I am very disgusted to see this...

I am very disgusted to see this, just because some farmers and neets with no esucation decide to cross illegaly to the US just because they want to """rebel""" now they will all think that all the salvadorians are subhumans, and just because the scum of the society cross the border and start commiting crime in US all the people think that all of us are gang member, hope that all of them get deported oso they can realize how stupid is all of this, this guys don't represent my country, I'm so sorry for the inconvenients gringos.

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I don't get the reasoning why now of all times.

Like you have the most anti-immigrant President in the USA in a long-ass time and you want to come in illegally and try to force him to accept you? You're gonna get deported, blacklisted, and increase anti-immigrant sentiment.

You honestly sound like an out of touch elite.

Welcome to the club and enjoy the eternal attention, because there's nothing you can do about it and now your country will forever remain as a true shithole no matter how many times people like you try to convince others of otherwise.
Enjoy the last few weeks becuase after this, you will seen as a parasite, like jews, blacks, muslims, and us.
They will stay in Mexico screencap this, it's just a show, criminality will Increase because that's what americans want, for us to drown on our own blood.

*Will be seen

>RAMIREZ: Well, most of the people that I've talked to, they understand the risks. Just crossing Mexico, there's a lot of - you know, all of the crime there and the criminal organizations. There's human trafficking, and there's rapes and all of this. But they're seeing that - they have to immigrate because they don't see any opportunity to obtain, you know, any type of economic advancement.

I like how, to a Honduran, the most dangerous part about illegally migrating to the US is that involves going through Mexico.

>you disagree with me
>you sound like an out of touch elite

This guy is do painfully tone deaf as to why people from El Salvador and Honduras are fleeing and sees it as a rebellion and personal slight against him embarrassing him in front of Americans. He is very much an out of touch elite in his mentality.

i mean they've never been to mexico before and im guessing since mexico has a bigger population than honduras they most likely have more bands of renegades and cutthroats walking around

Your country caused all of this, guns aren't appearing out of nowhere you know, who's arming the cartels....
Or whait..
Da joooooos.

Because Obongo gave them a warm welcome to the US they think that they can rebel to a guy that is really takong seriously this problem

Bitch, if the CIA wanted your country fucked up you wouldn't get away with a bit of gang violence.

sweetie, everyone in your country are subhumans.

They do get guns from the USdue to our own incompetence ("Let's sell guns to the Federales, they would never turn around and sell them to cartels") but the cartels are multi billion dollar businesses. They would have no problems staying armed even if the US completely stopped supplying weapons to "The Government"

>Muh i'm bigger therefore I'm superior although I don't know a shit about their people and their culture,

You look like a retard, so I will assume you are one, all the presidents come from the same country, if you belive a president have any power, you are truly a retard, presidents are only for communicating the next decision to the american people.

I don't understand how any of that is a trait of an "out of touch elite" or even what that means in the context of an El Salvadorian, I doubt you do either.

>I don't understand
Yeah that's how willful ignorance works.

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Kill those monkeys

And, currency manipulation, corrupt politicians, pathetic police forces, garbage music and media, it's tough to destroy a country and being the good guy at the same time, lol.

The important thing is you feel superior to somebody who is honest with you.

>Muh i'm bigger therefore I'm superior although I don't know a shit about their people and their culture.

Your monitor also works as a mirror if you turn it off.

This is one of those "cries out in pain as he strikes you" things brown people do.

You're right. The timing is awkward from our point of view. Gonna sound like a tinfoil hat kind of guy, but I think this is instigated by our political enemies (probably Russia).

Theres three options here:
1. Let them in - political suicide for Trump, wont happen. It shouldn't happen either.
2. Peacefully keep them in Mexico - left still gets butthurt, legitimizes Trumps wall plan and might set us up for a shitty second term of Trump.
3. Use force and violence to disperse them - an awful PR disaster for the US, delegitimizing our status as the global superpower even more

Neither we or the Salvadorians won't have a good time here. This is a setup.


Cool, post that on reddit I'm sure you would get tons of upvotes

Don't you have ever commited a typing error Roberto Valdivia?

