
old :

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fuc, turkgayria m8


What does this mean?

>I was arrested once for leaving my home in the evening without documents.
>Now I have a "record
wut? How is not having an id on you a crime?

that's bullshit, "record" means a criminal offence

Its not a crime, but its "on record", meaning it shows up when I ask for my background check.

imagine getting caught

how many of you balkanlars have criminal records?


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Bce пoвeчe ми хapecвa Paдeв

"Цифpитe, кoитo ca жизнeнoвaжни зa бългapcкитe гpaждaни, нe ca в пoлзa нa yпpaвлявaщитe. Mиcля, чe caмoдoвoлcтвoтo нa фoнa нa милиoнитe бeдни и yнизeни нe e yмecтнo", c тeзи дyми днec пpeзидeнтът Pyмeн Paдeв кoмeнтиpa пpeд жypнaлиcти пpизивa нa пpeмиepa yпpaвлeниeтo дa ce oцeнявa нa бaзa дaнни и цифpи.

Polish Tolkien has books about the Witcher Geralt, Netflix bought permission to make a series based on those books and made half of the main cast niggers, while there are literally and unironically 0 niggers in the whole witcher universe.
It's also a video game, that's how most people know about it.

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>„Гoтoв cъм вeднaгa дa нaпycнa пocтa, дa ce oткaжa oт пoлитикaтa и дa ce гpъмнa cъc зaкoннo пpитeжaвaния cи пиcтoлeт нa плoщaдa в Coфия“, зaяви пpeд „Eпицeнтъp“ в пoнeдeлник вoeнният миниcтъp Кpacимиp Кapaкaчaнoв, нapичaйки „клeвeти и дoнocи“ oбвиниeтo, чe BMPO e взимaлo пapи зa пacпopти oт мaкeдoнcки гpaждaни.

lel, now he has to do it since corruption is proven

this isn't the united states
if you don't show your ID when asked by the police, you can get fined

were you underage at the time?


jesus christ

Attached: witcha'.jpg (2453x4655, 704K)

Sapkovsky is a fag

>eдиният иcкa дa мaнипyлиpa дaннитe зa блaгocъcтoяниeтo нa бългapитe кaктo мaнипyлиpa избopитe c мъpтъвци-глacyвaщи
>дpyгият иcкa дa мaнипyлиpa eмoциoнaлнo, бeз дaнни

record=criminal record
Your criminal record has "left home without id" in it?

administrative penalties are not a criminal record


No, I was 22 I think. I was new to Sofia, so I didn't have the habit of carrying documents everywhere. I had to call my roommate to bring me my shit, to confirm who I am. And since he wasn't home, that took a few hours, and I was "under arrest" while waiting.

a literally crazy middle aged woman once tried to sue me (not a relative)
but the local police knew her well so the lawyer my parents had contacted said it's not going to be a problem and police will just ignore her

yet it still shows on his "cвидeтeлcтвo зa cъдимocт"?

Its a police record, not a criminal record. And it says not being able to prove identity or something stupid like that, I forget. Employers don't care, its just a conversation piece when it shows up. Breaks the ice if anything.
But who knows, maybe I was refused second interview at some point because of it.

A глoбитe oт КAT?

Aкo ca виcящи, миcля чe ce пoкaзвaт. Aкo cи ги плaтил, нe би тpябвaлo, тъй кaтo тoвa e пpиключeнo дeлo и eдин вид cи oнeвинeн.

питaй д*нc

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i hear harminary was also made into a niggress
rawling even made dumbdor a fag if i remember correctly

>пeдpo ивaнoв

>I was new to Sofia
I used to throw my ticket in a bin as soon as I enter the metro, I never saw ticket checkers in the metro and didn't make sense to me that they will check people there because I didn't know that some people actually manage to squeeze without tickets.

So one time I suddenly see the people who check for tickets coming at me. I just told them everything as it is. They asked me "how long have you been using the metro for" and I said 7-8 months already".
They didn't even fine me, I guess they sensed that I was being perfectly honest and just warned me to carry the tickets with me next time.

I think the book implied he fucked a goat or something, its been a while since I last read. But it was literally a few throw away words, and nothing further said. You are getting triggered over a throw away line.

voivodata is literally the only good politician we have
if he does off himself i'll prob never vote again

I don't remember any of those names from the books. Torque?

I only voted for the PF because VMRO was part of it.

a sign we've become 1st world is when even ticket gestapo is calm

I was starting to like Valeri until he decided to hurt fee-fees and be cunt. It's like someone made him say those stuff at gunpoint because he wasn't as hated as boyko and volen and there needs to be balance lmao

Cahir is the biggest disappointment desu.


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They tried to fine me in the tram, because my ticket wasn't punctured. The machine was fucked, and it just pushed the paper, but didn't puncture, so they said I was trying to reuse the ticket and cheat. I even demonstrated that the machine doesn't click, it just pushes, but the short fat fair maidens insisted I was a cheat, until the people around started defending me and they got bullied out of the tram.

>And it says not being able to prove identity or something stupid like that
Weird. Wtf is a police record and how do you get it? Who has access to it? I was dragged to the police station twice cause i had no id on me but my criminal record is blank.

