>Hitler killed ethnic Poles for no real reason

Why did he do this? Apparently he said they were "racially inferior", but that's not true when you look at what's going on today in Poland.

It makes no logical sense.
The Poles weren't Jews that were destructing the Aryan race, and they were genetically close to Germans, so race-mixing wouldn't have mattered. It feels like Hitler just didn't like/trust Polish peoples, and he took no time to truly understand them.

Attached: Poland.png (1200x750, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how's your plumber job going pola?

and no, we aren't genetically close to Germans

You are genetically close to hohols. Welcome to the family, Mykola.

But you are

Italians are further away genetically from Germans than Poles are


Because of lebensraum and dumb feeling of superiority

Please, don't start another /pol related thread here :/

>wtf racism and lack of racial understanding is bad but only when I don't like it

It's infuriating that they would kill people that are almost their biological brother just because they, as a country, were economically superior due to their larger populace and amount of land.

It's asinine.

It's not always evil, and it can be a good thing.
But sometimes it is.

It's important that racism is understood and accepted so things like this don't happen.

That’s not saying much...

>It's infuriating that they would kill people that are almost their biological brother

Attached: fry.jpg (400x400, 14K)

>OP discovers Hitler was unhinged

It wasn't necessary.
There's a time when you need to kill to protect your people, and that wasn't it.

It was needless human suffering.
All of it done by a fool.

Stalin killed 130 000 people with Polish surnames in 1937-1938, most of whom have never been to Poland and didn't even speak the language. He was paranoid they were "Polish spies". NKVD agents would go to the city, open a local telephone book, check out those people with Polish surnames, then arrest them and execute them, after they confessed to being Polish spies under torture.

>Hitler stated that the destruction of the weak and sick is far more humane than their protection

That's not even true.
You just have to keep them from replicating themselves, and it's fine. The weak and the sick still desire life. I have extreme doubts about Hitler's reasoning ability.

Even if his IQ was 130, his brain was muddled by desire

Based [X]
Redpilled [X]


Poles attacked German radio station
Although he despised war, Hitler had no choice but to defend his people

Poor Adi, always misunderstood.

True and redpilled.

In fact, all bürgerkraut conquests were in rightful self-defence if you look at it;
>France: they declared war first
>The Anglo: same
>Norway: they were an anglo pawn about to be occupied by the anglo as well
>Belgium and Holland: anglo & french puppets that wouldn't hesitate to attack Hitlerland when ordered to by their masters
>Baltics: they were actually liberated
>Russia: was about to treacherously backstab Hitlerland anyway
>Italy: literally backstab Germany
>Yugoslavia: prime example of anglo perfidious puppeteering
>etc: that too

The bürgerkraut is always the victim

You don't really know European politics, do you?

>Poles attacked German radio station

You mean that famous failed German provocation in Gliwice radio station?