What's their endgame?

What's their endgame?

Attached: china flag.png (1280x853, 8K)

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probably when genetic splicing happens lmao


Save the world from the US

Probably what when genetic splicing happens?

They're already a state capitalist country.

If you would rather that China ran the world instead of the US then you really are an idiot.

capitalism is a stage for developing working class and production matters

bullshit :-DDDD

Attached: 431499319513.jpg (566x196, 22K)

silly dengoid

Capitalism, actually.
It is ironic, perhaps painfully so

I seriously think they're trying to become the Old World hegemon. The Belt and Road initiative, gigantic investments in Africa, Chinese immigration to Siberia, etc.

Destroying every other ethnic group in China, annexing their neighbors' land, filling the atmosphere so full of rubbish we won't be able to leave for another century and generally crashing the planet with no survivors

uyghur and tibetans are not the only ethnic groups in china, but they are the only seperatists in china

Look, you just can't really call China communist when they allow private enterprise. Look at all the big Chinese companies that are either privately owned or publicly traded - Alibaba, OnePlus, DJI, Tencent, Xiaomi, etc.

And I certainly don't believe that spreading the ideology of communism is their endgame. The USSR used to pursue the proselytising of communism, but I don't think China cares.

China just wants power for themselves. Their endgame, in my view, is to make themselves as powerful as possible.

What does this have to do with my assertion that if you would rather China ran the world instead of the US then you're an idiot?

I think ultimately they would like to usurp the US. If the chance comes, they would love it. Until then they will just keep making themselves as powerful as possible to become as big of a counterweight against US authority as they can be.

if beijing wasn't trying to kill off their culture and people, they wouldn't be seperatists.

To ruin my life, apparently.

Just state capitalism. Closet communism if you ask me.

They've already more or less wiped out the Manchus, the Mongols are next and after the Tibetans and uyghurs are gone they'll start on the Cantonese and Dai people's of the south

I was kidding, dumb dumb.

Ever seen Starship Troopers?

>tfw no third generation fully assimilated chinese girl to teach me Wing Chun kung fu that slowly progresses from beating each other up to making out

Seeing how they are now colonizing Africa effectively...
And how Africans keep flooding Europe, I guess they want Africa to be niggerfree

They want hegemony, they want to be the unquestioned power, they want what they see as their right as the "middle country" to be at the centre and in control of the affairs upon which the world rotates.

there are known agents in those places that takes american money for these movements and that is a threat to the legitimacy of the ccp, if you beg from the wrong people you will get your due. the ccp is pretty strict with american intervention in the country

china also have tajiks and other central asian people but the cia do not consider them to be useful to their plot, and just because cia may have stop directly contributing the chinese are wary of any influence that money may have had

this isn't about cultural elimination as there are plenty of other ethnic muslims that are not going through brainwashing like the hui and so on

of course it is unfair to pick on any uyghur but china fear islamic fundamentalism more than america, those people have been there for centuries and they could technically declare jihad if they wanted to
the progression is to make more companies private with meritocratic influence within the party
the manchu adapted the han culture themselves, they eliminated themselves, a long time ago during the conquest of during the first aixinjueruo, he exiled some of the clans of manchus that did not heel to his dominion to the western border, they still speak a varient of manchu today, at the time they could no longer call themselves manchu so the dialect is named for the biggest clan, every ethnic province in china have local channel in minority language/dialect, you can hear some manchu dialect on youtube, that is if you take back about cultural elimination because by rights and your understanding of ccp this can't be the case.

Where does sending all the rich little shits to ruin our universities and housing market fit in?

The housing market is pretty much what most rent seekers do i.e. wealth extraction coupled with individuals laundering money out of China.
With the universities knowledge is power they suppress information that is critical/harmful to them and gain intellectual capital.

Already got it right

World domination

Also you need to prove your ideology reigns supreme, not that it will reign supreme.

Simply speaking, you put a carrot in front of a donkey and guide it, you don't shout at the donkey with orders along with vague promises of a carrot.

That's absurd. China doesn't care about the cause of communism. They're not trying to spread communism to other countries, and they certainly don't care about the cause of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie.

Like so many countries before them, communism is just as an excuse to wield dictatorial power. "We're serving you, the people!", they say, from their ivory towers.

China only cares about enriching themselves and becoming as powerful as possible. They have embraced capitalism, leading to tons of new businesses springing up - like Alibaba, Tencent, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Oppo, DJI, etc. - who are now succeeding in world business. It's a strategy that is paying off and enriching China.

So I think you're completely wrong to say communism is their endgame. They don't care about ideology. They care about power. World domination is their endgame.


>With the universities knowledge is power they suppress information that is critical/harmful to them and gain intellectual capital.
They all cheat and don't actually learn anything except rote memorising exam answers.


that makes no sense, a carrot is a physical object, ideology is always ideology

it is relatively close, if the manchu language is lost you can reconstruct it from the sibe (the russians forey into the region was already filled by them that they named siberia after them, even though the came from jilin in china)

>Nurhaci, the founder of the Manchu people, routed the Sibe during the battle of Gure in 1593 on his way to founding the Qing dynasty of China. From that point, the Qing contracted the Sibe for logistical support against the Russian Empire's expansionism on China's northern border.[3] Crossley claims that the Sibe were so "well known to Russians moving toward the Pacific" that the Russians named Siberia after them.[5]

That's not true, I learn stuff

They are driving quite a bit of economic development and industrialization in countries a decade ago people only sought to extract resources from

I mean, they even worked with the frogs to build one of your nuclear reactors

Why within the party? That's not meritocratic. That's like the ANC handing white farm land in South Africa to party members that can't farm for shit.


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that makes no sense, party members can't farm
don't make analogies that makes no sense

party members are what westeners called elites, they are the generation that went to university when the rest of the country had to be redstributed to the countryside for reeducation after the cultural revolution, the party elites also studied in the west, they are exceptionally insular in their lives

the reason why they want famous entrepenuers in the party is the appease other smaller entrepreneurs about representation, this is not a strictly ideological stance about communism as the ccp is more worried about economic development than some doctrinal marxism, lol, how is this still an issue

ccp power is all in economic development and none in orthodoxy, the thing about controlling people for censor purposes is really to ease the redistribution of demographics for large scale human transfer to develop the rest of the country, if every person and their activty is registered than they can have an easier time to gage demographic efficency, it's brutal but literally the trumpian dream

We need countermeasures against Chinese terror. There is only one way to cope with them. We should increase ourselves. Our tools are locked and loaded.

I thought your country was in bed with China.

You both hate the West and you both have delusions of grandeur. You're perfect bedfellows.

Attached: xi and putin eating pancakes.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

Getting fucked to death by me.

Russians hate Chinese


2017 favourable at 70%

> A post a day keeps the Chinks away

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
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黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 東突厥斯坦

Global warming.