Appearance doesn't matter, personality does

>appearance doesn't matter, personality does

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Why not both :-)

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neither matter. Money matter

Don't be retarded. Everyone knows both matter regardless of what they say.

If you're ugly, well, good luck I guess. Should probably stop pining for the qts though. Waste of your time.

Personality results in an attractive appearance.

He’s only slightly above average in terms of his face, his good looks is from his hard work.

This. Unless he hides that perfect jawline underneath his beard, he is just a bit above average.

>confidence is the key bro

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>personality results in the shape of your facial bones

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Just be confident, bro!

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You can be a hunchbacked cyclops and still have a gf. They measure success and security more than looks

My favorite part is when they compare models to super ugly people xd xd

If you're ugly, stick to ugly girls. Or kys. Holding a conversation and making people laugh can only get you so far but most incels aren't satisfied with that. Losers lmao

Bluepilled cope. If you successful and secure but don't have good looks you're just betabux, nothing more

>Holding a conversation and making people laugh can only get you so far but most incels aren't satisfied with that. Losers lmao

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Do you struggle in relationships?

No, because I've never been in one


t. retard

No you

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That's like having flies swarming you because you stink like shit.

Just be bro, confident!

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appearances matter for meeting others people
but personality will be more important if you want the relationship going

Backwards. Attractive = confidence = personality.

>height doesn't matter bro, I'm 195cm and still a loser!

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That's me though. Granted, fucked by health shit.