>I think this is instigated by our political enemies (probably Russia).
Imagine being this much of a retard

>using the military for its actual purpose (defending the country form invaders)
>delegitimizing our status as the global superpower even more

If invading desert peoples countries for oil didn't do that, defending our country won't either.

Shooting unamarmed women and children always plays well for the cameras.

doesn't matter, you just need one pregnant woman crying
pic related

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fuck you pinche tio tomas culero, yo soy chicano y aqui los espero con brazos abiertos a todos los migrantes latinos , quiero que estados unidos sea mas hispano.

no seas una pinche marica OP. y apolla a tus cuidadanos

para de pensar que piensan el mundo blanco de ti , eres un indio aunqe tengas cortez los blancos siempre te veran como inferior

Literally turn them back if they keep coming take them into custody, keep them in prison conditions until you deport them to their home country or somewhere even worse. If anybody gets violent react with violence.

Can't say I have any sympathy
>lel americans have to deal with run of the mill salvadorans instead of the upper westernized salvadorans like myself
Tough luck, they have to deal with the REAL Salvadorans


US law and international UN treaties give these people the right to apply for asylum.

Seriously man, get that stick out of your butt, picking on Central Americans is pathetic

The dude is admitting they're just moving for more money. They're not refugees. So why do cunts keep talking about asylum.

Problema es, que la mayoria en es caravana son pandilleros, traficantes de personas y gente sin el mas minimo de educacion, eso depende de ti si los quieres recibir.

Gives them the right to apply.

When is Papi Trump going to deport you back?

Te consta?

i want you to know that out of all the mexican posters in this board your opinion is the only one that is absolutely worthless to me

They denied asylum in mexico so their claims won't stand here.

this is what i hate more than whites, is fucking latinos who are cucks and love worshipping white dick because they think they are better than an indio for being 10% . fuck off faggots hope u never step foot in the US

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I have a visa

>tfw no BWC to slobber all over
wat do

Si, yo solo pienso lo mismo que esa pequeña porcion de salvadoreños que son consientes de el tema y saben de lo que estan hablando, porque solo somos minoria, la gente aqui es estupida como el orto.

>this guys don't represent my country
Yeah they actually do
Shitty people from a shitty country

I heard you can get 50 McNuggets in the USA for $10 truly an amazing country ngl

give that visa to a mexican who isnt a fucking cuck, and supports the cause of making usa at least 50% mexican

No :3

Follar a america

kek mexico has to be the shittiest country in 2018 to be gay, literally even kids make fun of queers

exactly my mapuche warrior, i would even let u live with me for a while if u come here illegally, until u get a job. we have to follar america. I currently have a nordic gf she went to this communsit university in east germany so she cool with destroying white america and shit and making brown babies for the raza movement

Maybe when you nonwhites fully evolve you can stop murdering each other like the savages you are

Sudacas asquerosos

Post a pic of your wet mouth


I don't want ICE to shoot me in the head :(

Shut the fuck up litte spain

>US supports corrupt dictatorships in central America leading to shit conditions
>gets mad when people try to leave these shit conditions for US

America will never be majority Hispanic, CHIs will all get BLEACHED and assimilated and there's nothing your sorry brown ass can do about it.

>"I disagree with your post, you must get back to Jow Forums"

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>le BROWN PRIDE chicano nationalist has a white gf
Every. Fucking. Time.

not really
i've been out since i was 16 and everyone thought it was pretty cool. some people even offered to protect me if someone called me a fag

i'm from a small town in western mexico btw

Shitty Spanish. Kys gringo expat.

This retarded lead poisoned enano thinks he knows how genes work, whites have the most recessive genes they coupdnt even bleach a fucking arab. Brown indio genes are some of the most dominant genes out ther just look in the mirror

he's simply pointing out the thread should be attributed to Jow Forums because Jow Forums isn't where it's discussed sweetie

I'm sorry sir
But you have to go back

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I think you’re the one that failed biology class

Why are wh*te genes so weak

The whitest parts of the country staryed the whole cartel thing and are among the most dangerous states so it's not a non white thing but a spaniards ruining everything thing.

I hate Chicanos so much