/mena/ ya ali ya zeinab!

/mena/ ya ali ya zeinab!

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to live and die for israel, simple as

It goes without saying

hey im not like those palestinian jordanians!

what are you doing in egypt if you don't mind my asking?

family circumstances

So stalking girls and taking pics of their feet is family matter now?

w-what.. what is this in reference to?
i am an innocent man!

I thought you were a female.

yea i am, but innocent woman doesnt have a nice ring to it.

post bob

how did you think of that one? absolute madman

لا تبدأ

but I want juicy boob pics...

Kid! Iam disappointed

Then only ask people that show obvious interest in doing it because there's absolutely no need to sexually harrass random women.


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Mmm...Fair enough

Hello frens
Today was an awesome day for me. Hope it was the same for you inshallah

Araps who kill their Paki, Pinoy and Pajeet servants and then use their corpses as compost for garden plants is ok in my book.


Not everyone is a genocider like you ratric.
We take them from the abuse and horrific conditions in their home countries and give them money a living and treat them as part of the family.
Oh hey. I'm god too. Welcome to the club buddy


fok off mate this is a pc general

Neden bu kadar ölüsün?

all the flags above me are the flags of a gay beta male countries with no balls

shoukran for saving el thread lakin ookaf m'a your khra ya blédard. I still wish I was taught algerian. And since some members of my close family also speak kabyle, that meant two languages have been lost by generations and it upsets me.

mundane bump.

come on, I can't be the only left here.

this thread is shit , go make a new thread

post brown feet now

not sure about that but if it can revive this shithole then why not.
mundane edition though.



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I want to convert to Islam lads, I’m being serious btw