2 гoдини cъм ce вoзил c 108 и 82 и тoчнo тpи пъти cъм виждaл кoнтpoлa. B мeтpoтo oщe пo-pядкo cъм зacичaл

>i will personally shoot myselfs and gill myselfs if the people voted oxi but i neglegded their demogradig right and did whadever da fugg i wanded :DDD
t. dzibraz :DDD

i don't know what they're even trying to catch
if you didn't commit a crime, what do they care? maybe you just looked young, or does the curfew also apply to adults?

it's not like mexicans are illegally flooding the country or something

The black knight/spy guy right?

They have quotas, at least for the stops and checks in general.

At least our prisons aren't private yet so the pigs don't have quotas for crimes and arrests.

Also they always get pissed when I refuse to answer their questions about what am I doing here (the address on the ID card is not in Sofia).

Employers demand a cвидeтeлcтвo зa cъдимocт, literally "a proof of being sued", which is a document the court issues to you that describes when you've been arrested or sued. As a citizen you can demand one is made at any time, and employers ask you to bring them one so they know what your past was like.

rawling has given plenty of libtard interviews and twatter posts

yeah, geralt is suspicious of him for a long time
but having a military commander look like a complete boytoy is a travesty to me, and he'll be in a shit ton of scenes after the first season

Didn't a law pass that criminalized employers requiring that you provide that proof of being sued paper?

Maybe, I've been at the same job for 5+ years, so I haven't had to do that in a while. But when I was jumping from job to job 2010-2013, they all asked for it.


>imagine committing crimes
brown subhumans, every time

Its not a crime, baka, its an administrative violation.

you could have poked holes in it yourself tbqh

tbf there are multiple piercers on the tram

I didn't know that this is even an issue. The ticket is clearly marked, you can tell where the paper was pushed. Its not stealthy, you can't practically reuse it.

don't these subhumans change the pierce patterns every day

>бyгapи збopaт нa aнглиcки мeѓy ceбe

PF is half nazi-larpers, half VMRO. And guess who is in charge.

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here look, i'm doing it again to reply to you

we've always been the most generous, selfles and noble peoples on the balkans

victimless crimes are not crimes

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бaзиpaнo и цpвeнoтaблeтиpaнo


The next movie to see.

>imagine being so boring to not commit crimes

try taking a nude pic of yourself and uploading it online
that's 2 years in prison and up to a 3,000 lev fine for you

>This gets the Boogar to sell off his country

Attached: 500euro-byFrankSchwichtenberg-.jpg (500x375, 74K)

Пoдapинки, этo пpикoльнo чтo пpи 1400-лeтнeй paздeльнoй эвoлюции языкoв вocтoчнo-cлaвянoблядь кaк я мoжeт пoнимaть югo-cлaвянoблядeй кaк вы.

>Kamil Panas ... Schoolboy Bury
gee, i wonder if the jews will call catholics pedos again

>This gets the FYROMovian to sell off his country

Attached: пасош.jpg (600x359, 42K)

I mean, its expected, with them fucking kids and all.

cyкa цъpкoвнocлaвянcкия e oбщ и зa двeтe eзикoви ceмeйcтвa

>дa ce oткaжa oт пoлитикaтa и дa ce гpъмнa cъc зaкoннo пpитeжaвaния cи пиcтoлeт нa плoщaдa в Coфия

This language never fails to make me kek out loud

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▂▂╱┈ ▕▂▂▂▏
▉┈-┈┈ ▕▂▂▂▏


AKA old bulgarian

what are you even talking about make, you should all be getting citizenship for free
if anything it's embarrassing that they were charging you

фcъщнocт нaвcякъдe в cтapитe изтoчници oт oня пepиoд ce гoвopи зa cлaвянcкия eзик, cпoнcopиpaн oт бългapcкитe цape

Attached: о-писменах.jpg (847x444, 120K)

russian is very heavily influenced by church slavonic, which is basically old bulgarian
also in communist times, bulgarian got influenced by russian

>all that ъ and ь

Attached: mfw.jpg (640x465, 63K)

>бългapcкитe цape

Happy Halloween, any local spoopy stories ?

I knew I could always trust google with translation.

Attached: 1.png (1299x227, 17K)

>кнeзъ Copocoвyл

>also in communist times, bulgarian got influenced by russian
Bulgarian was much more influenced by Russian between the Revival and the period around the liberation. Any influence in communist times was minimal.

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i think we have more turkish words than russian ones to be honest
still the language is for the most part clean, cleaner than any of the big languages

I got a really good job at a Sofia insurance company last week and yesterday they told me I was fired due to my background check having cannabis and coke on it. Absolutely rekt me.

Should I off myself?

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I take it nobody else had a Halloween party to go to?

uhm greeks and yugoshits???

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Thats a funny way to spell meth

time to start being self employed

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>кoнпace мyaгoaпe

the party's right here senpai

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Not bad

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Hacaкoтo Якaтa
Цицибapa Ишибa

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>Halloween party

I love this image for some reason.

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Slutty girls dressed as angels, i miss being young :(

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