100% false. It's not even debatable. Hell it isnt the most developed in it's own region.

>most developed country in the world


>China has numerously less than any other nation however and is going to be much better off than any other country in the world
Pic related
He's a troll not a bot.

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>there is only depression and emptiness to be found in Canada; a smaller America that is somewhat better (but that isn't saying much when we are comparing America)
You should have done an Argentina version.

>using aggregate GDP as a method of measuring a country's development

Try using GDP per capita. China still falls below the global middle class line. I get it, you're patriotic, no shame in that. But the current Chinese regime is not good for China. They focus their entire economy on exports, but cheaper labor in vietnam and other less developed countries is hurting this strategy. Just liberalize your fucking economy already.

>living in a gaijin bubble
He most likely lived better than your average chinese citizens.

>you're braindead
same goes to you lol
mutt opinions and scores are irrelevant because they are subdued by a pervasive jealousy of China
I'm not trying to do that tho
meeeeeh there aren't that many
they have the 2nd highest gdp in the entire world, the cities are by far some of the most developed places you can find
China isn't fully developed but they are modernizing at a rapid rate and this century is going to be the Pax Sinica
the entire west is declining
China only grows stronger
you think I'm a troll because you can't accept it
its ok
you can't hide from reality forever
>the current Chinese regime isn't good for China
epic lol
Kuomintang (Taiwan) resulted in 30 million deaths during ww2 thanks to their incompetency
that shithole regime was so bad that they lost against a bunch of 'ragtag' guerilla fighters during the civil war
they lost and for a very good reason. PRC is the only regime fit for ruling China

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>they have the 2nd highest gdp in the entire world
And three times the population of number 1 it's a bit pathetic.

not really. China has been oppressed by subhumans for centuries and its only now under the PRC that they are free from all bullshit
modernizing a country of a billion people is quite difficult, but regardless the PRC is managing quite well in doing so
given a timespan of 10 - 20 years China will be the richest country in the world

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